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The P&B World Cup 2018 Sweepie Draw


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As Putin will no doubt have threatened everyone at FIFA with an horrific death involving their innards coming boiling out their arsehole if the host nation don't win, I think I'm quids in.

And I like the title "resident Rangers fan", I need to do something with that.....

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4 hours ago, KnightswoodBear said:

As Putin will no doubt have threatened everyone at FIFA with an horrific death involving their innards coming boiling out their arsehole if the host nation don't win, I think I'm quids in.

And I like the title "resident Rangers fan", I need to do something with that.....

Think “resident” means “half decent sensible at a push but is probably massively inwardly staunch”.

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The fact Div said f**k all when my name was picked out and then I got England absolutely stinks of corruption IMO

I'm sure I heard him laughing!!!
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Forgot all about this so sat and read the thread to get a gauge on who's left.  Couldn't see anybody mention Brazil, Germany or Spain so was feeling a bit cheery when I started the video.

Image result


I'm relying on a team which contains Christian Gamboa and who have only won one of their last 7 matches....which of course was against Scotland :lol:

Games against Serbia, Brazil and Switzerland - I'm confident of at least 0 points.

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