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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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So you think that people who move abroad should have their citizenship rights revoked?



Last time I checked ‘citizenship rights’ didn’t extend to a free return flight from any country where there’s a glorified cold virus knocking about.


Anyway I see that the Wirral is currently being used as a quarantine area for the repatriated passengers; is it too late to nominate Fife as the final dumping ground for all cases found in Scotland? Roadblocks on the main bridges and a handful of country roads and the tinpot ‘kingdom’ would be sealed off.


Wouldn’t be missed IMO.



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2 hours ago, virginton said:


Last time I checked ‘citizenship rights’ didn’t extend to a free return flight from any country where there’s a glorified cold virus knocking about.


Anyway I see that the Wirral is currently being used as a quarantine area for the repatriated passengers; is it too late to nominate Fife as the final dumping ground for all cases found in Scotland? Roadblocks on the main bridges and a handful of country roads and the tinpot ‘kingdom’ would be sealed off.


Wouldn’t be missed IMO.



how cute you are x 

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Things now get challenging in the tournament as we come to the split. AKA, the table gets its own page and is to big to screenshat in one go!

Breaking news: China continue to dominate, now 258 deaths as the total infection rate surpasses 11,000. The global sniffle outbreak governing body have got to be pleased with these numbers. Rumours of sponsorship incoming in from Kleenex, Dettol and 3M.

Thailand and Singapore put some distance between themselves and the chasing pack.

Today Singapore starts to issue face masks to every household on the island. We await to see what tactics the Land of Chuckles comes up with to keep them in second place.

UK, Russia and Sweden get off the mark and we await to see how that unfolds.

The UK has brought in its ringers from Hubei, much to the chagrin of at least one poster on here. We will see how this plays out, will the ringers be good enough to increase the tally?

We have one country who appear to be refusing to participate; Myanmar, who returned a flight to China, passengers et all due to one suspected case on board. After taking off the two Myanmar nationals and hospitalising the suspected infected individual, Myanmar then told the plane and pilot to bolt and get back to Guangzhou.

The blame game kicks in in China as the public (online) outcry continues. The government confirm they were slow to react, knowing for several weeks beforehand the potential. Local party officials now shuffling to save face and select their scapegoats as things heat up in the middle kingdom.



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It is great to see is finally get on the board. Hopefully it’s not too late to get into the medal positions.

Presume this will be the same ranking system as the Olympics where deaths/golds get you higher up the table?

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3 hours ago, Tight John McVeigh is a tit said:

Today Singapore starts to issue face masks to every household on the island. We await to see what tactics the Land of Chuckles comes up with to keep them in second place.

Reports say we are bring back 161 Thai nationals back from China.

The taxi driver who has caught it from his Chinese  passengers, was not a pickup from the airport.  He actually was the pickup to take them to the hospital. So they say....

Looks like Spain are on the board with 1 case confirmed.

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Researchers have found HIV insertions in the coronavirus which could indicate that the virus was a bioweapon.
It heating up quick in here.

Well we are safe from Chinese domination if their bio weapons programme amounts to giving everyone the flu.

Think you may want to change your sources of information to ones that are based, at least a little, on reality and not ridiculous sensationalism.

Now back to reality, how are the Land of Chuckles getting on with the convicts putting the teeny weeny face masks on the bats?

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40 minutes ago, Tight John McVeigh is a tit said:


Well we are safe from Chinese domination if their bio weapons programme amounts to giving everyone the flu.

Think you may want to change your sources of information to ones that are based, at least a little, on reality and not ridiculous sensationalism.

Now back to reality, how are the Land of Chuckles getting on with the convicts putting the teeny weeny face masks on the bats?


Not much news here. After all it's the weekend.  Just 2 situations, which is surprising nobody, as it all about the Baht here in Thailand.

There is a disagreement within the Government if we should stop visa on arrival for Chinese citizens.  This when other countries are banning all flights, we are taken the steps to help them arrive without any delays.



Face mask production, is all covered. In fact we are waiting on China to ask us for supplies. 



Edited by SlipperyP
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Not much news here. After all it's the weekend.  Just 2 situations, which is surprising nobody, as it all about the Baht here in Thailand.
There is a disagreement within the Government if we should stop visa on arrival for Chinese citizens.  This when other countries are banning all flights, we are taken the steps to help them arrive without any delays.
Face mask production, is all covered. In fact we are waiting on China to ask us for supplies. 

Singapore have banned the entry of Chinese as of today, even for transit and several other countries look likely to follow this stance, so great to see Thailand do there own thing for the laughs.

Impressed at the picture accompanying the face mask story. Could those three guys gloat anymore about having facemaks and others not!

Fly up on monday, may stock pile masks for sale here when I get back ;-)

Still no masks to be bought here, been out of stock for a week now, but the government will start issuing to households from today.

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11 hours ago, virginton said:


Last time I checked ‘citizenship rights’ didn’t extend to a free return flight from any country where there’s a glorified cold virus knocking about.


I think it probably does extend to removing your citizens from an area the WHO has designated the centre of a global emergency.

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4 hours ago, Tight John McVeigh is a tit said:

....Well we are safe from Chinese domination if their bio weapons programme amounts to giving everyone the flu....


From what's being claimed online by people who appear to be credible scientists the virus is much more potentially lethal for Asian males than other groups due to a receptor that is involved in getting infected through the lungs. Not a sensible bioweapon for China's PLA if that's the case.

Another couple of months and most of the heavily inhabited parts of the northern hemisphere will be too warm for this virus to easily survive, but this could become a new addition to the annual flu season, unfortunately.

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