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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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Guest Bob Mahelp

Pretty pathetic and disgusting of Johnson to use a background of police cadets while he's having a rambling, incoherent political rant.

Of course, it's the kind of Trump-lite pish that the right-wing media in the UK is desperate to see. 

Shower of khunts.


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36 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Pretty pathetic and disgusting of Johnson to use a background of police cadets while he's having a rambling, incoherent political rant.

Of course, it's the kind of Trump-lite pish that the right-wing media in the UK is desperate to see. 

Shower of khunts.



One of them fainted but in the best traditions of show business the show carried on.


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The more the media start to gang up on him the more popular he'll become. If he sticks to his guns and more and more top Tories start abandoning ship and leaving him isolated on his own he will win the General Election at an absolute canter because people will vote for that.

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1 minute ago, ForzaDundee said:

See this whole #StopTheCoup thing. Maybe about 10,000 people on Twitter know what it means. The rest of the country (66,030,000 people) won't have a clue and the majority will be behind Boris getting a new deal or leaving without one.


That is so true. 

The right wing press in this country have an awful lot to answer for.

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Boris Johnson’s brother thinks that he’s not acting in the national interest and is standing down as an MP.

He’s went from a majority of one (counting the bought off DUP) to a minority of -40+.

He’s lost his first four Commons votes.

He’s going to be forced to go to Europe and ask for an extension.

He’s made one key pledge which he’s not going to be able to fulfil.


There was a Times journalist on 5Live today saying this was all part of his strategy.



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23 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Boris Johnson’s brother thinks that he’s not acting in the national interest and is standing down as an MP.

He’s went from a majority of one (counting the bought off DUP) to a minority of -40+.

He’s lost his first four Commons votes.

He’s going to be forced to go to Europe and ask for an extension.

He’s made one key pledge which he’s not going to be able to fulfil.

There was a Times journalist on 5Live today saying this was all part of his strategy.


Yes, they would say that, but when the tipping point comes, and it can't be far away, then the right-wing media cabal will discard him like a used condom.  

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See this whole #StopTheCoup thing. Maybe about 10,000 people on Twitter know what it means. The rest of the country (66,030,000 people) won't have a clue and the majority will be behind Boris getting a new deal or leaving without one.
I phoned my Dad today and, unusually we had a chat about politics - we tend to avoid it as he is usually a rabid No voter - he did vote Remain in the EU referendum.

I about fell out my chair when he said "The only we we're going to get out of this shit show son is independence".

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10 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

Now would be a good time to do a deal with special rules for the island of Ireland and tell the DUP to go f**k themselves if scripture permits. I reckon it could get a majority.

I read about that plan just over a fortnight ago.

In Private Eye.

Which kinda proves Ianucci's point about satire being superfluous nowadays.

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2 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:
6 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:
What is it with run-of-the-mill  people, that they will legitimise cúnts like this by posing for PR snaps?

Because they are bone-headed Peterhead bluenoses, stridently backing a party and a policy which will likely shaft them ?

Absolutely possible, I grant you, but is there nobody like that incredibly polite Yorkshire chap who he met yesterday? I certainly didn't pose for a photie with Straw when I met him, or with Greg bloody Knight on the occasions I've had to share space with him. If someone's fucking over my job, my colleagues and, in my case, the Public Sector, I'll take every chance to remind the cúnts who they work for.

From what I understand, the timetable we're now running on in Westminster means that all the promises he's made to the fishermen are null and void. And yet they're grinning like fools to promote this cúnt.

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28 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

What is it with run-of-the-mill  people, that they will legitimise cúnts like this by posing for PR snaps?


24 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:
28 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:
What is it with run-of-the-mill  people, that they will legitimise cúnts like this by posing for PR snaps?

Because they are bone-headed Peterhead bluenoses, stridently backing a party and a policy which will likely shaft them ?

Because some people view the world through a reality TV, social media, 15 minutes of fame driven prism.

An open Parliamentary democracy is the only feasible option for a modern society but when you see how some folk act it can test the resolve of defending the concept of the universal franchise.


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