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According to AP were expected to tie up Cammy Smith till the end of the season this week. Strangely though it says loan extension. I was under the impression he was out of contract at Dundee United and surplus to requirements. 

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24 minutes ago, ayrunitedfw said:

According to AP were expected to tie up Cammy Smith till the end of the season this week. Strangely though it says loan extension. I was under the impression he was out of contract at Dundee United and surplus to requirements. 

I'm happy either way. 👍

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1 hour ago, ayrunitedfw said:

According to AP were expected to tie up Cammy Smith till the end of the season this week. Strangely though it says loan extension. I was under the impression he was out of contract at Dundee United and surplus to requirements. 

I can only think that it’s down to him still being a Dundee United player when he agreed the extension, likely just transfer protocol 

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1 hour ago, pandarilla said:

Quite a tetchy interview between lachlan and mccall.

There's clear respect there but a couple of digs as well. You could tell the big man was raging when mccall left.

I thought it was good humoured. McCall is that kind of guy to call a spade a spade and Lauchlan seems similar. I was wishing it went on longer. Like McCall said, thought the  first half of football that you guys played against us was still the best of any team that I've seen at Alloa. It would've been really interesting to see what would've happened had he not upset your season and jumped ship to Partick. Maybe it wouldn't have been called as PPG because Ayr would still have been in the title race.

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2 hours ago, LeodhasXD said:

I thought it was good humoured. McCall is that kind of guy to call a spade a spade and Lauchlan seems similar. I was wishing it went on longer. Like McCall said, thought the  first half of football that you guys played against us was still the best of any team that I've seen at Alloa. It would've been really interesting to see what would've happened had he not upset your season and jumped ship to Partick. Maybe it wouldn't have been called as PPG because Ayr would still have been in the title race.

My favourite bit was when Cameron quipped "You shouldn't have left then!" It was good humoured, although if McCall were chocolate he would eat himself. "We were top of the league when I left." Aye, Ian after 5 games!


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I thought it was good humoured. McCall is that kind of guy to call a spade a spade and Lauchlan seems similar. I was wishing it went on longer. Like McCall said, thought the  first half of football that you guys played against us was still the best of any team that I've seen at Alloa. It would've been really interesting to see what would've happened had he not upset your season and jumped ship to Partick. Maybe it wouldn't have been called as PPG because Ayr would still have been in the title race.
We absolutely battered Partick a couple of weeks later under kerr at Somerset.

But things have went downhill since then.
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19 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

We absolutely battered Partick a couple of weeks later under kerr at Somerset.

But things have went downhill since then.

Aye that game was honestly the last time i remember us playing that high press/intensity, fast flowing, tippy tappy football and it being a joy to watch.

Since then it has just been bogged down turgid football, looks like every player has a tonne slab of concrete they're pulling behind them. 

Honestly think Kerr does himself not many favours by being over tactical and a bit too football manager like IMO, suppose though that's what you're going to get when his number 2 is a sports scientist. All those statistical tactics stuff,  heaven for guys like McCardle.

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I really don’t think Kerr and McArdle go overboard with the whole tactical thing although it’s easy to think that when you’ve hear comments about the laptop or when you get coaches who’ve never played the game before.

I think they’ll definitely pay a lot more attention to player fitness and positioning given we now use the GPS tech during games and training but I doubt he’s giving the players complicated instructions that they can’t follow.

I genuinely believe he’s going to get it right and we just need to be patient with him. I think it’s important that David Smith clearly sees him as part of the clubs long term plans so there’s definitely faith in him from the board.

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9 hours ago, D'Jaffo said:

I really don’t think Kerr and McArdle go overboard with the whole tactical thing although it’s easy to think that when you’ve hear comments about the laptop or when you get coaches who’ve never played the game before.

I think they’ll definitely pay a lot more attention to player fitness and positioning given we now use the GPS tech during games and training but I doubt he’s giving the players complicated instructions that they can’t follow.

I genuinely believe he’s going to get it right and we just need to be patient with him. I think it’s important that David Smith clearly sees him as part of the clubs long term plans so there’s definitely faith in him from the board.

