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Dee Man

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Having just seen the Iran players celebrate for about 10 minutes then have to hang about another 10 minutes* for a decision on whether their goal stood , I am initially of the opinion that VAR is ruining football. Any linesman should have immediately spotted that that was offside but they appear happy to bottle out of big decisions and let VAR decide.  Even when it went to VAR I would've expected that decision to be made immediately rather than the long delay. 

It's good that they're getting the big decisions right but I'm actually finding myself agreeing with those that say refereeing mistakes are part of the game and add to the drama despite always finding that argument ridiculous when video refereeing has been discussed in the past. 

This may be a reactionary post due to sitting watching the highlights after only 2 hours sleep due to the fucking washing machine engineer arriving a few hours after my nightshift ended so I could be tired and emotional, but I reckon this rugby pish needs to get in the sea. 

*exaggeration added for dramatic effect. 


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59 minutes ago, Highland Capital said:

The linesman has his flag up almost as soon as the ball hit the net.

I just watched it back and you're right. I told you I was tired.

Why does it go to VAR then? Are they going to start double-checking all big decisions? 

Just saw footage of Ronaldo gesturing for VAR after diving in the box. What a fud. 

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48 minutes ago, Blootoon87 said:

I hate VAR.

I think it adds a bit more drama but I'm not sure it's worth the hassle.  It's in danger of turning the game into more of a stop-start game like rugby or gridiron.

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I'm still not too sure about it. The incident mentioned in the OP was a difficult call. Not a player offside at initial free kick but when the knock on is a header it can be difficult to tell who has headered it.

I thought it made quite dramatic viewing watching the Iranians celebrate then wait around. It certainly was not 10 minutes as suggested though. 

The game could have maybe done with an Iranian goal at that point, but it was offside and shouldn't stand.

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VAR is shite. No one really wants to see all the big decisions given correctly, because half the fun is arguing the injustice of it all / goading those that have been wronged, and all singularly slating the ref for being fucking useless. It's just going to result in yet more stripping away of the atmosphere at games and further dehumanising football. Get it in the bin.

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3 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

If theres one thing VAR has taught us, its that referees are, on the whole, fucking shite.

I think the one thing it's taught us is that far fewer "soft" penalties are given than you might otherwise expect.

I think it's been great.

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Its not going to stop arguments and disputes though because people will still argue over whether it should be used or not. the oddest one for me was the Argentina v Iceland game when Argentina got a penalty they shoudn't have and didn't get one they should have got. If either had been reviewed it would have been obvious the ref got it wrong. No idea why they wern't reviewed

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MON the VAR. it has some teething problems but still better than blatantly wrong decisions runing games, I feel it adds an edge too. Hopefully in time it will stop shitebag diving and defenders wresting players in the box at set pieces.

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As expected it's sanitizing the game and the watching experience. The hundred camera angles caught a slight infringement, so we know what the ref is going to do.

The game thrives on drama, bad and contentious decisions, VAR is shite.

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5 hours ago, J_Stewart said:

VAR is shite. No one really wants to see all the big decisions given correctly, because half the fun is arguing the injustice of it all / goading those that have been wronged, and all singularly slating the ref for being fucking useless. It's just going to result in yet more stripping away of the atmosphere at games and further dehumanising football. Get it in the bin.

This but it's not just that.

VAR will become more and more prevalent for one reason - it's an advantage to the big teams.  The more decisions are 'corrected' with VAR, the less likely teams of lesser quality will be able to compete with teams of higher quality.

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I love watching a team go mental about an obvious injustice and watching it develop into a persecution complex, particularly when it's a team I hate, but VAR is an obvious improvement to applying the rules and teams are still going mental anyway.

Prior to the nonsense decision to give Australia a penalty today, which was an error on the part of the officials rather than the technology itself, every decision made using VAR has been correct and other than the disallowed Iran goal hasn't wasted much time. It's clearly working as it should and the problem hasn't been an over-reliance on it but referees failing to use it enough when they've missed something, such as the Argentina v Iceland game.

It's been a success and the salty tears from English pundits over it because their officials are too incompetent to work with an entirely simple and useful system are immensely pleasing.

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hafta say that it's not been as intrusive as I thought would be the case - certainly not based on the ponderous shambles that caused five minute delays when it was trialed over here, so from that point of view, not as catastrophic as had been suggested

that said - I'm very much in the camp that says that human error is an absolutely integral part of the game - whether it's the keeper dropping a soft one (leave it) over the line, a 250 grand a week striker sidefooting wide of an open goal from three feet out or the referee dropping a massive bollock during a cup semi final; if you are not going to address the players making glaring errors of judgement or execution, why do it with the refs

also, unless anyone cares to come up with research based on the entire recorded history of the game  which proves otherwise, i'm happy enough that the shit decisions do the evening-out over the duration thing - taking the rough with the smooth is part of the whole football watching experience IMO; you want perfection, stay at home and play it all out on FIFA and have a w**k over photoshopped images of surgically-enhanced airhead celebretarts - I'd rather have an afternoon of frothing fury over a dodgy offside decision and a filthy romp with a dirty girl - it's all about real life, not fantasy fiction with the nasty bits airbrushed out....

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