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12 hours ago, Tea and Busquets said:

As long as you guys don’t sign anyone before Tuesday evening 😉. In all seriousness how are you guys set up for Tuesday? A lot of injuries? Confident of getting something or fearing the worst? 

I think if we got a draw it would be an outstanding result for us. We rely on FF so much for any creativity and the reluctance to play some of the younger players who have a bit more pace and skill in favour of the wretched McGowan has meant a) their development has stalled and b) that the creativity block we suffered in the first quarter of the season has now returned with FF out longish term. 

There is no word of any signings imminent.

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12 hours ago, Tea and Busquets said:

As long as you guys don’t sign anyone before Tuesday evening 😉. In all seriousness how are you guys set up for Tuesday? A lot of injuries? Confident of getting something or fearing the worst? 

We look a completely different side without Fyvie, a relatively average one sadly, as @Midweek-away-to-Lossie rightly mentions. He's a massive loss for us, hasn't played since picking up an injury in the 1-0 win against Montrose at Balmoral on 14th November. Isn't due back to end of January / start of February. Was out all of August and half of September too as well as the 2nd half of last season when we desperately needed him to avoid the drop.

Shouldn't be so reliant on one or two players but we are and I hate sounding negative.

We've conceded in our last 6 league games after a run of 4 consecutive clean sheets. Will be tough to break that sequence at TFS against a Falkirk side 24 unbeaten and looking strong.

We'll need to score to take a point. Burrell has scored in 8 straight league games and we'll be hoping that continues. Pawlett would have helped us but ship has sailed now. We need some quality in but doubt anyone comes in before tomorrow. A statement signing to lift the players and take some of the reliance of Rumarn would be golden. 

 I think we'll go 4-5-1, sit in by and large and use Burrell's pace on the break. I have a hunch McGowan will be dropped in favour of more energy in the middle. Snatch the first goal and see where it takes us; that's my hope


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18 minutes ago, CoveRangers1922 said:

Don't know how reputable this source is but obviously we are expecting interest in Rumarn and National League sounds about right.

It's when, not if. 


There will obviously be interest but that twitter is complete rubbish. Noticed it a few days ago and went though it 

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Yep clutching at straws. Aldershot have money to spend (a rare occurrence) after a good FA Cup run and are an attacking attractive side. Southend are recovering quickly after years as a basket case club and it might be a good move to there. Oldham  and are a well run club under a new chairman- just they don't seem to have found the right coach yet.

All three clubs good moves on no doubt many times the money he's on at Cove. Scoring so often in our League One probably means he'll do well at that level. The top five or six clubs in the NL would be fine in the Scottish Championship I think- most of the rest about League One standard,

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7 hours ago, Midweek-away-to-Lossie said:

I've not bothered watching it yet, but we're "hybrid" - ironically our best players this season (excluding Burrell) are all part-time...

Cheers. Just wondered when the rat said boys had finished there shifts. 

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Some fairly personal criticism of the board and sponsors etc from a few individuals who know very little about what’s really going on at the club or know the individuals they are talking about. Most Cove fans who travel home and away are aware that most of the directors are there for the love of the club and have been since the HL days. Clubs with a small fan base and a collection of volunteers to run the stadium will form a clique! It’s just natural but it seems to wind up a few individuals. It’s also not a crime to sponsor several clubs at different levels as those who remember Bon Accord Glass will know. As some of the more rational fans have pointed out, securing full time players who are at a level of the part time ones we have been fortunate to attract or who have been here since the HL is simply not possible. It could be 3-4 seasons before the whole hybrid to full time beds in but the ambition of Championship football is there and that can only be sustained at a FT level. That won’t be acceptable to the trolls mind you.  Players winding down their careers have come to Cove but it’s never been on ‘big money’ most already had settled on a career out of football. Personally speaking the football product hasn’t been consistent this season and the reliance on one player who is head and shoulders above anyone else is telling when that individual is injured. He will be extremely difficult to replace and I suspect the progress is probably one position in the league lower than it could be or wanted to be at this stage, but everyone knew Falkirk were strong with some very talented younger players who will go onto top level football. Third place and a decent chance of the playoffs at this stage in the grander scheme of things is acceptable. I don’t defend them blindly, I seriously questioned the sacking of Jim McIntyre and the development of younger players under the current manager but the way some of our ‘fans’ go on they really need to start following another club! Shouting for a new manager every 5 minutes or abusing club officials isn’t going to bring stability to a club who needs to consolidate its position, grow the fanbase and become less reliant on directors. 


