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It's getting hot in here!


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17 minutes ago, highlandmac said:

Och,youre in the states,y'all will have Aircon,both in your homes&your massive SUVs,dry your eyes

I do not have a massive SUV, I have nothing to compensate for.

I was going to try to get some time on the practice range this morning but no way can I spend anything more than a few minutes outdoors in this.

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3 hours ago, Newbornbairn said:

The contrarian p***k has found another issue he can be contrarian about.


Mind you, his limp-brained observation that advertising doesn't alter behaviour will come as some surprise to the $600bn a year industry 😆

This is already over as a climate crisis. Now LoOk At MeEEe.

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16 hours ago, virginton said:

Advertising does not brainwash people into changing from an utterly shite holiday in Wales or Skegness to a fortnight in the Med. The purpose of that $600bn a year industry is to choose one business over another to meet their needs: in this case, to fly with Jet2, over easyJet, Ryanair etc. It doesn't generate the demand in the first place. 

This was clearly expressed in a post that you either failed to read for the sake of comprehension, or were too thick to understand. My money's on the latter. 

Yes, of course, because there's no location on earth that advertises and markets itself as a possible holiday destination to try and entice tourists and have them choose one location over the other, and travel agents certainly don't develop discounted package deals to try to tempt potential customers. That absolutely does not happen.


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3 hours ago, J_Stewart said:

Yes, of course, because there's no location on earth that advertises and markets itself as a possible holiday destination to try and entice tourists and have them choose one location over the other, and travel agents certainly don't develop discounted package deals to try to tempt potential customers. That absolutely does not happen.

Another limp-brained 'reading' of that post. How many billions of pounds of nefarious advertising!!!111!!! would be needed to make Bakhmut your holiday destination of choice this year? Or worse still, Cowdenbeath? 

As for 'discounted' package deals, the wallet inspector must live off your contributions.

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5 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:

It must be great being a World leading expert on so many different subjects.

I didn't realise that the General Nonsense section of a Scottish football forum was actually an international summit. Although the bar has never been low enough for you to make a relevant or worthwhile contribution to the site.

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16 minutes ago, virginton said:

I didn't realise that the General Nonsense section of a Scottish football forum was actually an international summit. Although the bar has never been low enough for you to make a relevant or worthwhile contribution to the site.

This is your epitaph. 

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I worked for over 7 years on setting up and managing the computing and storage infrastructure for the first modern day climate change prediction modelling for The Met Office  in Bracknell back circa 1990. 

What I learned back then from the scientists was very worrying. What I’m learning more recently has accelerated beyond those predictions. 

When we get increased sea temperatures like these it affects significantly the marine ecosystem:

Last month in UK : “Water temperatures are as much as 3 to 4C above the average for this time of year in some areas, according to analysis by Esa and the Met Office.The sea is particularly warm off the UK's east coast from Durham to Aberdeen, and off north-west Ireland.”


Just a few days ago in Florida:


“The surface ocean temperature around the Florida Keys soared to 101.19F (38.43C) this week, in what could be a global record as ocean heat around the state reaches unprecedented extremes.

Normal water temperatures for the area this time of year should be between 73F and 88F (23C and 31C), according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa).“

We are already seeing climate refugees in many coastal regions of the world - not just in relation to the sea level rises that has wiped out their communities but also complete destruction of their natural food resources from the sea. 

We will continue to experience vastly different conditions across so many regions. 

Nova Scotia in last few days have experienced huge rainfall and flooding. 

The flooding comes less than two months after record-breaking wildfires ravaged more than 20,000 hectares (50,000 acres) of the province, including some of the same areas hit by torrential downpours in this latest bout of extreme weather.

Extreme rainfall has become more common and more intense due to human-caused climate change across most of the world, because warmer air can hold more water vapour.


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Thing is people spout pish like "It's always hot in Spain in the Summer", "Greece has had wildfires before", "There was a heatwave in 1976" etc etc


This was the heatwave in 76 -

Global Warming Warning | Charlton & Jenrick


Then we have Arctic sea ice melting 

Annual Arctic Sea Ice Minimum 1979-2020 with Area Graph - YouTube

The likes of Piers Morgan get all excited and point to 96, 08 and 13 and give it large about - "SeE - tHE icE CAps inCReAsed!" and the gammons and contrarians clap their hands and fart their appreciation without noticing the long term trend. 


Then we have this -



Edited by Newbornbairn
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13 minutes ago, Captain_Sensible said:

According to the Met Office’s State of U.K. Climate 2022 report, U.K. temperature between 1998 and 2007 averaged 9.35°C, compared to 9.44°C between 2013 and 2022, a statistically insignificant change.


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From the 2022 report -



Highlights of the 2022 report

The report reviews the climate and significant meteorological events of the year. 2022 was a year of extremes and the report shows how in 2022, the UK experienced the knock-on effect of increasing global temperatures. 

  • The UK climate continues to change, but UK temperature extremes are changing much faster than average *based on 1960 to 2022 UK daily average maximum and minimum temperature 

  • 2022 was a record warm year for the UK, made more likely by climate change 

  • In 2022, the UK received 6% below average rainfall (1991 – 2020), but there has been a slight increase in heavy rainfall in recent decades. 

  • Sea level around the UK has risen by 18.5cm since 1900’s, but the rate is increasing with over 60% of this (11.4cm) occurring over the past 30 years 



Directly from the report -



The UK's climate continues to change. Recent decades have been warmer, wetter and sunnier than the 20th century.
The observations show that in the UK extremes of temperature are changing much faster than the average temperature.
The UK has warmed at a broadly consistent but slightly higher rate than the observed change in global mean temperature.
The UK's record warm year of 2022 and unprecedented July heatwave were both made more likely by climate change.
Land temperature
2022 was the warmest year in the UK series from 1884, 0.9°C above the 1991–2020 average. It was the first year to record a UK annual mean temperature above 10°C.
40°C was recorded in the UK for the first time during a heatwave which exceeded previous records by a large margin.
Winter, spring, summer and autumn 2022 were all ranked in the top 10 warmest seasons for the UK in series from 1884 (winter from 1885).
All the top-10 warmest years for the UK in the series from 1884 have occurred in the 21st century.
The most recent decade (2013–2022) has been on average 0.3°C warmer than the 1991–2020 average and 1.1°C warmer than 1961–1990. This is the warmest 10-year period in both the UK series from 1884 and CET series from 1659.
Half of the years, more than one in three of the constituent seasons, and almost one in four of the constituent months within the most recent decade (2013–2022) have been within the top 10 warmest in the UK series from 1884 (winter from 1885).
Air and ground frost
The numbers of air and ground frosts in 2022 were below the 1991–2020 average although neither were exceptionally low.
The most recent decade (2013–2022) has had 4%/7% fewer days of air and ground frost than the 1991–2020 average, and 15%/23% fewer than 1961–1990.


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The Met Office frequently promotes temperature ‘records’ at airports like Coningsby, Heathrow and Northolt, which are filled with concrete, tarmac, machinery and jet exhaust. It is difficult to think of worst places to take readings designed to provide an accurate record of U.K. trends. Furthermore, the heat distortions caused by growing urbanisation have undoubtedly corrupted datasets.

The Met Office has retrospectively added over 30% heating to the record over the last 20 years, while removing similar amounts of heating from the period 1850-1900 to produce a century long heating trend.

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2 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

Aye all that concrete, tarmac and urbanisation in the Arctic. Hellish state of affairs.

That's your wet dream isn't it? Concrete over the artic.

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