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15 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Are you new to football?

Earlier this season our defence looked hellish but then we went on a run of clean sheets that took everyone by surprise.

A couple of years ago shankland went from unplayable to a bit meh after what seemed like a relatively minor injury.

Things change... Literally all the time.

No-one in here is happy with the team at the moment, and there's clearly a few big problems. But losing the heid isn't going to fucking help. Wind your neck in.

Am I new to football? Must be if 2 wins in 11 at any level doesn’t get scrutiny and is seen as acceptable. 

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You could see the frustration in Anderson every week, especially after getting subbed off at Arbroath. I actually felt sorry for him because there's definitely a decent player in there but the service he received was shocking. Kerr must've thought he was drinan as it was constant long balls up to him which he had no chance of winning

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9 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

've calmed down a bit. The manner of that performance has really irritated me. 2 cardinal sins committed:

Conceding one goal soon after another and Conceding a goal just after we scored.

Let's face it, Kerr will not be sacked and will get January to bring in reinforcements and I expect will get to seasons end. We really dont have enough character in the team, too many passengers, too many shirkers and too many happy to be second to the ball or where the ball isn't. Not enough willing to take responsibility.

We missed our only player with a bit of fire in Muirhead today. Leadership is an issue, especially to talk what is a young defence through the game. As a minimum, we need to go out and sign 3 starters (centre half, centre midfielder and a centre forward). Experience required in midfield and defense. The spine of our team is currently jelly.

This needs addressed in January which won't be easy. Our fixtures are all pretty tough after Alloa so we need to get our shit together and fast or we'll be staring at the relegation play offs rather than the promotion ones. I wouldn't be averse to a bigger clear out but its a hard thing to do in January. 

My patience hangs by a solitary thread. I am so disenchanted right now. 

Edited 1 minute ago by Trogdor

I’m pretty much in agreement with the above  . The spine of the team needs replaced . Getting this done in the winter window and with the quality desired is going to be tough . If we have the perfect widow we’d be looking at a player coach at centre half , and old head in central midfield and a big aggressive centre forward . If we could throw money at it then it would help . But if we can’t there must be another Stevie Bell or Andy Geggan kicking a ball in the lower divisions . Surely Kerr has contacts . Anderson is gone and more financial mitigation needs to take place , so Roscoe ta ta perhaps Zanatta as well . McKenzie out on loan etc .

While the current fiasco is horrible and hard to bare , we’ve been here many times before . Dalziel needed Ian Munro , McCall needed Sandy Stewart .Lets get Kerr the support he needs and let’s get it fast . The Alloa and Elgin games are approaching and both need to be won . The current bunch will f**k up both games , So we have between 7 and 10 days to sort this out . 

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2 minutes ago, THEHonestman1910 said:

But where can you see the progress? 

As things stand this is just our 3rd season back in the Championship. Progress for us has to be seen to be stabilising, building and hopefully in time trying to build for promotion (via the playoffs probably). 

The club now being financially able means we can offer 2 year contracts which are huge at our level of the game, regardless of what others may say. 

A season finishing 6th or 7th doesn't suddenly mean the wheels are off the bogey. Setbacks happen at all levels of the game. Poor results and performances will occur, it's upto the management team to put things right and make the decisions that need made in the short term. Its the directors who make the long term decisions. 

Recent interviews would indicate that Kerr knows this and will try to implement change. We'll see. If it's not working then the time to change the manager isn't after the first game of a New Year. 

Its not been an overwhelming season, I get that, but what can't be denied is that there's always a bigger picture and we're in a far better position than a lot of "bigger" or similarly sized clubs than ourselves. 

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12 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Are you new to football?

Earlier this season our defence looked hellish but then we went on a run of clean sheets that took everyone by surprise.

A couple of years ago shankland went from unplayable to a bit meh after what seemed like a relatively minor injury.

Things change... Literally all the time.

No-one in here is happy with the team at the moment, and there's clearly a few big problems. But losing the heid isn't going to fucking help. Wind your neck in.

This is a very good point, maybe it's an age thing ??

The reason I say this, is that our current position is still pretty much as good as it's been in the past 35 years, Yes, we've just had a couple of very exciting and by recent standards exceptional seasons which maybe makes recent results and performances seem much worse, however even in our bad days we're still doing much better than we were just a few years back when we were just a couple of bad results away from League 2 and looking up with envy at sides like Brechin, Dumbarton & Berwick !! (no disrespect intended).

Think back folks, to when signing a 35 year old League 1 journeyman was the height of our ambitions as opposed to having a side with U21 internationalists and fringe 1st team players from the top sides in the country.

Yes, things are not great at the moment but it just shows how far we've come when mid table in the Championship is angering and disappointing so many people.


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2 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

This is a very good point, maybe it's an age thing ??

The reason I say this, is that our current position is still pretty much as good as it's been in the past 35 years, Yes, we've just had a couple of very exciting and by recent standards exceptional seasons which maybe makes recent results and performances seem much worse, however even in our bad days we're still doing much better than we were just a few years back when we were just a couple of bad results away from League 2 and looking up with envy at sides like Brechin, Dumbarton & Berwick !! (no disrespect intended).

Think back folks, to when signing a 35 year old League 1 journeyman was the height of our ambitions as opposed to having a side with U21 internationalists and fringe 1st team players from the top sides in the country.

Yes, things are not great at the moment but it just shows how far we've come when mid table in the Championship is angering and disappointing so many people.


Very well put 😊

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5 minutes ago, BukyOHare said:

As things stand this is just our 3rd season back in the Championship. Progress for us has to be seen to be stabilising, building and hopefully in time trying to build for promotion (via the playoffs probably). 