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2 hours ago, Bieldside Boy said:

Some fairly personal criticism of the board and sponsors etc from a few individuals who know very little about what’s really going on at the club or know the individuals they are talking about. Most Cove fans who travel home and away are aware that most of the directors are there for the love of the club and have been since the HL days. Clubs with a small fan base and a collection of volunteers to run the stadium will form a clique! It’s just natural but it seems to wind up a few individuals. It’s also not a crime to sponsor several clubs at different levels as those who remember Bon Accord Glass will know. As some of the more rational fans have pointed out, securing full time players who are at a level of the part time ones we have been fortunate to attract or who have been here since the HL is simply not possible. It could be 3-4 seasons before the whole hybrid to full time beds in but the ambition of Championship football is there and that can only be sustained at a FT level. That won’t be acceptable to the trolls mind you.  Players winding down their careers have come to Cove but it’s never been on ‘big money’ most already had settled on a career out of football. Personally speaking the football product hasn’t been consistent this season and the reliance on one player who is head and shoulders above anyone else is telling when that individual is injured. He will be extremely difficult to replace and I suspect the progress is probably one position in the league lower than it could be or wanted to be at this stage, but everyone knew Falkirk were strong with some very talented younger players who will go onto top level football. Third place and a decent chance of the playoffs at this stage in the grander scheme of things is acceptable. I don’t defend them blindly, I seriously questioned the sacking of Jim McIntyre and the development of younger players under the current manager but the way some of our ‘fans’ go on they really need to start following another club! Shouting for a new manager every 5 minutes or abusing club officials isn’t going to bring stability to a club who needs to consolidate its position, grow the fanbase and become less reliant on directors. 


Some points I would agree with but it’s all about communicating with the support about direction. I read the Chairman’s comments at NY and I learned nothing about any direction or vision. You can tell he has worked at a high level in O&G as these guys believe in sharing nothing. 

We need to be more engaged about what we are doing to grow the club and the support, tell us what they are doing to get schools and kids on board, the club is crying out for professional community engagement. Not just tell us that corporate is sold out till 2032, oh and happy birthday Ian Vigurs! 

It’s also got to be said that the football this season is very unpredictable. Some games we are truly dire and other games invoke memories of the L1 winning side. Without Burrell we would be mid table and without Fyvie and Burrell it’s thank god Annan and Edinburgh are so poor. I’m guessing from your previous comments you were there on Tuesday but to me it was embarrassing how we set up and showed a real naive arrogance on the part of the manager. On paper where we sit is probably more than I expected given the shambolic summer transfer debacle but Tuesday was for me the first time in any L2/L1 game that we set up entirely not to get battered and that’s a real regression. I wouldn’t go as far as others but the manager really doesn’t help himself when he opens his mouth. He very much isn’t an inspirational leader.

The goal is to get into the playoffs then it’s a lottery. If we don’t then perhaps it’s time for a fresh perspective on recruitment, coaching and with that of course the manager and those who sit above him. Our tie up with SPL clubs is non existent (actually embarrassing that Aberdeen chose to send Alfie Bavidge 80 miles to Kelty because they thought he would be developed better even tho he could have more or less walked to the Balmoral) and our ‘development’ players (if that is what we are calling them) need a structured pathway to first team football, not just being sent out on loan to whoever will have them to sit on someone else’s bench. 


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2 hours ago, Midweek-away-to-Lossie said:

Why should the criticism be sugar coated?  These people display seriously toxic behaviour so don't deserve any respect, it's something that's earned!  In terms of some of the absolute cart horses that keep getting signed, it's football.  I concede it isn't really their fault they aren't good enough, I mean if someone offered to pay me more than I'm worth to do a job I'm not very good at of course I'm going to say yes.

I don't think anyone knows what's going on at the club though, that's the issue.  North Korea's propaganda machine is less secretive than Balmoral!  The fact is the board view the fans with contempt, ask them behind closed doors their thoughts!  Given we have someone of Richard Gordon's expertise on board, how can our media and comms be so poor unless the club are actively avoiding making improvements?  The only benefit nowadays is not having to read Charlie Allan massacre the post-match report with speeling mistacks and downright delusion! (yes mi splling mistkes are a piss take of huw bad the reports were).