While I admire your blind faith and hope you are right there is nothing to suggest Mark Kerr is going to get it right. 

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The team hasn’t clicked all season.

Kerr had a huge rebuild job, and we have lost the best team we had for a generation.

It’s back to square one and we need to build from here.

But what a starting point for a rebuild - not too bad - mid table championship as opposed to near bottom league 1.

It’s a cyclical sport, as we all know, but we need to remember that and give him time.

If not, we will stumble on and on and on like Man Utd, treading water and getting nowhere.

What I do feel strongly is that he needs support from an old head - just like Frank Lampard does at Chelsea.

You need to gain experience or tap into it - you can’t just make it up in your head

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Im hoping that Kerr knows from his experience as a player that we have an "A" game that works well on good pitches of the fast flowing passing game, but as per every season under McCall as soon as winter hits we went to pieces as we didn't have a plan "B"

So far Kerr has only really been in charge in winter and Im just hoping that he has been trying to implement this plan B, and as soon as we get back to decent pitches we revert back to our normal fast flowing game - otherwise the style of play that Kerr wants is extremely dull. It also doesn't seem to suit the players we have either - you get the feeling we are set up to play with a big target man yet dont play one / dont have one.

You also get the impression with a lot of young managers they are driven by  fear of losing rather than wanting to win. Last season we ground out wins in Inverness where most people said under McCall we would have lost, but I think the majority would prefer a much more attacking style. 


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1 hour ago, AUFC 1910 said:

It’s a cyclical sport, as we all know, but we need to remember that and give him time.

If not, we will stumble on and on and on like Man Utd, treading water and getting nowhere.

There's a big difference "treading water" in the Championship as opposed to League 1 though surely? I think if you'd given us a 5,10 and 15 year plan when we were at our lowest ebb as a club, then we're well on track and arguably even exceeding expectation. 

I get it that some people are perhaps looking at the last 6 months, year or something more short term. I do get those inconsistencies. 

As a club, with someone of the calibre of David Smith behind us, there's plenty to be positive about surely? And that's even before you throw in an unprecedented global pandemic into the equation to bring its own uncertainties. 

Cyclical? Yes very much so. Kerr, like any other manager, will ultimately  stand or fall by results. It's that simple in the short term. 

We should however, place as much emphasis on the medium and long term positivity that we have going for us as both a club and support base. 

Under Lachlan you could argue that once he'd progressed us back to the Championship, there was always a huge risk of us treading water. As much as we have to thank him and his family for keeping the club alive, there was always an element of him keeping things ticking over until a  white Knight of suitable repute, came to the rescue with a long term vision. 

We have that now, not many clubs can say that in the current climate. Let's give everybody a fair crack of the whip to see if we can kick on and see where it takes us. 

As much as a defeat last week, next week, or the week after might sting, there's got to be an element of comfort in the bigger picture surely? 

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13 hours ago, rb123! said:

Aye that game was honestly the last time i remember us playing that high press/intensity, fast flowing, tippy tappy football and it being a joy to watch.

Since then it has just been bogged down turgid football, looks like every player has a tonne slab of concrete they're pulling behind them. 

Honestly think Kerr does himself not many favours by being over tactical and a bit too football manager like IMO, suppose though that's what you're going to get when his number 2 is a sports scientist. All those statistical tactics stuff,  heaven for guys like McCardle.

Is McCardle actually a sports scientist?  I thought he was more of a data analyst/head of youth previously.  He certainly doesn't mention sports science on his LinkedIn in previous jobs? 

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3 hours ago, ayrunitedfw said:

While I admire your blind faith and hope you are right there is nothing to suggest Mark Kerr is going to get it right. 

There's one thing only that points to it going wrong and that is the defensive collapses, personally I think that is a personnel issue rather than coaching.  Outside of those moments we fluctuate between being strong, on top and at worst competitive.  

Saying that, the Livi game was massive tactical f**k up even if Livi have went on a good run since.  

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