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That by separating people you disempower them therefore nothing will be fixed or changed and we will keep going round in circles.

The internet is doing that and will keep on doing it and people think by banning someone that somehow it’s going to stop racism and that they’ve done their bit and go back to watching tv again. The blm matters protests being a perfect example, it was the right thing but ultimately there was no end goal and it will just be endless banning of celebrities on Twitter or wherever who probably just got conditioned or separated due to others before them and people before that. People are retreating into a simplified good vs evil or left vs right battle when it’s much more complicated than that. The real power is far away from this and until the rich and powerful are under threat it will just be two people shouting at each other in a cave.  

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9 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

That by separating people you disempower them therefore nothing will be fixed or changed and we will keep going round in circles.

The internet is doing that and will keep on doing it and people think by banning someone that somehow it’s going to stop racism and that they’ve done their bit and go back to watching tv again. The blm matters protests being a perfect example, it was the right thing but ultimately there was no end goal and it will just be endless banning of celebrities on Twitter or wherever who probably just got conditioned or separated due to others before them and people before that. People are retreating into a simplified good vs evil or left vs right battle when it’s much more complicated than that. The real power is far away from this and until the rich and powerful are under threat it will just be two people shouting at each other in a cave.  

Who is being separated here and from whom? It's literally a rich woman not getting a role for a kid's show. It really isn't more complicated than that. You're treating it with the same seriousness that Ben Shapiro is and are basically regurgitating him and his ilk's talking points even if you keep protesting that you're nominally not on their side.

Again, it's literally a rich woman saying dumb offensive shit and losing out on a television role because Disney doesn't want one of their properties associated with someone who spends all day shouting lies about vaccines and making offensive equivocations with the Holocaust. 

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On 19/02/2021 at 11:14, D.A.F.C said:

Had a look its not great. Kind of get what she's saying but it's terribly put together and like she's went down some anti Jewish worm hole.


23 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

I get it, doesn’t mean I agree with it. Free speech isnt getting shut down but she’s gone off on a tangent and started attacking people like you say.

Someone who fought MMA is going to be aggressive I guess? For what it’s worth both sides of left and right aren’t doing any good, it’s just an endless echo chamber of non solutions and turmoil. That’s Twitter summed up.


21 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Everyone talks shite on Twitter, it’s designed to make people argue with each other.

Shes lost the plot and didn’t back down, personally I couldn’t give a shit what she says but mandalorian will suffer because she’s not in it.

What people don’t realise is that by pointing this stuff out it’s only drawing attention and encouraging more people to take sides. Will be the same or worse in ten, twenty, thirty years. I don’t hear a real solution from left wing people.

Im not right wing in any way, just look at it differently.


6 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

She's saying that being a republican is frowned upon but taken it far too far.

What liberals and the left wing dont get is that ultimately they have no solutions either and we are left with a continuous arguement with no solutions. Meanwhile the right wing people who used to have a say and get ridiculed are shut down before they get a chance and then that makes them even more right wing and extreme. Hence why she disappeared down some anti Jewish rabbit hole.

So yes her point is there but she wasn't allowed to originally make a point so got more and more extreme. This will keep happening again and again we are stuck in twitter purgatory with zero way out.

I am in no way right wing or anti Jewish and by trying to troll me into saying something outrageous to get me banned or similar then you are only showing that you've fallen into this trap as well. 

For me the solution would have been to invite her onto a talk show with someone who went to a concentration camp and get completely humiliated. She's now just going to believe all this shit. Its made it worse.


1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:

People want change but not willing to make real changes to their lives that will stop racism or hatred. Just ban or block people to make themselves feel like they're doing something.

It does nothing but encourage more racism and hatred.


50 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

 No you really don’t, do you.


23 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

That by separating people you disempower them therefore nothing will be fixed or changed and we will keep going round in circles.