"most of the directors"... there's your issue!  It's just their own private jolly and fans are an inconvenience, the entire matchday is centred around corporate.  Surely the people who "love" the club can see how bad the match day experience is or do the blinkers go on because it's outwith the stand so doesn't matter?  Why would you want to attract youngsters in though and the next generation of fans when you repeatedly appoint a man with a proven record of not only failing to give youth a chance but also closing youth setups?  They are doing nothing to improve the "small fan" base and the simple fact is the clique actually deter people from getting involved - I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than volunteer anymore, I'm not alone in this view either.  It's pretty poor when you need to rely on another club to make your pitch playable when it snows... one a couple of divisions below you at that!  But I guess unlike another club who have a plastic pitch, at least we managed to get ours playable so credit for that.

Nobody has said it's a crime to sponsor more than one club?  Why aren't ACE (or more specifically their MD) involved at Pittodrie now?  Easy to go to a smaller club and throw your weight around with other like minded enough to be on their ego trip.

If Hartley is given another 3-4 seasons to oversee recruitment as we transition fully to full-time then there will be no need for it, we'll be back to visiting Lossie midweek again and not in a cup!  Hartley wanted full-time, so Hartley gets full-time!  If he told the board to jump off a cliff would they do it?  There's plenty of part-time players that could easily come in and improve our current squad, but someone doesn't want part-time and someone refuses to recruit out with the Central Belt!  I wonder how many more old pals acts will be carried out this month with signings...

Players coming to Cove may not have been on big wages through the club, but given the connections that the board have you can bet they were seen alright with the post football careers they settled on.  Again, you can't blame the players for that... you can ask the question over which clown sanctioned 3 year deals for Vigurs and Draper though as they would have fallen into this category.

The entire product from the club has frankly been shit for a number of seasons, ignoring corporate because they need that income to survive.  You can only blame covid so much, you can only blame the big bad nasty neighbour down at the beach so much.  There's a point where you need to start looking in the mirror.  The footballing product specifically has been awful under Hartley, the up turn in form coincided with Fraser's return to the team and it wasn't really a surprise given he could still be playing at a higher level if he wanted.  There were a number of games that could have finished different during that run which would see us nearer the bottom.  If it wasn't for Burrell we would 100% be in a relegation battle.

We all know why McIntyre was sacked and it wasn't due to results, if it was Hartley wouldn't have seen the end of the season - we can ignore that he shouldn't have seen any of the season for a start after walking out!  Tell me Hartley isn't in his position due to the bully that is Sheran?  Hartley is nothing more than a bully himself, so he'll fit in well with his in-laws!  Now that the vast majority of the squad he inherited has moved on, it'll just be a downward trajectory until he is gone.  After all it wasn't his players that got the team promoted through the leagues, it was those of his father-in-law.

Can there be anything more toxic than wishing continued injury on a young player (Josh Kerr) as you did in a previous post? Ive no real beef with your criticism of the board as the club can be a bit insular at times and it does all feel it’s an oil industry jolly, but it’s the exact same at other local clubs so you need to get over that It seems deeply personal and unhealthy.

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6 hours ago, Midweek-away-to-Lossie said:

Just noticed this has been edited after I'd replied to it...

Going full-time has been a knee-jerk reaction to relegation.  I don't believe sustaining a place in the Championship can only be done if full-time, look at the full-time clubs who have been relegated in the period where Arbroath have been in the division for the past 5 seasons or so.

The play-offs are a lottery and the only team in the league who I worry about us playing will be promoted as champions anyway.  Assuming we stay in the play-off places and we get Fraser back reasonably soon whilst keeping Rumarn then yes there is possibly a chance because there is no way the manager should be setting us out to avoid a thumping like he done on Tuesday and still get thumped!

We clearly have a difference of opinions but IF, and it's a huge if, we go up do you not think we are possibly in a worse position than when we went up last time?  Very few of our current squad are good enough for the Championship and the crowds will be even less than last time round, Terry's wallet will take a hiding to ensure we stay up with the amount of players we'd need to bring in.

If the directors truly want the club to be self sufficient or come a lot closer to being that, they need to actually bother making attempts to grow the fanbase at "grassroots" level and not just the corporate offering for their mates from the O&G industry.  For a bunch of successful businessmen, they aren't really doing that good a job.  Of the casual fans who turned up on Saturday, how many will bother coming back based on the match day experience?  Not many I'd guess which is a shame, as there is potential there.  Just look at other clubs and what they are doing to engage fans in their local area and compare it to what ours do...

It’s sad that the club don’t push more in the local community. 3 schools in the area in if you like you could add Kincorth and Portlethen into that too.

when I was at school use to be draws on a Friday to tickets for the Aberdeen game on the Saturday.

