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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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8 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

What’s that they are skooshing into the air?

Normal Chinese stuff going on here.


Common in KL, to be fair.

The're always spraying stuff to control mozzies/pests etc.

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Self isolate.

Unbelievably reckless. Get the kid in a hospital.




The kid has no symptoms or confirmation of the illness, just had some proximity to the confirmed case in Brighton as many others will also have.


Common practice the world over just now (don’t know if it is a WHO directive).


Actually shocking, sensationalist journalism, trying to suggest the kid has coronavirus, but actually reading the article would tell you they haven’t.



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As China continue their push to record breaking levels and no one will doubt their industriousness to achieve it. Singapore zero in on the Nation free participants playing under the ‘Sneezing Princess’ flag with a further 7.


Anyway, 7 more in Singapore bringing us to 40. The UK plan of holding a conference in Singapore to garner signing targets has somewhat backfired as currently more Singaporeans than British have signed up to the sneezeathon. The UK are also now in a fight with France over the 5 confirmed cases in France originating from this conference. Pools panel will decides later of it is to be a home or away win.

Thailand get back to winning ways, but not enough to catch Singapore.

A note to Slippery P that the military cannot just shoot people and expect the points.

Panic buying in Singapore kicks in.



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The number of new cases in China overall has fallen in four out of the last five days, and the number of new cases in China excluding Hubei Province has fallen for the last eight days straight. The number of new serious cases was lower than the number of deaths, for the first time. And all our media have to say is 'DEATH TOLL BEATS SARS'.


Correction: New cases in China outside Hubei have only fallen for 5 days straight. 890>731>707>696>558>509

Edited by bendan
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The number of new cases in China overall has fallen in four out of the last five days, and the number of new cases in China excluding Hubei Province has fallen for the last eight days straight. The number of new serious cases was lower than the number of deaths, for the first time. And all our media have to say is 'DEATH TOLL BEATS SARS'.

The fact it might be peaking isn’t great news for the media. The death toll being higher than SARS is factually true, keeps the panic high and thus sells/clickbait.

Think Welshbairn published some stats on flu deaths in the US a good while back. If this was kept rational no one would be bothering.

We have people, even on here, posting clips and claims with no foundation and laying claim to this proving its: Bio-weapons, some secret virus that will wipe is out, etc, never mind the apparent racist undertones against Chinese/Asians.

It’s a animal cross over virus we have no current cure for as its new. It’s highly contagious but not a massive killer and has been badly managed/controlled at the start.

China are getting control of it now, it will generally spread a bit more in the coming weeks*, due to again, some poor management/decisions a few weeks ago, then fade out. Unless it rears its head in another country who manage it as bad as China it won’t get to much worse *.

The second worst affected country is here in Singapore. Its been managed very well but still doesn’t stop people acting irrationally. The passed two days you would think the end of the world was coming as people have been panic buying.

As said several times before, the big topics on this are political and economical and still to be felt. These will far out weigh the health/medical side.

So you are right in what you say, but the reality is a lot more boring and not as much clickbait.

Let’s sit back and wait in utter panic for theroadlesstravelled next inane post.

*Of course China has yet to ‘return’ after the holidays and don’t underestimate the potential stupidity of local governments and employers in the next few days that could make things a little worse again.

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43 minutes ago, Tight John McVeigh is a tit said:

The fact it might be peaking isn’t great news for the media. The death toll being higher than SARS is factually true, keeps the panic high and thus sells/clickbait.


We have people, even on here, posting clips and claims with no foundation and laying claim to this proving its: Bio-weapons, some secret virus that will wipe is out, etc, never mind the apparent racist undertones against Chinese/Asians.



Yes, the media just want the panic-driven clickbait, but their inability to actually notice anything from the stats being reported is also down to journos being very thick.

People are all over Twitter, Youtube and Facebook posting clips with no context or location and just adding a completely unsubstantiated explanation of what's happening. And as you say, there's an ever-present racist undertone to it. It's odd that racism towards East Asians somehow doesn't count, even to organisations like The Guardian. 


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2 hours ago, 101 said:

155 Brits died from winter flu last year (2018/2019) yet watch as the country losses it's shit if we have 1 dead and 10 infected

There is already an epidemic here in Thailand. It's called dangerous driving.  Kills on average 66 people every day.  The devastation that leaves on many families is utterly heartbreaking.   Our Government if you could call them that,  do f**k all about it. Shameless.  

Now, that is news, we only here twice a year.  New Years week and Songhran Week.  They post daily numbers up on the news to highlight it....they don't tell you it's like this every day.

Edited by SlipperyP
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1 minute ago, SlipperyP said:

There is already an epidemic here in Thailand. It's called dangerous driving.  Kills on average 66 people every day.  The devastation that least on many families is utterly heartbreaking.   Our Government if you could call them that,  do f**k all about it. Shameless.  

Now that is news, we only here twice a year.  New Years week and Songhran Week.  They still daily numbers up on the news to highlight it....they don't tell you it's like this every day.

That's a crazy stat, if this flu killed 66 a day no-one would be going out and the cash being thrown and sorting it out would be astronomical.

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6 minutes ago, welshbairn said:
3 hours ago, 101 said:
155 Brits died from winter flu last year (2018/2019) yet watch as the country losses it's shit if we have 1 dead and 10 infected

That sounds very low, 13,000 died in 2008/9 alone.

600 average

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