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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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3 hours ago, Donathan said:


How will we be ******? It only kills old people or those with health problems.

My biggest worry is the government stopping fitba/travel


It 'only' kills the elderly and already sick in a resourced system. If you don't have enough equipment and medicine it will kill more. China put 40,000 medical personnel into Hubei. Who exactly would bail the UK out?

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1 hour ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Reminds me of the massive snow-storm we had a couple of years ago when everyone was panic-buying milk and bread. 

On the local community FB group, someone called out the person who was seen buying 20 loaves and pints of milk in the local supermarket, leaving nothing left for the elderly. This person then responded to say that they were buying the bread and milk FOR the local elderly people because other people were panic buying. 

Not quite sure who came out of that on a winner tbh.

Our local Tesco shuts for Christmas day and every year it's the same, the place is mobbed all day Christmas Eve and people are bulk buying bread, milk, tissues, toilet rolls etc, the shelves end up bare as if rationing was about to be introduced or that the store would never reopen it's doors.

What can I say, I always find it quite amusing if also rather sad and pathetic.

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47 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:


My mistake.  My Spanish is not very good and I thought Burdel was where you went to get a burrito.  Waitresses were great and they sure looked after me while I was waiting to order food.

Then this virus comes along and ruins everything.

Never going to that restaurant again.

Never did get a burrito.

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11 hours ago, Eednud said:

@DeeMan running out of dunny paper? Today’s NT News has a helpful tip and 8 page pull-out section. The West Australian will be a good substitute although it’s already full of shite. 



Maybe it's just me but all I could think about when reading this was -


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35 minutes ago, BillyAnchor said:

I just hope theres a plan for the rich if the stock market keeps tanking. I hate to think some will have to but new BMWs instead of Mercedes.

Rest assured they'll be fine as they always are, it's the rest of us in society who'll be shafted as usual and who'll bear the Economic brunt through unemployment, wage freezes / reductions and a further demise of our already decimated public services.

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From a health perspective this will likely hit America hardest among developed world countries. Not just the cost and lack of access to their health system but things like sick leave and lack of social security will push people to keep working even if they suspect they are carrying the virus. They will struggle to shutdown cities and coordinating across federal, state and cities will be a major challenge. The one plus they have is their national guards will allow a lot of manpower to be pulled up. 

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Well, my work have decided they are taking it seriously. Splitting the various departments into smaller teams, leaving some in the existing office, moving some to another office we have not far from here, shifting some of us to the Disaster Recovery site we have in Zürich and making those who can work from home do just that.

I'll be getting shifted to Zürich which will add 15 minutes each way onto my commute. The c***s.

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Rest assured they'll be fine as they always are, it's the rest of us in society who'll be shafted as usual and who'll bear the Economic brunt through unemployment, wage freezes / reductions and a further demise of our already decimated public services.
Yeah they're still blaming the banks for austerity even though they created the environment that created their mess.
Err no money because thing
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4 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Yeah they're still blaming the banks for austerity even though they created the environment that created their mess.
Err no money because thing

Yes, not to mention they're behaving like "Big Rab" the local loan shark and charging 40% for overdraft Debit balances, screwing people over with "tailored pricing" personal Loan rates and meanwhile they're paying the savers (who's money they're actually lending out) a whopping 0.3% - 0.8% rate.

Crooks the lot of them..........

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21 minutes ago, Ross. said:

Well, my work have decided they are taking it seriously. Splitting the various departments into smaller teams, leaving some in the existing office, moving some to another office we have not far from here, shifting some of us to the Disaster Recovery site we have in Zürich and making those who can work from home do just that.

I'll be getting shifted to Zürich which will add 15 minutes each way onto my commute. The c***s.

Lucky you, ours is in Hamilton !!

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My work has already essentially shut down large offices in Northern Italy and are preparing for significant numbers of staff working from home.

Staff who use public transport to get to work in London have been told to work from home rather than get the bus or tube.

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I was in Tesco in Inverness today. Panic buying has hit the flour and pasta shelves bigly. Canned goods also scarce. Didn't check out the toilet roll section. Tip, for when the TP runs out: fix a length of hose to your bathroom tap.

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