The local cove youth setup is charged heavily to use the ground to train. Yes I know it’s not linked to the club but again it’s giving something back to the community. Better than seeing some big cheese O&G worker with a I love cove rangers frame over his face. The same guy who could be seen in the RDS lounge the week prior  

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5 hours ago, Midweek-away-to-Lossie said:

They've had years to try doing this and it doesn't get done, as I say the excuses only work so long before you need to look at yourself.  This just shows the board don't have any interest - you have enough business minded individuals involved, yet all you get is corporate, corporate, more corporate and the annual Christmas lunch... as you say, all aimed (primarily) at O&G.  Yes corporate makes money but how many will go regularly once they experience match days outside the comfort of the corporate bubble?

I very well remember those days of tickets as well for Aberdeen games, is that even something they still do themselves?  If it is, if you can't beat them join them!  If it's not, step in and try to take advantage of the gap.  You can possibly even go further South including Stonehaven for your catchment area given it's that side of the city and include both secondary and primary schools in this area.  They'll have their arguments lined up why not to do it, like anyone in senior O&G roles they always have the excuses / blame game ready to play when questioned.  One is no doubt the extra cost in administering the tickets (simple, you email the e-ticket to the winner) and another the extra cost is stewarding - surely you need to speculate to accumulate?  Although possibly adding in a couple of hundred more per home game is going to make the shit show pie stand even worse given they can't cope with the current numbers as it is but as long as McGinty's service in the lounges for corporate is up to par that's all that matters with the old pals act!

The pitch hire I understand the charges to an extent as having the plastic pitch is obviously an income generating stream however yes it's about giving back to the community (for your own gain long term) and try to use that long term for the next Connor Scully - that long term is beyond the "5 year plan" and you'd wonder what the long term plan is out with the relatively short term here and now 5 year plan... I'd bet there isn't one, certainly not one on a long term view to building the fan base / youth development for it being sustainable without as much director input financially but hey, we can blame the fans for that!

I’m not sure if we still give tickets to schools or we go down more the young DNA getting two free tickets to games now. I think the local youth teams get? Surely that’s something Cove could look at fill the stands a bit more. 
I know the local coop manager who does a lot of work on the community was trying to help push the club more in the community. Sure he sent a email to the club but again Radio silence from within the club. 

Should be looking to copy a model of Arbroath as not to differences in size. They seem to know how to work with in the community. Few times I’ve been down and what I see on social media kids fun days. Kids corporate. Even get a mascot for the day. That’s the future of the club what might help bring them back more often. 

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12 minutes ago, CoveRangers1922 said:

Tyler Mykyta joins Forfar on loan until the end of the season. 3rd one outbound this window and strong rumours that Mark Gallagher will be behind him but Elgin bound.

Hope Accies have short benches in the dug out


Tyler has some end product, a wicked left foot and can deliver but was completely starved of game. He needed a loan spell in L2, actually probably needs extended period at that level to prove himself before making the next step. 

His downside is his height. Stronger than he looks but L2 can be physical and like many wingers isn't natural at doing defensive duties.

Hope he hits the ground running with Forfar who are battling under McKinnon. I see Seb Ross is with the Loons too.

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6 hours ago, Moorie said:

I’m not sure if we still give tickets to schools or we go down more the young DNA getting two free tickets to games now. I think the local youth teams get? Surely that’s something Cove could look at fill the stands a bit more. 
I know the local coop manager who does a lot of work on the community was trying to help push the club more in the community. Sure he sent a email to the club but again Radio silence from within the club. 

Should be looking to copy a model of Arbroath as not to differences in size. They seem to know how to work with in the community. Few times I’ve been down and what I see on social media kids fun days. Kids corporate. Even get a mascot for the day. That’s the future of the club what might help bring them back more often. 

There was a tiny bit of engagement of local football teams last season but haven’t seen the big groups of kids much this time round. They invited the Shetland teams that came down for a tournament recently but I can’t see many of them being return visitors right now 🤭.

I guess they might blame taking seats away etc but again a bit of organisation gets round that. For me every week we should have a certain amount of tickets given away to schools or local football teams. I’m probably deluded but I would like to think the pressure that I and one other put on them relentlessly on social media last season to let kids in cheaper paid off. Kids with an adult should be a few quid at most. I get it large groups of kids at games can be an issue, Arbroath, Brechin and Peterhead have all had varying issues but now all 3 have embraced it and look after them. Again it all takes time and someone to do it. The priority seems corporate corporate corporate, the frankly tawdry fake corporate in the old players lounge is an example of misguided priorities. Short term revenue over long term gain. Some of the drunken states rolling out of there at 1545 are enough to put you off taking your kids for life anyway.

