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Journalistic Heads Gone

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Quite separate from the terrible journalism thread, we are beginning to see more and more journalists make a c**t of themselves on Twitter.


Not quite a 'journo' but David Tanner lost the plot recently blaming Dundee fans for getting relegated.


Now Tom English has absolutely lost it over the past 2 days with St Mirren fans. What a welt he is.

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Had St Mirren lost the shootout, they could've fallen into the wilderness of the lower leagues for years, they would've lost a heck of a lot of money, they probably would've had to let staff go and obviously they wouldn't be in the top flight.  I used to like Tom English but this time he's talking absolute rubbish.  Of course the fans and the players should be celebrating, why shouldn't they?  I know I would.

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Not football related but the current Private Eye has BBC cricket man Jonathan Agnew repeatedly calling someone a c**t on Twitter after it was insinuated that Aggers wasn't a fan of England calling up a black player.

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10 minutes ago, blackislekillie said:

What gripe did English have with the St. Mirren fans?

I think he was complaining about the team celebrating winning the play-off like a cup final win.  In theory, yes they have finished 11th and are a poor team in the league but you'd have to be a complete dolt not to understand why they were celebrating.


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What gripe did English have with the St. Mirren fans?
He didn't think the players should be celebrating finishing 11th place and acting like champions like we have won something.

Quite a few folk calling him a w**k, clown ect than an hour later he said he was joking.

Today he said Villa must have taken tips off StMirren in how to celebrate and hes getting pelters again.

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32 minutes ago, Jason King said:

Not football related but the current Private Eye has BBC cricket man Jonathan Agnew repeatedly calling someone a c**t on Twitter after it was insinuated that Aggers wasn't a fan of England calling up a black player.

No wonder as it's to do with fast tracking a player into a team and possibly disrupting it a la Asprilla at Newcastle. Anyone suggesting it's got anything to do with colour and basically calling Agnew a racist is indeed a c**t. 

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He didn't think the players should be celebrating finishing 11th place and acting like champions like we have won something.

Quite a few folk calling him a w**k, clown ect than an hour later he said he was joking.

Today he said Villa must have taken tips off StMirren in how to celebrate and hes getting pelters again.

Ah the old make of c**t of yourself and play for the whoosh/fishing angle....
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Not long after he left the BBC in 2015, I began to notice Jim Spence was updating his Twitter bio with alarming regularity, so I began to screenshot them and collect them.

In September last year, I made a short video that compiled his bios between 2017 and 2018:


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Not long after he left the BBC in 2015, I began to notice Jim Spence was updating his Twitter bio with alarming regularity, so I began to screenshot them and collect them.
In September last year, I made a short video that compiled his bios between 2017 and 2018:

What was the point of doing that?
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7 minutes ago, Romeo said:


What was the point of doing that?

Remember, this was before the mega riches of The Terrace came along and changed his life 4eva.

I heard hes now got a semi in Denny.....................




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Given that he is a fantasist dab goon, I am all for a bit of Jim Spence bashing, but that video appears to have gone right over my head. 
It's mental, "guy changes twitter bio often" shocker.

A bit creepy if you ask me.
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34 minutes ago, Romeo said:

Tom will be loving all this. He's wound the St Mirren fans right up here.

Bollocks. You don't get to spout uncoordinated, rambling pish and then go 'LOLOLOLOL I TROLL YOU' when called on it.

And definitely not as a journalist. A job where honesty, integrity and earnestness SHOULD be paramount.

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Bollocks. You don't get to spout uncoordinated, rambling pish and then go 'LOLOLOLOL I TROLL YOU' when called on it.
And definitely not as a journalist. A job where honesty, integrity and earnestness SHOULD be paramount.
No surprise to see Romeo back up his own approach tbh.
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11 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Neil Cameron once said he wanted to meet Wings over Scotland in a dark alley

On the subject of Neil Cameron and folk who write pish on the internet, he got a ticking off from the NUJ a few months ago for accusing Phil Mac Giolla Bháin of making things up. I can only assume his defence didn't include a link to Phil's blog.

1 minute ago, djchapsticks said:

Bollocks. You don't get to spout uncoordinated, rambling pish and then go 'LOLOLOLOL I TROLL YOU' when called on it.

And definitely not as a journalist. A job where honesty, integrity and earnestness SHOULD be paramount.

You should try working in my office :ph34r:

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