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1 hour ago, Rossco8326 said:

Statement put up by St Andrews saying their manager was interviewed by a club higher in the pyramid and was told he was getting the job but he was then told he wasn't getting the job wonder if the club was us ? 


It absolutely was…

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On 08/06/2024 at 18:41, Rossco8326 said:

Statement put up by St Andrews saying their manager was interviewed by a club higher in the pyramid and was told he was getting the job but he was then told he wasn't getting the job wonder if the club was us ? 

Original post didn’t say that hence my question!

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On 08/06/2024 at 18:41, Rossco8326 said:

Statement put up by St Andrews saying their manager was interviewed by a club higher in the pyramid and was told he was getting the job but he was then told he wasn't getting the job wonder if the club was us ? 


Sounds kinda similar to what happened with Stirling and Chris Aitken.

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Now that the club has announced a new (dodgy) appointment can they update us on who is leaving,there are.6 players out of contract at the end of this ,would like to keep Grady and Murray the rest don’t really care.

Need new players in too but that won’t happen with no money.


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3 hours ago, citydiehard said:

Now that the club has announced a new (dodgy) appointment can they update us on who is leaving,there are.6 players out of contract at the end of this ,would like to keep Grady and Murray the rest don’t really care.

Need new players in too but that won’t happen with no money.


Who did you want in then?

If you're only wanting to keep 2 players, of course we'll have no money for anymore...

Hopefully the only one we'll hear about leaving is YOU!

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5 hours ago, city1906 said:

Who did you want in then?

If you're only wanting to keep 2 players, of course we'll have no money for anymore...

Hopefully the only one we'll hear about leaving is YOU!

He’ll never leave - loves the attention too much

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6 hours ago, city1906 said:

Who did you want in then?

If you're only wanting to keep 2 players, of course we'll have no money for anymore...

Hopefully the only one we'll hear about leaving is YOU!

Love this club too much 

But you guys seem to have blinkers on accepting the way the new board has run this club,2/3 seasons in and they’ve run out of money.So much for their ambition to go straight back up(ha ha ),spent way too much money too soon,now struggling to get decent players in.

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46 minutes ago, citydiehard said:

Love this club too much 

But you guys seem to have blinkers on accepting the way the new board has run this club,2/3 seasons in and they’ve run out of money.So much for their ambition to go straight back up(ha ha ),spent way too much money too soon,now struggling to get decent players in.

Do you have any proof of this ? 

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1 hour ago, citydiehard said:

Love this club too much 

But you guys seem to have blinkers on accepting the way the new board has run this club,2/3 seasons in and they’ve run out of money.So much for their ambition to go straight back up(ha ha ),spent way too much money too soon,now struggling to get decent players in.

Find that difficult to believe after the amount of pish and utter dross you spout out.


Not sure why but, maybe give your agenda up with the board as it's not going to change anytime soon!


Nobody ever at the the club said we'd go straight back up, if you were a shareholder you would have heard that there was a 5 year plan in place.


Love the club so much yet finding it funny we haven't gone back up yet 🙈


Absolute puppet!

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2 hours ago, city1906 said:

Find that difficult to believe after the amount of pish and utter dross you spout out.


Not sure why but, maybe give your agenda up with the board as it's not going to change anytime soon!


Nobody ever at the the club said we'd go straight back up, if you were a shareholder you would have heard that there was a 5 year plan in place.


Love the club so much yet finding it funny we haven't gone back up yet 🙈


Absolute puppet!

It’s all you guys that are the puppets on a string with the board,the 5 year plan is useless now there is no money,just watch the club slide further down the ladder soon be a junior team.Certainly don’t want to be a shareholder with this shambles spending way too much money with no results to show.

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10 minutes ago, citydiehard said:

It’s all you guys that are the puppets on a string with the board,the 5 year plan is useless now there is no money,just watch the club slide further down the ladder soon be a junior team.Certainly don’t want to be a shareholder with this shambles spending way too much money with no results to show.

Again do you have proof of this ? How do you know this if you don't attend any of the AGM ? Do you have access to the clubs accounts ? If your going to make claims like that you better have something to back them up 

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49 minutes ago, citydiehard said:

It’s all you guys that are the puppets on a string with the board,the 5 year plan is useless now there is no money,just watch the club slide further down the ladder soon be a junior team.Certainly don’t want to be a shareholder with this shambles spending way too much money with no results to show.

Why not answer the questions being asked?


We're not puppets. Club need money to fulfil their ambition, spending said money is also part of that - to an extent.


You criticised the last committee and you are now doing the same to this one.


How about you go and join them and give them a hand as it seems you have knowledge and expertise, I'm sure they'd appreciate it.


Nothing to show... won the league and narrowly lost on GD this season, that has to be a positive sign is it not?


The next time you post accusations, could you maybe follow it up with proper facts and not the usual bullshit you are accustomed to?

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