I’ve followed football for over 40 years in every place I’ve lived around the UK, been to countless grounds in the non leagues in England and no one but no one puts so much faith in the corporate market over the everyday punter more than Cove. 

Someone could write a decent business case to have invested the money for ‘converting’ the players lounge and employing club loyalists to entertain pissed corporates into the recruitment of a community liaison officer or even a space for the kids to go that’s theirs so they can bang their drum and sing their songs without their every movement being monitored by the old guard just because one time someone said something stupid as kids sometimes do. Jesus that lot should take a wander down to round the dugout for a trip back to the 70’s, that’s if you don’t contact lung cancer from passive smoking. Nope, why spend money to develop the club when pissed up jollies for the boys come first. Every time.

It’s sad that you speak to a lot of folk around Aberdeen about Cove and the first thing they say is ‘Aye the corporate is good there like, how they gettin on these days?!’. Sadder that it’s not oh wow what an amazing youth set up they have there, what an asset to the local community. Scrapping youth football was one of the worst decisions ever. A crime. It’s not even about money, it should be about giving back to the community.

All the community stuff takes time and effort to organise properly which is why  a professional community liaison officer, even if it’s a part time role is vital. Other clubs have combined it with coaching or other commercial duties but perhaps having Richard Gordon itself takes up a massive chunk of cash? 

No engagement, no community liaison, no accountability, nepotism, no incentive for players to end their careers here and move into coaching and no local talent scouting. One big picture of stagnation. One day the corporate bubble will burst when the platforms are turned off and maybe even the ex kit man won’t be able to justify why the club fell asleep at the wheel. 

There is zero incentive to support Cove if you were growing up looking for something to do on a Saturday even if you lived next to the ground. How sad.

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2 hours ago, CoveRangers1922 said:

Tyler has some end product, a wicked left foot and can deliver but was completely starved of game. He needed a loan spell in L2, actually probably needs extended period at that level to prove himself before making the next step. 

His downside is his height. Stronger than he looks but L2 can be physical and like many wingers isn't natural at doing defensive duties.

Hope he hits the ground running with Forfar who are battling under McKinnon. I see Seb Ross is with the Loons too.

Just sending these guys out on loan because it’s convenient isn’t an answer to youth development although I agree with everything you say. Ultimately the needs experience. He demonstrated he has confidence and ability and it’s the confidence I liked. He plays with his head up and didn’t seem afraid. I’m guessing he was never going to be chosen over Meggy if that is indeed his preferred role and I really wonder why Hartley signed these youth players in the first place as they are not being developed so I’m wondering if we are either going to keep a hold of Williamson or another striker is coming in? 

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I always thought Cove had a big money backer that was why they went completely full time .

Does your squad have many part time players .

I really wish Queens would try a mix of full and part time players right now we are going nowhere being completely full time .

Most part time players make more with a job than any of our full time players.

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2 minutes ago, Greenacres said:

I always thought Cove had a big money backer that was why they went completely full time .

Does your squad have many part time players .

I really wish Queens would try a mix of full and part time players right now we are going nowhere being completely full time .

Most part time players make more with a job than any of our full time players.

6 part time players, I thought it was 5 but Fyvie is actually still part time, has left AFC as a coach and taken a job as a safety advisor for a local company.

We haven't signed anyone on a PT contract since announcing hybrid. The plan was completely FT for next season but we'll at least retain the PT guys we have at present until their contracts end imo


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14 hours ago, Midweek-away-to-Lossie said:

Makes sense for him to go out on loan, very little game time so surely suits everyone really.  Obviously been getting the "Hartley bench filler" role until now so be interesting to see how he does with a step down.

I saw him at Formartine last season whilst we were in the Championship. Going hybrid/FT I never thought we'd be signing him in all honesty. HL to a starting lineup for a L1 promotion playoff side, we might or might not make that, sounded too big a jump at the time and likely that's about right.

Wasn't give much opportunity but are guys ahead of him even after poor recruitment. Maybe one that develops under his contract.

It was like low risk in regards to wages and there could be a chance he kicks on. Will never be making money off of him. Interested to track his progress and career trajectory

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To my fellow Cove fans, it’s alright to be disappointed in the performances, it’s okay to be critical of the board, but what I would say is don’t stoop to this guys levels.  Makes me embarrassed to be a Cove fan, I know I will be at the game tomorrow and he will be at home waiting to see the full time result with a full script of shite as usual.


But since he’s purging his post history at the moment I am glad I got a screenshot of this at the time.  Don’t be this guy.


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