The club now being financially able means we can offer 2 year contracts which are huge at our level of the game, regardless of what others may say. 

A season finishing 6th or 7th doesn't suddenly mean the wheels are off the bogey. Setbacks happen at all levels of the game. Poor results and performances will occur, it's upto the management team to put things right and make the decisions that need made in the short term. Its the directors who make the long term decisions. 

Recent interviews would indicate that Kerr knows this and will try to implement change. We'll see. If it's not working then the time to change the manager isn't after the first game of a New Year. 

Its not been an overwhelming season, I get that, but what can't be denied is that there's always a bigger picture and we're in a far better position than a lot of "bigger" or similarly sized clubs than ourselves. 

Excellent post sir.

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5 minutes ago, BukyOHare said:

As things stand this is just our 3rd season back in the Championship. Progress for us has to be seen to be stabilising, building and hopefully in time trying to build for promotion (via the playoffs probably). 

The club now being financially able means we can offer 2 year contracts which are huge at our level of the game, regardless of what others may say. 

A season finishing 6th or 7th doesn't suddenly mean the wheels are off the bogey. Setbacks happen at all levels of the game. Poor results and performances will occur, it's upto the management team to put things right and make the decisions that need made in the short term. Its the directors who make the long term decisions. 

Recent interviews would indicate that Kerr knows this and will try to implement change. We'll see. If it's not working then the time to change the manager isn't after the first game of a New Year. 

Its not been an overwhelming season, I get that, but what can't be denied is that there's always a bigger picture and we're in a far better position than a lot of "bigger" or similarly sized clubs than ourselves. 

I don’t think anyone would be remotely unhappy at finishing 6th or 7th.  But that’s not where we’re heading right now.

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Well I am shocked to see [mention=43879]pandarilla[/mention] and  [mention=39137]WATTOO[/mention] at their happy clapping usual

People not being quick to demand Kerr being sacked doesn’t make them happy clappers.

I genuinely think he should be allowed until the end of the season to sort it out.
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2 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

People not being quick to demand Kerr being sacked doesn’t make them happy clappers.

I genuinely think he should be allowed until the end of the season to sort it out.

He’s not going to sort it out. We’re going down with nothing more than a whimper. 

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3 minutes ago, BukyOHare said:

As things stand this is just our 3rd season back in the Championship. Progress for us has to be seen to be stabilising, building and hopefully in time trying to build for promotion (via the playoffs probably). 

The club now being financially able means we can offer 2 year contracts which are huge at our level of the game, regardless of what others may say. 

A season finishing 6th or 7th doesn't suddenly mean the wheels are off the bogey. Setbacks happen at all levels of the game. Poor results and performances will occur, it's upto the management team to put things right and make the decisions that need made in the short term. Its the directors who make the long term decisions. 

Recent interviews would indicate that Kerr knows this and will try to implement change. We'll see. If it's not working then the time to change the manager isn't after the first game of a New Year. 

Its not been an overwhelming season, I get that, but what can't be denied is that there's always a bigger picture and we're in a far better position than a lot of "bigger" or similarly sized clubs than ourselves. 

Right okay, this is our third season in the Championship, the last 2 seasons we were comfortable top 4. Now with Mark Kerr's first full season, we don't look anyway near that. 

Whilst 6th or 7th may not be the worst position in the world, I can honestly see us slipping away from those positions at the current rate. 

Interviews since Kerr became manager has been him saying that he done a lot of coaching before getting the job and it's just so happens that we've just played our first game in 2021.

We're not in a better position than a lot of clubs that are similar sized, you just have to look at Livingston and Hamilton for that.   

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15 minutes ago, Ayr23 said:

We're barely in games. Most half hearted performances I've seen from an Ayr side in years. QoS could have scored a few more today. And within a month we could very well be bottom. Is sticking with a failing manager until we are marooned at the bottom of the table good for the long term progression of our club?

Can we trust Kerr to bring in the goods in the January transfer window? I'm not sure.

We most definitely have been in games, we've been leading at some point in 5 of our 6 away games this season. Hardly a sign of a team that haven't been in games. Teams that aren't in games take hammering from the opposition. 

I've identified previously the inexperience of the back 4 and goalkeeper and still stand by that. A goal threat wouldn't go amiss either. 

Despite what folk would have you believe, things COULD be a lot worse. 

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This is a very good point, maybe it's an age thing ??
The reason I say this, is that our current position is still pretty much as good as it's been in the past 35 years, Yes, we've just had a couple of very exciting and by recent standards exceptional seasons which maybe makes recent results and performances seem much worse, however even in our bad days we're still doing much better than we were just a few years back when we were just a couple of bad results away from League 2 and looking up with envy at sides like Brechin, Dumbarton & Berwick !! (no disrespect intended).
Think back folks, to when signing a 35 year old League 1 journeyman was the height of our ambitions as opposed to having a side with U21 internationalists and fringe 1st team players from the top sides in the country.
Yes, things are not great at the moment but it just shows how far we've come when mid table in the Championship is angering and disappointing so many people.
Of course things are better than they have been at points during the last 15 years. And yes the last few seasons have been unusually exciting. But you saying that we've made no upwards progress for the past 35 years is very depressing.

We as supporters, and a club need to have more ambition! Look at Livingston, top half of the Premiership after beating Hibs 3-0 today, and they've been up and down the leagues over the past two decades. Meanwhile we've done absolutely nothing. Of course things were very grim financially after Barr and we suffered, but since then we've made no progress. I'm defining progress by league positions by the way.
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