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What is the point of Labour ?


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I'd actually fancy a 3 way shoot out between Status Quo, pretendy devo max and Independence. As long as the caveat is highest percentage wins. I can see enhanced Devo actually splitting the No vote more. Independence, despite people being fooled would easily hit 45.... Other two options would be split.

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it's bordering on offensive the way they trot this out.  

the journalists that attempt to punt this were too busy laying into independence during the referendum (a result that was never really likely at any point) that they utterly failed to hold Westminster's feet to the fire on a real devo max deal when it actually could have been wrung out of them.  

The MSM failed Scotland for that reason more than any other in my opinion over the course of that campaign.  Quite happy to push a flimsy front page a few days before the vote.  A disgrace.


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Desperate attempt of a get out clause for when they are asked should Scotland have indyref2 in the next Scottish parliament term in the upcoming election. 

Labour won't want to be associated with the Tories by saying no and parroting the same lines. They can now say we will wait on the findings of the devolution commission lead by Gordon Brown.  

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Desperate attempt of a get out clause for when they are asked should Scotland have indyref2 in the next Scottish parliament term in the upcoming election. 
Labour won't want to be associated with the Tories by saying no and parroting the same lines. They can now say we will wait on the findings of the devolution commission lead by Gordon Brown.  

Then 18 months later Gordon “North Britain” Brown declares everything’s just great and we all love the Union just the way it is. Now everyone wave your wee flag and hang some bunting for Brexit and the Queens jubilee,
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On 02/07/2018 at 03:32, pawpar said:

Much as I hate the tory party (and christ do I do) you have to give them credit for a couple of things.

1. They have stupid unionists voting for them despite the fact Scotland is going to shit.

2. They think brexit is a good thing for the UK and bring stupid unionists to think the same and

3. They love austerity.


Which brings me to my main point what is the difference between the Conservative and Labour Parties when it comes to policy as there is no difference between them when it comes to the above 3 policies..

At least the tories have the balls to admit the above while labour gets all drunk and says I love you, you are my best friend then cuts your balls off.

So I ask you what is the point of Labour. ? (Anybody mentioning socialism and helping the poor considering they abstain when it comes to a vote on austerity will be ignored.)




I've been considering and deliberating over this opening post since July 2018 and have now decided to award you a greenie.

It's not been an easy decision but please go forth and rejoice at this news!

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Admittedly there is no 'detail' yet on what this means, and any commission obviously has to publish its proposals pretty soon....is it essentially full fiscal control for Scotland with only really defence and foreign policy retained or not? Otherwise its a non-starter.

Worth noting that two-thirds in a good sized poll said they wouldnt want Indy Ref 2 before Covid is sorted out though.


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1 minute ago, Jedi said:

Admittedly there is no 'detail' yet on what this means, and any commission obviously has to publish its proposals pretty soon....is it essentially full fiscal control for Scotland with only really defence and foreign policy retained or not? Otherwise its a non-starter.

Worth noting that two-thirds in a good sized poll said they wouldnt want Indy Ref 2 before Covid is sorted out though.


I think current Labour thinking on devolution is not so much to empower a central parliament like Holywood but to 'Devolve' more powers to local authorities, metro mayors and the like. That allows them to claim a mantle of localist disaggregated power, and also circumvent the central layer between Westminster and LAs that are too small to form a counterweight to London power and where Labour might still be competitive.

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Agree that it might focus on the metro mayors, LA's across England. 

I don't think it is a 'Vow 2', though....that was cooked up at the last minute on the back of Yes hitting 51% in a weekend poll in 2014.

Just as 'material circumstances' have changed to enable a 2nd Indy Ref off the back of Brexit, that also applies to devolution. In other words there is scope to say that devolution has to be greatly extended, as the UK is a very different place politically from 2014.

You cant have one material change only to suit Indy, and not also devolution.


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It must be every year now since 1884, just under a different name. Devomax, home rule, federalism...nobody's listening kier.
I see he's got big Gordon with him, I don't suppose the media will have the balls to ask him if this means the vow wasnt delivered. 

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The ridiculous 'devo max' nonsense has been fucked by Labour themselves.

Their constant lies, condescension to and patronising of the Scottish electorate has made them so comically untrustworthy. 

Good, as 'devo max' can f**k so far off.

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1 hour ago, Jedi said:

Agree that it might focus on the metro mayors, LA's across England. 

I don't think it is a 'Vow 2', though....that was cooked up at the last minute on the back of Yes hitting 51% in a weekend poll in 2014.

Just as 'material circumstances' have changed to enable a 2nd Indy Ref off the back of Brexit, that also applies to devolution. In other words there is scope to say that devolution has to be greatly extended, as the UK is a very different place politically from 2014.

You cant have one material change only to suit Indy, and not also devolution.


Starmer is against even extending the Brexit transition period during this almighty spike in a public health crisis. The material change was getting dragged out of the EU against our will. How will Starmer's diluted to the point of homeopathy solution sort that?

Edited by welshbairn
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