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Tony Blair on How to Stop Independence


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Reading earlier on there an article and Tony Blairs way to stop Independence from happening and his answer is wait for it "let's merge the football leagues of Scotland and England"

The mans a nutter and if he thinks thats the answer to stop it from happening he is deluded;



Tony Blair has warned that a hard Brexit could push Scottish independence ‘over the line’, as he suggested merging the English and Scottish football leagues in a bid to keep the union alive.

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2 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

You can really see why he can demand such high speaking fees can't you.

I would say its on a par with the same reason why there is a rejection of EU so lets have more of what we dont want to be part of as a result we wont have a national team  and SFA though that might not be a bad thing ..lol

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It's on a par with John Prescott saying in 2014 that if we just combined in international football, we could beat the Germans. Gordon brown hankered after a similar thing when he said gaza's goal against Scotland was the best he'd ever seen ( I paraphrase) . Its on the line of doing more to show our Britishness which led brown to talk of British jobs for british workers. I f I were to treat Blair's "suggestion" seriously it would surely also need to include the Welsh leagues and the Notrhern irish.? Were it to happen I can't imagine the EPL looking forward to seeing the administrative complexity. Where would the terrible twins of Scottish football begin this new future -League 2. Conference North?   Even European qualifying games in June would disappear for at least five seasons. At least it would keep Berwick in a more appropriate and local league?  Blair should just keep reminiscing about seeing Jackie Milburn

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40 minutes ago, AL-FFC said:

Reading earlier on there an article and Tony Blairs way to stop Independence from happening and his answer is wait for it "let's merge the football leagues of Scotland and England"

The mans a nutter and if he thinks thats the answer to stop it from happening he is deluded;



Tony Blair has warned that a hard Brexit could push Scottish independence ‘over the line’, as he suggested merging the English and Scottish football leagues in a bid to keep the union alive.

Teams not far North of the Tay don't want to travel to the Highlands. So how about Wednesday night in Cornwall?

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49 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

You can really see why he can demand such high speaking fees can't you.

Have you seen his wife? Anyone having to look at that harpy would be quite keen to get out of the house, speaking fee or no speaking fee.

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This is why BBC radio had that nonsense hands across the borders pish recently with concerts in each of the nations of the UK.  They are trying to make us think and feel British, literally want to wipe our Scottish identity out of existence.  Pure colonialism.

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full interview 


"Well, apart from the obvious, immediate thing of escaping from the problems of Brexit, I think we should think more carefully about how we have a British and UK identity and not just an English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh identity. I think that’s important. People used to think it was a bit trivial when I used to say we should put the football leagues together and things. It’s just you need to find ways in which people are realising they have a lot in common, as well as space for the diversity of the UK. I’d do a lot more of that."

Seems like a throwaway comment tbf.

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25 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

An all in British League Cup replacing our CIS or whatever it's called these days would be phenomenal.

Absolutely.  A British league system would be a mess, but a British Cup (or even British and Irish Cup) would be outstanding.

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29 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

An all in British League Cup replacing our CIS or whatever it's called these days would be phenomenal.

A cup that none of us would have a hope in hell of ever winning. Terrific stuff. Can't wait to be pumped double figures by the Man City, Liverpool, Tottenham reserve teams whenever we make it to the 20th round.

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11 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:
42 minutes ago, Highland Capital said:
Absolutely.  A British league system would be a mess, but a British Cup (or even British and Irish Cup) would be outstanding.

We had one. It was called the Anglo-Scottish Cup. It was a long time ago. No-one anywhere ever talks about it.

I remember it well especially when we lost to Bury . Neville Southall played in goals for them and in his quite good auto-biography he was less than complimentary about Broomfield in the 80s. ( Understandable) .I think Rangers also lost to Chesterfield that season with a Scottish player doing the deed? Given the mess our SPFL have made of the Challenge Cup with Colts and the farce over East fife's treatment , no thanks to any such cup.  I do wonder if it was just a throw away line from Blair although he knows hee haw about football.

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3 minutes ago, Chapelhall chap said:

I remember it well especially when we lost to Bury . Neville Southall played in goals for them and in his quite good auto-biography he was less than complimentary about Broomfield in the 80s. ( Understandable) .I think Rangers also lost to Chesterfield that season with a Scottish player doing the deed? Given the mess our SPFL have made of the Challenge Cup with Colts and the farce over East fife's treatment , no thanks to any such cup.  I do wonder if it was just a throw away line from Blair although he knows hee haw about football.

Blair also said a while ago his biggest mistake was not taking measures to increase 'Britishness' when enacting devolution.  They really do look at us like a colony.  This is just a continuation of that.  Kind of forgetting we have a thousand years of Scottishness behind us and its not something you can just make go away neither should you.  We need out of this 'union' asap.

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I wonder how the Rugby boys would react to just having British Lions at an international level? I know little about how it is structured but it appears to have professional teams throughout the UK and France? It would be curious how Scott Hastings ( I am a proud scot BUT...……) would react to the disappearance of the SRU with merging with the other "nations".  ? Blair and Britishness was also a large part of Broonie's books after he stood down as an M.P.  I was once told in an email by Ruth Davidson that leaving the E.U. did not mean I was any less European. I did not get an answer as to whether leaving the U.K . would mean she /I was any less British? She never replied. 

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53 minutes ago, Chapelhall chap said:

I wonder how the Rugby boys would react to just having British Lions at an international level? I know little about how it is structured but it appears to have professional teams throughout the UK and France? It would be curious how Scott Hastings ( I am a proud scot BUT...……) would react to the disappearance of the SRU with merging with the other "nations".  ? Blair and Britishness was also a large part of Broonie's books after he stood down as an M.P.  I was once told in an email by Ruth Davidson that leaving the E.U. did not mean I was any less European. I did not get an answer as to whether leaving the U.K . would mean she /I was any less British? She never replied. 

Shocker.  You should have asked her at one of her surgeries.

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55 minutes ago, Chapelhall chap said:

I wonder how the Rugby boys would react to just having British Lions at an international level? 

It would mean inviting FOREIGNERS to play!!!! The Brexiteers wouldn't like it, so it's a no-go down south.

The correct name is the British & Irish Lions, as Ireland competes as one country in Rugby Union. Being born in Limerick, Cork or Dublin qualifies you to play for the 'British' Lions. 

But yeah, I've been around Europe watching Scotland. I don't think I would go to a Lions match, even if it was played at Murrayfield

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