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The normalisation of the far-right continues

Guest Bob Mahelp

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5 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:


Fucking grim stuff.


More than grim, it’s fucking disgusting.  Violence is not the answer but it’s a visceral reaction when you see c***s like that pouring out their vile.  I pity her kids.

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Fucking grim stuff.

I watched this earlier today and felt disgusted by it.
I would like to know what hotel allows people to ‘legally’ enter it so they can go round knocking on all the doors.
It may have terrified some of the people in there who are probably fleeing from situations overseas that we have been responsible in causing and a knock on the door can be something that is dreaded.
It is a sad reflection of the UK today that some people have been so brainwashed that they see asylum seekers as such a problem. If they are such concerned taxpayers as they state I suggest that they look at the tax avoidance and evasion that’s going on as the real scandal in these islands. I wonder why they don’t! IMG_0113.jpg
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Murdoch and a rival bunch of Nazis are looking to start a UK version of Fox News.


Rival efforts are under way to launch a Fox News-style opinionated current affairs TV station in Britain to counter the BBC.

One group is promising a news channel “distinctly different from the out-of-touch incumbents” and has already been awarded a licence to broadcast by the media regulator, Ofcom, under the name “GB News”. Its founder has said the BBC is a “disgrace” that “is bad for Britain on so many levels” and “needs to be broken up”.

A rival project is being devised in the headquarters of Rupert Murdoch’s British media empire by the former Fox News executive David Rhodes, although it is unclear whether it will result in a traditional TV channel or be online-only.


Both are pitching to a perceived gap in the market for opinionated video output fuelled by growing distrust of the BBC among some parts of its audience, especially on the political right over culture war issues such as Brexit and whether Rule, Britannia! should be sung at the Last Night of the Proms.

The prize is twofold: the political influence that would come with breaking the BBC and Sky’s control of British rolling news, along with the potential profits if it is possible to replicate some of the enormous audiences that tune in to watch opinionated talkshow hosts in the US, where Fox News is hugely profitable.

GB News is the work of a company called All Perspectives, controlled by two British-American executives who are associated with the US billionaire John Malone. Known as the “cable cowboy”, Malone chairs Liberty Global, the owner of Virgin Media, as well as the parent company of the Discovery television network.

Andrew Cole, one of the co-founders of GB News, also sits on the board of Liberty Global. He told the Guardian he hoped to be able to discuss the project in September, but he has previously made clear his views on the broadcasting landscape.


He told his LinkedIn followers that the BBC was “possibly the most biased propaganda machine in the world” and to “watch out for announcements of famous presenters and the launch of a completely new TV news channel for the UK – one that will be distinctly different from the out-of-touch incumbents”. He added: “The people need and want this new perspective.”


Sources with knowledge of the project suggested GB News was in discussions with Discovery about a tie-up, with the potential for an announcement in September. It has a licence in place and while this does not guarantee the channel will make it to air – or that it will be called GB News – it means Ofcom has been provided with the outline business case, distribution plans and intended audience. Discovery declined to comment.

The challenge both projects face is the UK’s strict broadcast rules on due impartiality, enforced by the media regulator. One possible route around them is to follow the lead of the radio station LBC, which has achieved record audiences by realising that the rules can be interpreted to allow strongly opinionated presenters, so long as they are balanced out elsewhere in the schedule with alternative viewpoints.


A similar model has been followed by Piers Morgan’s outbursts on ITV’s Good Morning Britain, which regularly become talking points online and drive substantial traffic to tabloid newspapers. News UK’s TalkRadio has pushed this tactic further, with regular debates on culture war hot topics rapidly turned into clips shared on social media.


Rhodes, who was hired by News UK in the spring and most recently served as president of CBS News, is said by sources at the company to have the backing of Lachlan Murdoch, the heir apparent to the business empire. He has been seen taking an interest in the TalkRadio model. A News UK spokesperson declined to comment on the suggestion that a fully fledged news channel was in the works but confirmed he was continuing to work on “video projects”.

One of the great unknowns of any such project is the role of Nigel Farage. The former Ukip leader left LBC amid staff anger over his comments on migrants crossing the Channel, but he has the potential to deliver a ready-made anti-BBC, pro-Brexit audience. He has recently appeared on the Sun’s YouTube channel and TalkRadio, both owned by News UK.


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41 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Murdoch and a rival bunch of Nazis are looking to start a UK version of Fox News.



Finally, about time right wingers were represented in the mainstream media.

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Did I read that right? Are they genuinely trying to imply that the BBC is the only source for news in the UK?  :1eye

That might play with folk back in the States, but the audience they're trying to attract actually live here and are aware of how many options there are. Still, should be fun to see the reports from the war-torn Muslim-run enclaves of Birmingham, and terrifying to see how many people choose to believe it.

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Guest Bob Mahelp

The right wing takeover continues, quietly slipping in under the covid and Brexit chaos.

-the electoral commission is being disbanded/reformed. No more awkward questions for the Tories to answer about Russian money.

-the head of the civil service is a friend of Johnson's. Forget about neutrality...something Cummings detests.

-the new head of the BBC was a member of the Tory party. His brief is to attack diversification. Code for 'make things easier for the right wing'. 

-newspapers reporting that foreign aid is to be scrapped.


As predicted, Cummings brief is destroy the institutions in the UK that he has always detested, and bring them under the control of a Tory government. It's going on a-pace. 

Edited by Bob Mahelp
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32 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

the new head of the BBC was a member of the Tory party. His brief is to attack diversification. Code for 'make things easier for the right wing'. 

Never heard of him but at least he has relevant experience, former acting Director General and head of BBC Worldwide. I thought they were going to appoint some halfwit from the Spectator like Toby Young.

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17 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Never heard of him but at least he has relevant experience, former acting Director General and head of BBC Worldwide. I thought they were going to appoint some halfwit from the Spectator like Toby Young.


I thought he was meant to be the former vice chairman of the Fulham Conservative branch, something that would immediately qualify him for such a high post within the BBC.

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12 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:


I'm a great believer in people having their own views but have always felt that certain tattoos shouldn't be allowed (says the man who has a tattoo of Che Guevara!).

I would have thought a lot of tattooists may have refused his request for that abomination.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The thought process involved to reach the conclusion that dildoing your own arse on camera will prove anything other than that you've always wanted to perform a public sex act.

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