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Clyde FC; Season 2022-23

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Appreciate everyone has differing views on this but my understanding on criminal justice my whole life was that you are innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt by a jury of your peers. This has not happened in this case and Goodwillie has always maintained his innocence. The PF determined there was not evidence to prove anything beyond reasonable doubt and, therefore, in the eyes of the law he is innocent. In my view, it is dangerous precedent to start branding people a 'rapist' based on the balance of probabilities given the impact that then has for the rest of their life. 
I agree something needs to be done due to criminal convictions being so low but doing it through a civil court I do not think is the way. He was ordered to pay damages in a civil ruling, which were seized on sale of his home, and should now be allowed to continue his life. This man is now effectively treated as if he had a criminal record for the alleged offence and is on the register, even though neither are true and the PF believe there is reasonable doubt. This goes against the basic principle behind the criminal justice system.
At the end of the day he can get a PVG disclosure if required and if he was not a well known name in football but any regular guy applying for a job, even one that what involve working with children, there would be no issue. He has shown nothing but exemplary behaviour since he joined Clyde and my view is he should be allowed to return if he wishes and Danny Lennon wants him. 
Have you actually read the court findings?

Even if you don't agree with the two judges that he raped Denise his behaviour that night was utterly appalling.

The club would have to be fucking insane to even think about bringing him back.
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3 hours ago, Cosmic Joe said:

I agree with you for the most part, but "jumping ship for £££" should not factor into this whole episode. 99 percent of part-time players in Scotland would probably accept a rise in wages and a pop at full-time fitba. 

David Goodwillie is at a turning point in his life, he has fucked it up so far. He needs to do a bit of thinking, and take a bit of advice about the way forward. 

He did, from the likes of Willie McKay, probably.

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6 hours ago, SLClyde said:

There are a few not doing the club any favours, I just wanted to point out that it is by far and away not a majority of fans wanting him back. 

How do you know the majority of fans don’t want him back?

There is a poll on the closed owners forum and the majority have voted so far that they would like to see him back

Shouldnt use P&B in anyway to evidence what the majority of Clyde fans want

1. How many regular Clyde fans contribute to P&B?  At a guess 30-40? Hardly a big sample size of fans.

2. Out of those who do post on P&B most who want him back are unlikely to say so as just opens yourself to abuse from those who don’t agree with you



Edited by Bullyweeno1
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Sponsors don’t need to comment or all get on board with the same stance
“The club has supported David with his rehabilitation over the last 5 years.  We understand and respect the upset that Raith Rovers have had.
Before deciding to move to RR David had been with us for 5 years
During that time he had been a model professional both on and of the park. 
We fully believe that every individual is entitled the chance to rebuild their life once they have paid their debt to society as the law of the land has dictated”
RR knew that Val McDermid was going to withdraw her support if they signed DGW.  From what I heard McGlynn and the board didn’t give two fukcs what she was going to do.
Unfortunately that was their major failing they failed to realise how much media and political support she could muster and maintain
If DGW had moved to Falkirk I fully expect he would have been in line for his debut tomorrow as don’t think the same furore would have been created there.  No one will ever know this to be the case or not and just my opinion
The funny thing is that NL leisure sponsor the club. A fucking government organisation that was never even considered as relevant to wee Jeanie Crankie.
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5 hours ago, SLClyde said:

My point was it’s not a majority saying they want him back, which some posters on here would have you believe. I’ve probably seen more say they wouldn’t than would but not by a great deal. 

As said how do to know the majority don’t want him back?

On a public online forum anyone who says they want him back are likely not to say so for fear of being lambasted by others as you make yourself a target to be shot at - know plenty have called me all names without knowing anything about me personally or my background.

As said above there is a poll on the online owners forum that is anonymous where about a quarter of owners have voted and majority voted so far that they would like to see him back - that at least is evidence of what the owners think.

As a fans owned club I would be happy for a ballot to be taken so the views of those that matter are fully heard rather than just a handful of people online

Would like the club to have a vote where the following could vote

1. Owners as of a week ago

2. Season ticket holders who aren’t owners

3. All employees of the club 

That I think would be the fairest way to see what everyone really wants rather than just some saying that everyone is against it without any evidence to prove otherwise



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2 hours ago, Jack Burton said:

Have you actually read the court findings?

Even if you don't agree with the two judges that he raped Denise his behaviour that night was utterly appalling.

The club would have to be fucking insane to even think about bringing him back.

Surely the club would have read the full court case first time around so there is nothing new that they didn’t know then?

Edited by Bullyweeno1
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Have you actually read the court findings?

Even if you don't agree with the two judges that he raped Denise his behaviour that night was utterly appalling.

The club would have to be fucking insane to even think about bringing him back.
The problem is did they not read the court findings the first time. What has changed?.
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4 hours ago, Jack Burton said:
12 hours ago, Bullyweeno1 said:
Surely the club would have read the full court case first time around so there is nothing new that they didn’t know then?

I'm not asking if the club read it. I'm asking if you have?

Yes have read the full court case.

The judge believed the party bringing the case more likely that not that what was claimed happened was true on the balance of probabilities.  

The defenders were ordered to pay £100k which believe was recovered by the sale of the one of the defenders homes.

The £100k seems was swallowed up by legal costs.

At that point the defenders were deemed to have paid what the court sanctioned was due and thereafter are free to enable to carry on with their life.

Whether you agree they were suitably punished or not is a different argument or whether they should have been put before a criminal court in front a jury again is another argument but at the time for whatever reason the PF deemed there was insufficient evidence to pursue the case.

If you are saying that someone who has been found guilty in a civil court, then paid what they have been ordered to pay, that they cant carry on with their life then unfortunately would need to disagree. 

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31 minutes ago, Bullyweeno1 said:

Whether you agree they were suitably punished or not is a different argument or whether they should have been put before a criminal court in front a jury again is another argument but at the time for whatever reason the PF deemed there was insufficient evidence to pursue the case.

If you are saying that someone who has been found guilty in a civil court, then paid what they have been ordered to pay, that they cant carry on with their life then unfortunately would need to disagree. 

Right honestly, you're missing the point.

Just because he was legally deemed to have been adequately punished does not mean he has some kind of divine right to be employed as a professional footballer.

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4 hours ago, Bully Wee Clyde FC said:

Serious Question:

Have we been paid in full by Raith? 

Does it matter? They either have paid us or owe us the money by a certain date/in installments if that was agreed as part of the transfer.

Them deciding not to play Goodwillie has nothing to do with a completed transfer.

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Does it matter? They either have paid us or owe us the money by a certain date/in installments if that was agreed as part of the transfer.
Them deciding not to play Goodwillie has nothing to do with a completed transfer.
I'd imagine the only issue that may have any effect on Clyde would be add-ons within the deal that are based on match appearances etc.
Simply put, we won't get any additional money.

Other than that Raith need to pay in full. He's signed for them. He's entirely a Raith player. Whatever they do with him is entirely their concern, not ours.

Long may that continue.
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