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Monarchy and an Independent Scotland


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1 hour ago, SandyCromarty said:

That's why the Windsors love people with your outlook.

Last year she made £95 Million income.

I'm sure they dislike people with the outlook that people shouldn't be granted superiority by dint of birth a lot more than those who have looked into the minutiae of which aristocratic cousin fucked whatever other aristocratic cousin to challenge their legitimacy. 

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42 minutes ago, The OP said:

I'm sure they dislike people with the outlook that people shouldn't be granted superiority by dint of birth a lot more than those who have looked into the minutiae of which aristocratic cousin fucked whatever other aristocratic cousin to challenge their legitimacy. 

Their total wealth which includes all homes and castles, artwork etc etc is estimated at over £70 Billion.

Their net worth is over £500 million.

Last year, (April 2017 -April 2018), the sovereign grant  from the taxpayer was just over £76 million

Hardly minutiae.

And the point I'm making is that should an Independent Scotland have a monarchy, as Alex Salmond has stated, then we Scots would have to provide substantial financial contributions.

Plus they would also want monies from the Crown Estates.

Bear in mind that governments for years have fought with this monarch to retrieve artworks and gifts given to her on official state visits as Head of State which she maintains are personal gifts, when in fact they belong to the State. Another anomaly is that any person who dies intestate and no heirs are found then all of the persons money and property becomes the property of the crown, the same applies to anything that is found to be ownerless.

Their greed is endless and an Independent Scotland would be well rid of them.   


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3 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

Their total wealth which includes all homes and castles, artwork etc etc is estimated at over £70 Billion.

Their net worth is over £500 million.

Last year, (April 2017 -April 2018), the sovereign grant  from the taxpayer was just over £76 million

Hardly minutiae.


The minutiae to which I referred was 'Phyllis Saxe Coburg shagged Nathaniel Saxe Coburg who was second cousin to John Connington uncle of James Stewart". 

Who gives a f**k?

No Kings. 

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Not entirely sure if this is on topic but one of the smaller gripes I have with the monarchy is that they're not as taciturn as they claim to be - news items often contain short comments about what the queen is "understood to think on the issue" - I suspect ole talks to plants will be worse!

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On 10/08/2019 at 09:05, dee_62 said:

Yep. Separate issues. Get one out of the way and decide on the other at a later date.
Personally, and won’t be a popular comment on these forums, I’ve no problem with the royals as “head of state” in an independent Scotland. If the alternative is to elect a politician for an extended period - no thanks. Anyone seeking that kind of office would annoy me intensely.
Maybe best to go with no one.


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3 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

Where is the Stuart connection? if there is one it must be tenuous given that she is directly descended from The Hanovarian George the 1st who when chosen over the Stuarts by the english government was 74th in line to the throne but the fact that he was protestant gave him favour over the Stuarts, in fact her grandmother Queen Mary was German and the family were initially known as the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha until they changed it in the first world war to Windsor. Her family is littered with germans and about twenty years ago she wanted to confer the title The Duke of Cumberland on a german cousin of hers but backed down due to the furore raised by Scots.

I can only think that it is through her mother's family the Bowes-Lyons, the Bowes however were from Northumberland and made their money in coal mines, the Lyons I'm not so sure about.

George I was of Stuart descent.  Eg. Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Duke of Cumberland were distant cousins.

King James VI of Scotland was the queen's great great great great....... grandfather.


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This may have been a fever dream, but didn't ITV do an evening-long phone vote show in the mid-Nineties called, "Do You Want a Monarchy?"

No idea what happened in it, as I only tuned in for the end, but I think prize c**t Alastair Stewart was the host, and every region of the UK bent the knee...except those rebellious Scots, damn their eyes. Admittedly it was only a survey of folk who were willing to call a premium-rate phone line to take part in a meaningless poll on easily the worst of the four terrestrial channels, but I'd take it.

Also, "do you want a monarchy?" sounds like obscure rhyming slang that Grant would angrily ask of some liberty-taking slag down the Queen Vic.

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3 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

Where is the Stuart connection? if there is one it must be tenuous given that she is directly descended from The Hanovarian George the 1st who when chosen over the Stuarts by the english government was 74th in line to the throne but the fact that he was protestant gave him favour over the Stuarts, in fact her grandmother Queen Mary was German and the family were initially known as the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha until they changed it in the first world war to Windsor. Her family is littered with germans and about twenty years ago she wanted to confer the title The Duke of Cumberland on a german cousin of hers but backed down due to the furore raised by Scots.

I can only think that it is through her mother's family the Bowes-Lyons, the Bowes however were from Northumberland and made their money in coal mines, the Lyons I'm not so sure about.

No she wasn't.

Circuses, presumably.

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31 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

This may have been a fever dream, but didn't ITV do an evening-long phone vote show in the mid-Nineties called, "Do You Want a Monarchy?"

No idea what happened in it, as I only tuned in for the end, but I think prize c**t Alastair Stewart was the host, and every region of the UK bent the knee...except those rebellious Scots, damn their eyes. Admittedly it was only a survey of folk who were willing to call a premium-rate phone line to take part in a meaningless poll on easily the worst of the four terrestrial channels, but I'd take it.

That's right I remember watching it. Insane midweek TV.

It was during the last days of Tory rule and pre the 97 referendum, so we were clearly a bit antsy. 

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I wouldn't worry too much over any of this, as the game will change dramatically when Brenda bites the dust.

There are millions of royalists with a small 'r' in the UK who admire her sense of duty and continuity but who will not transfer their interest never mind their respect to her weedy son. Charles has waited a long time for his starring role but he might well be left wondering if it was worth it. Too fucking bad.

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On 11/08/2019 at 22:02, O'Kelly Isley III said:

I wouldn't worry too much over any of this, as the game will change dramatically when Brenda bites the dust.

There are millions of royalists with a small 'r' in the UK who admire her sense of duty and continuity but who will not transfer their interest never mind their respect to her weedy son. Charles has waited a long time for his starring role but he might well be left wondering if it was worth it. Too fucking bad.

When Brenda bites the dust, this would be an ideal opportunity to appoint a president of our new independent republic. But who would we pick for the first president. Not some washed up ex politician. Follow Ireland and have a literary personality? Someone from the media or entertainment?

Dont say Sean Canary, as it needs to be someone who actually lives here.  So who is there?

Lorraine Kelly? 

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