The internet is doing that and will keep on doing it and people think by banning someone that somehow it’s going to stop racism and that they’ve done their bit and go back to watching tv again. The blm matters protests being a perfect example, it was the right thing but ultimately there was no end goal and it will just be endless banning of celebrities on Twitter or wherever who probably just got conditioned or separated due to others before them and people before that. People are retreating into a simplified good vs evil or left vs right battle when it’s much more complicated than that. The real power is far away from this and until the rich and powerful are under threat it will just be two people shouting at each other in a cave.  


It's not that deep, man.

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26 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

That by separating people you disempower them therefore nothing will be fixed or changed and we will keep going round in circles.

The internet is doing that and will keep on doing it and people think by banning someone that somehow it’s going to stop racism and that they’ve done their bit and go back to watching tv again. The blm matters protests being a perfect example, it was the right thing but ultimately there was no end goal and it will just be endless banning of celebrities on Twitter or wherever who probably just got conditioned or separated due to others before them and people before that. People are retreating into a simplified good vs evil or left vs right battle when it’s much more complicated than that. The real power is far away from this and until the rich and powerful are under threat it will just be two people shouting at each other in a cave.  

I thought not.

9 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Who is being separated here and from whom? It's literally a rich woman not getting a role for a kid's show. It really isn't more complicated than that. You're treating it with the same seriousness that Ben Shapiro is and are basically regurgitating him and his ilk's talking points even if you keep protesting that you're nominally not on their side.

Again, it's literally a rich woman saying dumb offensive shit and losing out on a television role because Disney doesn't want one of their properties associated with someone who spends all day shouting lies about vaccines and making offensive equivocations with the Holocaust. 

Which, in itself, is part of the solution. By not allowing a high profile actress to continue in a high profile TV show it shows that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable and has consequences.

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All im trying to say is that yes she's wrong, completely, but she's the latest in a long line of seemingly normal people radicalised into strange beliefs.

There's a bigger picture here, banning and shutting them down is just firefighting. The Internet is an engineering machine that works on feedback loops that's literally destroying the minds of millions of good people into saying or doing things they wouldn't have done otherwise.

Wait a few weeks/months another one will appear.

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Can someone let the Guild know that I have put a bounty on D.A.F.C.?  Please send Mando or Boba Fett quick.  I will even pay Dengar or Bossk.


Edited by Loki
To let Boba Fett know that disintegrations are allowed.
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On 21/02/2021 at 21:50, D.A.F.C said:

All im trying to say is that yes she's wrong, completely, but she's the latest in a long line of seemingly normal people radicalised into strange beliefs.

There's a bigger picture here, banning and shutting them down is just firefighting. The Internet is an engineering machine that works on feedback loops that's literally destroying the minds of millions of good people into saying or doing things they wouldn't have done otherwise.

Wait a few weeks/months another one will appear.

I see your point now.

I mean its not like the world has any kind of history of racism or persecution before the internet.

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23 hours ago, Loki said:

Can someone let the Guild know that I have put a bounty on D.A.F.C.?  Please send Mando or Boba Fett quick.  I will even pay Dengar or Bossk.


No bounty hunter has made it out of Fife alive, the last lot were chased out of the valley bar in 1989. 

I suggest you keep your money and your murderous thoughts to yourself good sir.

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10 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

No bounty hunter has made it out of Fife alive, the last lot were chased out of the valley bar in 1989. 

I suggest you keep your money and your murderous thoughts to yourself good sir.

Murderous?  I never said I want you dead, frozen in Carbonite and left in the Dune Sea in Tattooine will be more than sufficient.

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  • 1 year later...

Star Wars Disney Plus GIF by Disney+

Just watched first episode of the new season (chapter 17).

Pretty good opening episode stuff. Lots of different species in this one too, leading to a comical moment with Grogu.

Also feel that when Mando told Greef that 'the little one' is called Grogu, he was speaking to the wider audience, especially those who still insist on calling him 'Baby Yoda'.

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