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Calling Cards of Morons

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Anyone that goes "BOOOOOOOO !!!! " at the fitba.
Especially fans that boo players that have just been sporting in giving the ball back to the opposition after the game's been stopped to allow an injured player to get tratment
They might be saying Boooourns.
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Working in Glasgow >working in Edinburgh
Going out in Edinburgh > going out in Glasgow

Strange because I’d say it’s the exact opposite. I’m from darkest Fife originally but have lived and worked in the centre of Edinburgh for the last 7 years. I think that the nightlife here is absolutely horrendous and take any opportunity that comes my way for a night out in Glasgow.
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2 hours ago, Highland Capital said:

Folk declaring that they're 'signing off' social media for a while. 

A lass on my Facebook went through a spell of making a huge song a dance over the fact that she wouldn't be using Facebook on Sundays any more. Every Saturday there was half a dozen status updates reminding us all, and making sure we knew not to message her there. Monday morning, it was how overwhelmed she was at how much she had to catch up on but it was worth it because she'd freed herself from the tyranny etc. etc.

Eventually she stopped once she realised nobody gave a flying chuff either way.

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people who watch Harry Potter films (wait - there's more...) who mutter the >entire< dialogue under their breath, just loud enough for you to hear, and - when they get a word wrong - pause , rewind and replay the offending scene with the barely audible amendment having been made


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If you've ever been a grass.  I've worked with a few over the years (not been a victim of the Wallace myself) and they have this aura about them.  This quality where you just think 'you're a fucking snake m8.  A brown-nosing to the management snake'.

There's a guy in my current office like that.  Honestly you wouldn't even tell this cunt your name he's that bad.  Doesn't help when he sits next to the office manager and clearly always looks at folks screens to see if they're working or skiving.  Then would drop a wee Skype message to the manager next to him grassing on you.  I tend just to not interact with him at all possible.

What makes it worse is that he holds his position in the company in very high regard, something everyone else in the office, including the manager, don't.  Nor does payroll given he's on the same money as me.

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