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Pie and Bovril's environmental credentials

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How green are you?

The Green party is on the up and more than ever experts, world leaders and the public are concerned that the planet will boil/freeze/spin of into the sun and generally become an uninhabitable shithole (imagine a very hot Kilmarnock)

I have decided to be more Green.

I now fully embrace my local council recycling program and separate my food waste, plastics, glass and tins. I have a hybrid car which in good conditions get north of 60mpg. I have bought glass straws which I use at home, I won't use plastic straws when out. My energy supplier is 100% renewable and I get eco friendly washing tablets through the post.

So how green are you? do you do better than my pathetic efforts?

Do you have solar panels? A fully electric car? Do you recycle tea bags or toilet paper.

Or do you believe it's all a lot of shite and we don't have to bother.


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4 minutes ago, Romeo said:

Or do you believe it's all a lot of shite 

Usually is on the toilet paper. 

I'm pretty bad at it, I'd think. I separate stuff into the correct bins but if I have, say, cut up chicken and thrown the grisly bits back into the container it come in, it'll all go in the general waste bin. 

No solar panels, no plans to. 

No electric or hybrid car, no plans to. 

Absolutely no surprise a Celtic fan decides to want to tell the world he's decided to "be more green" though. 

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We're pretty average. Separate various recyclables/non-recyclables into the various bins, chuck clothes we don't need into the clothing recycling bank etc etc. We moved into a Council new-build last July which is apparently very energy efficient. 

Don't have an electric/hybrid car - they were expensive as f**k on lease. Do a lot of cycling though :lol:

On the negative side, I fart like an absolute b*****d and have probably negated any of the environmentally sound stuff I've done. 

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I purposely do not recycle and will often turn the ignition on in the van or car and just let it run for a while whilst parked up.

Reasoning behind this is that Eastenders looks set to run on TV for years, surely planet earth obliterating and mankind ceasing to exist is a better prospect than that, you have to be cruel to be kind after all as the saying goes. 

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9 minutes ago, throbber said:

I’m a big fan of renewable energy, particularly hydro power with all of its potential in Scotland and also a big fan of small scale/publicly owned schemes like Archimedes screws that are fitted in rivers and run 24/7.

There was a big push for renewables back in the mid 00’s and the government introduced feed in tariffs for small scale renewable energy production, I think back in 2008 you would get about 20p/kWh and then it feel when the Tories got into power to about 9p/kWh by 2016 and then it was scrapped altogether in 2017/18 so there is no incentive for people to have solar panels on their roof or a wind turbine in their garden unless they are being used privately. Imagine actually believing renewable energy is a bad idea?

Apart from that I put my empty cans of bud in the same bin as everything else because I can’t be fucked separating my rubbish. This will change when I move into a house when I have my own separate bins in my garden.

I should have mentioned that my energy supply is 100% from renewable but to be honest that was more to do with cost that the "green factor"

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A few steps I have taken recently to reduce my plastic use:

Use canvas bags for my shopping. I’ve got a few that I leave in the car. I refuse to use plastic bags, there’s no need for it. I was dismayed yesterday when I noticed the CO-OP weren’t using the green biodegradable bags in my local store and have gone back to plastic. I am going to investigate this.

Using soap from Lush. It’s stored in a metal tin. It’s not cheap though and I was considering packing it in if it doesn’t last a month but it looks like I’ll be fine. Get a good wash out of it as well.

My next toothbrush will be a wooden/bamboo one. Holland & Barrett do them I think so going to have a look today. Will need to read about how it’s produced and and how sustainable it is if it’s getting exported here.

Other things I try to do:

Avoid eating beef. I eat venison instead or choose a chicken option when out for a meal. Venison mince can be use in pasta sauces and venison burgers are lovely. Its better to try and reduce your meat intake altogether though. I also eat lots of fish.

Eating local produce. Instead of buying olive oil next time I’ll be buying Scottish rapeseed oil.

Looking into getting green washing up tablets. I saw a company on Facebook is doing free trials where they give you 9 tablets and then you can choose the frequency of how often they are posted to you. This may also be cheaper in the long run. People seem to be giving them good reviews so worth a shout.

This is a good idea for a thread. I think it should become a place where we can share ideas, inspire and help one another become more green. The reality is sadly we won’t be doing much, it’s a drop in the ocean compared to the action that they - the governments across the world - need to do. But at least we’ll be doing our part and at the end of the day - how much of an inconvenience is using a canvas bag at the shops or separating your waste for recycling etc?

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2 minutes ago, throbber said:


The entire country can already be 100% renewable, in years to come when all the fossil fuels have been depleted we could sell our electricity to some no make country like France if we play our cards right. I can’t see much changing if Bo Jo becomes prime minister though!


Or England

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27 minutes ago, Dele said:

Well, Jamama has officially lost it. 

Quite the opposite. If more people followed this approach attitudes would change and we might have something left for our great grandkids to see. Keep going the way we are and we'll all drown in a cesspit of our own making. Man really should ever have left the trees. 

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Looking into getting green washing up tablets. I saw a company on Facebook is doing free trials where they give you 9 tablets and then you can choose the frequency of how often they are posted to you. This may also be cheaper in the long run. People seem to be giving them good reviews so worth a shout.

I get these from "smol" think I have a referral code that might get you 9 for free let me know if you want it and I'll pm it, gets me free ones too I think.

Mrs Romeo is in charge of washing and says they are decent.


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I make sure all my recycling goes in the correct bin but fife council don't employ anyone to sift the rubbish so things like black plastics which can't be read by the computers are clean will often divert plastic into the landfill. So I try and avoid black plastic containers as much as possible, I know the shops use them to make things look a more quality product, but seriously how quality can a ready meal be.

I have also written to a few large wine manufacturers asking them to switch to plastic bottles as glass ones are heavy and use a lot more CO2 to transport them. Obviously sparkling wine will have to remain in glass.

I try to avoid US companies as America don't subscribe to the climate agreement and are happy to see us burn. I wrote to my MP to encourage cutting ties with major polluters.

I plant insect friendly (bees and butterflies) friendly plants to help them along.

It's not easy being green.

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My house has the highest energy efficiency rating, I’m veggie, and always put the correct items into the recycling and food waste bins.

however, Mrs Maths has hour long showers, keeps the house at 24degrees, drives a monster of a motor as angrily as possible, and chucks her mountains of cardboard from internet shopping into any bin with space.

ETA I’ve just bought some wild flower seeds to turn a patch of my garden into a bee and butterfly wonderland.

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