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Jeremy Kyle taken off air

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33 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

The natural conclusion of scrapping Love Island is to scrap all forms of entertainment. 

The problem you've got here is that you've accepted Love Island as entertainment, which makes you the problem. We can scrap Love Island and the natural conclusion would be pissing off people who enjoy Love Island, that's it.

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Love Island and Jeremy Kyle are incomparable. 
Jeremy Kyle is a show where the main focus is to laugh at working class people with addictions. There is absolutely no upside to the show for the majority of contestants, and the premise is to make them look ridiculous. It’s poverty porn in its absolute lowest form. 
Love island, for its flaws, is a show where the participants absolutely know what they are getting in to. It’s a way in to celebrity, in the same manner allowing people to release music is. The natural conclusion of scrapping Love Island is to scrap all forms of entertainment. 
Jeremy Kyle shouldn’t be scrapped because of the suicide, it should be scrapped because it is one of many shows that provide entertainment to an audience on the premise that other people’s life’s are worse than theirs. 

Get to f**k.
Love Island is a heap of shite.

I always knew you were a wrong yin.
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People going on Jeremy Kyle also know, or should know, exactly what they're getting themselves in for. Jeremy Kyle will call you names, will attempt to provoke you and you will probably get booed by the audience. At least one of the participants will be made to look like a complete idiot. What they probably aren't aware of is the underhand tactics from the producers to stir things up to make "interesting" TV.

The key difference is that once the episode airs and people make fun of you on Twitter as it airs, that's it done. Love Island doesn't work like and its effects are rather more permanent. People go on it wanting fame and usually get it, but likely don't expect the consequences of that. I don't watch it so could be off the mark here, but it seems stocked full off "instagramable" types that are probably used to being told they're gorgeous by their followers every time they post a mundane picture of themselves. After the show the filter bubble is well and truly burst and they're unleashed into a world where they are exposed to plenty people who aren't their gawping followers. 

Let's also not pretend that the Love Island producers aren't manipulating and stirring shit with their contestants either in the name of making interesting TV..

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I'm trying to be charitable but some former guests on the programme are taking the piss since it got axed.  There was a story about a guy from Bathgate complaining about the lack of aftercare - he went on five times!  Did he think "well the last four times were terrible but this one will be different".

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1 hour ago, ali_91 said:

Love Island and Jeremy Kyle are incomparable. 

Jeremy Kyle is a show where the main focus is to laugh at working class people with addictions. There is absolutely no upside to the show for the majority of contestants, and the premise is to make them look ridiculous. It’s poverty porn in its absolute lowest form. 

Love island, for its flaws, is a show where the participants absolutely know what they are getting in to. It’s a way in to celebrity, in the same manner allowing people to release music is. The natural conclusion of scrapping Love Island is to scrap all forms of entertainment. 

Jeremy Kyle shouldn’t be scrapped because of the suicide, it should be scrapped because it is one of many shows that provide entertainment to an audience on the premise that other people’s life’s are worse than theirs. 

Can I clarify that Love Island is utter garbage and people who watch it are high on my cull list when I get in charge of humanity.

However, I agree JK and LI are not comparable situations for the reasons you set out.

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It's not going well for Jez: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/may/19/jeremy-kyle-more-tv-show-guests-killed-themselves-it-emerges

A woman who was a guest on a chat show hosted by Jeremy Kyle in 2005 took her life six days after her appearance, it has emerged.

Erica Pawson, 36, killed herself after her husband followed Kyle’s advice and ended their 18-year marriage.

The news comes after Kyle’s ITV show was axed in response to the death of a participant days after he took part in a recording this month.

Paul Pawson, now 54, from Louth in Lincolnshire, said Kyle had repeatedly encouraged him to leave his wife on a Channel 5 programme called Britain’s Worst Husband, which Kyle hosted before he joined ITV.

