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5 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

You really don't get it.  Israel Israel Israel Israel.  That's what its all about.  I can tell you why Trump decided to do this, and also relocate the US embassy to Jersualem, in two words - Jarrod Kushner.

To focus solely on Israel would be downplaying Saudi Arabia's influence.....

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You really don't get it.  Israel Israel Israel Israel.  That's what its all about.  I can tell you why Trump decided to do this, and also relocate the US embassy to Jersualem, in two words - Jarrod Kushner.
This is bollocks of the first degree.

I think you'll find that this has a lot more to do with Saudi Arabia than Israel.
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11 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

Matt Stoller asked an interesting thing that I didn't know the answer to: why does America have such a rage boner for Iran? Yes they humiliated them in the 70s but so did Vietnam and now relations are relatively normal there. What's different about Iran? Especially now the USA is independent of Middle East oil.

Difficult one but it could be who controls the oil and that is mostly Total the French company who actually run Kharg Island, the Americans fully supported the Shah, as did BP, who gave them full access to the country and then Ayatollah Khomeini returned from France where he had been cossetted and turned the country upside down.

Since then other western oil countries have had payment problems and had to pull out, for instance one Canadian land drilling company left 15 rigs there as payment through Kish Island, which is the Island banks the Iranians use to move money, was not forthcoming.

Another aspect is that being Fars with a rich heritage they are fiercely independent, a trait that the Americans found it difficult to do business with. 

Americans abroad in business and daily life expect to bulldoze their way to get their way, as in 'I'm American who the feck are you'.


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12 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

Matt Stoller asked an interesting thing that I didn't know the answer to: why does America have such a rage boner for Iran? Yes they humiliated them in the 70s but so did Vietnam and now relations are relatively normal there. What's different about Iran? Especially now the USA is independent of Middle East oil.

Shale isn't producing as well as they thought so it might be independent just now but that might not last long term.

Even in the short term, the shale producers are highly leveraged and a higher oil price helps them pay back their debts.



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13 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

This is bollocks of the first degree.

I think you'll find that this has a lot more to do with Saudi Arabia than Israel.

No that's incredibly naive.  This is 99.999999999% about Israel.  All other considerations pale into insignificance, if you have been following for the last twenty years that would be obvious.  

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5 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

No that's incredibly naive.  This is 99.999999999% about Israel.  All other considerations pale into insignificance, if you have been following for the last twenty years that would be obvious.  


America acts in it's own interests. Israel is simply a consequence of US imperialism

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2 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
26 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:
No that's incredibly naive.  This is 99.999999999% about Israel.  All other considerations pale into insignificance, if you have been following for the last twenty years that would be obvious.  

No it's not, Israel are a pawn in this. It's about oil

I posted this article in the Trump thread, however it's probably more relevant here if anything and interestingly it was penned back in 2018.


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Israel and Saudi Arabia are both malign influences.
I would suspect that the Israelis won't be too amused with Trump at the moment. Don't get me wrong - they are not averse to the odd assassination or two - I think they'd have been a damn sight more subtle if they were going to do it.

The Saudis on the other hand . . . subtlety has never been their strong suit.
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Israel is a massive domestic consideration for Trump. Contracts with Saudi are also crucial. If the US steps out, Russia will step in. Shale oil may meet US needs internally but there is a lot of oil and dollars to lose by walking away. It always comes back to power and money. 

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26 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I would suspect that the Israelis won't be too amused with Trump at the moment. Don't get me wrong - they are not averse to the odd assassination or two - I think they'd have been a damn sight more subtle if they were going to do it.

The Saudis on the other hand . . . subtlety has never been their strong suit.

Subtle like when they were murdering Iranian scientists all over the world?

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3 hours ago, HTG said:

Israel is a massive domestic consideration for Trump. Contracts with Saudi are also crucial. If the US steps out, Russia will step in. Shale oil may meet US needs internally but there is a lot of oil and dollars to lose by walking away. It always comes back to power and money. 

In this case I’m assuming you’re including Trump’s attempts at deflection within ‘power’.

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26 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

In this case I’m assuming you’re including Trump’s attempts at deflection within ‘power’.

I wouldn't read too much of anything into Trump. He's such a narcissistic lunatic that he'll fit into anything that feels like it may increase his money or power. 

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33 minutes ago, HTG said:

I wouldn't read too much of anything into Trump. He's such a narcissistic lunatic that he'll fit into anything that feels like it may increase his money or power. 

The timing of this escalation screams ‘deflection from Impeachment’.

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