“As far as I’m concerned, he destroyed mine and my daughter’s life,” he told the Sun. “He’s very aggressive to people he doesn’t know. He shouldn’t be like that. He’s very full-on and in-your-face.”

But at the time her father, Eric Massey, said: “I don’t blame the show. It was all happening before she went on it.”

It emerged on Sunday that another man, the former boxer Paul McCarthy, had killed himself three months after appearing on Kyle’s ITV show in 2014.

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15 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Erica Pawson,

But at the time her father, Eric Massey

Obviously a terrible thing here and I hate to be jovial but some great imagination from Mr Massey in naming his child there.

I wonder what he'd have gone for if it was a boy.

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On 5/17/2019 at 08:50, ali_91 said:

Two young people, who have done absolutely nothing wrong, have taken their life’s because they struggled so much with their mental health. That’s not something to gleefully celebrate to hunt for a few green dots because you don’t like a tv programme. 

Calm doon grandad.

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1 hour ago, The Moonster said:

Obviously a terrible thing here and I hate to be jovial but some great imagination from Mr Massey in naming his child there.

I wonder what he'd have gone for if it was a boy.

Same ilk as Nigel Lawson 

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On 5/15/2019 at 17:19, Adam101 said:

You just know that "banter queen" will be a self identifying "yummy mummy" who has never had a job and whilst her kids are at school she needs something to do until they and her husband come home. When did it become funny to mock the poorest on society or those with the most complex issues.


f**k off "banter queen" 


On 5/15/2019 at 19:14, LeeVanTeeth said:

I feel genuinely sorry for any person with issues who somehow feels that they could be helped by appearing on a show like this.

But from the few times I've watched it, a big percentage of guests were just utter attention seeking scumbags. Who mostly did have bad teeth (which if they are unemployed they can get fixed on the NHS free of charge.)

The other sort of programmes that 'banter queen' watches and that exploits individuals with issues is the constant plethora of benefit series on C5.

Lets be entertained by people struggling worse off than ourself.

Lets worry about the tax credit and child benefit that a single mum in Skegness gets (It's often an english coastal town they are filmed in) rather than say the £100M that the government handed to British Steel in April to keep it going and if it doesn't hand over between £30-75M by tonight the private  owners are going to shut it down.

Let's look down at and upon the less fortunate whilst above us the Govt and business are spending often squandering appalling amounts of money.

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7 hours ago, MEADOWXI said:


The other sort of programmes that 'banter queen' watches and that exploits individuals with issues is the constant plethora of benefit series on C5.

Lets be entertained by people struggling worse off than ourself.

Lets worry about the tax credit and child benefit that a single mum in Skegness gets (It's often an english coastal town they are filmed in) rather than say the £100M that the government handed to British Steel in April to keep it going and if it doesn't hand over between £30-75M by tonight the private  owners are going to shut it down.

Let's look down at and upon the less fortunate whilst above us the Govt and business are spending often squandering appalling amounts of money.

Which pales into insignificance compared at the amount spent keeping the banks afloat , 

do we tax the bankers and their bonuses to at least make a semblance of recovery ?

no we go for “austerity” and recover the cost from the poor and helpless , its obviously their fault 


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  • 4 months later...


The guest who subsequently killed himself told a researcher that "I wish I was deda" but was sent home in a taxi two hours later.  He came off his prescribed anti-depressants in order to take a lie detector test and only a couple of days passed between the initial suggestion that he appear on the show and recording.

It's almost like all the stuff about aftercare was a load of bullshit!

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The guest who subsequently killed himself told a researcher that "I wish I was deda" but was sent home in a taxi two hours later.  He came off his prescribed anti-depressants in order to take a lie detector test and only a couple of days passed between the initial suggestion that he appear on the show and recording.

It's almost like all the stuff about aftercare was a load of bullshit!


I find that disgusting tbh.


How you could ruin someone’s life to be aired on tv, he says he wishes he was dead and you send him back to an empty house to deal with it.


I know this doesn’t come as a huge surprise but I find it astonishing all the same.

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