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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 minute ago, tarapoa said:

Lack of ventilators a huge problem, and they apparently already have far more per head in Lombardy than in the UK.

Penny only seems to have dropped now with the UK Government that buying a few more ventilators may be a good idea - these orders should have been in weeks ago.

So, it’s good news for ventilator manufacturers, Kushelle and Andrex, Marshalls macaroni and Iceland frozen foods. Missed anyone?

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2 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

Apologies if already answered but why the run on toilet paper (no pun intended)?

AFAIK the infection doesn't have symptoms which would require lots of it.

Just stupid people?

People stocking up in the event that they'll be locked in the house with shops shut for weeks/months. But aye, still stupid people mostly. 

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3 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

Apologies if already answered but why the run on toilet paper (no pun intended)?

AFAIK the infection doesn't have symptoms which would require lots of it.

Just stupid people?

Anticipating a supply shortage because apparently most of the stuff comes from China. Daft as f**k but hey ho. 

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3 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

Apologies if already answered but why the run on toilet paper (no pun intended)?

AFAIK the infection doesn't have symptoms which would require lots of it.

Just stupid people?

Selfish wankers. Panic merchants. Idiots. Tosspots of the highest order. Probably all head out tomorrow and start snapping up fifty Pot Noodles each.

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Pubs in Ireland been asked to close from midnight tonight until the end of the month. Surely won't be far behind here.  I'm still seeing folk on facebook treating this like we're all snowed off work and should go down to the pub for a fortnight, probably the folk who won't take it seriously until someone they know has it. 

Edited by Fratelli
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6 minutes ago, philpy said:

I've been a bit wheezy the last 30 mins or so. I'm not asmatic and I've no other health issues. Going to take it easy and I see how I am in the morning.

Wee Jimmy Krankie is denying you a ventilator. 

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5 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:

My boss got stopped by the police today while driving from his village to town (5 miles) to go to the big supermarket. The police sent him back, saying he had to use his local shop and that if he was caught again they'd issue him with a court summons.

How would be get to court?

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10 minutes ago, tarapoa said:

Lack of ventilators a huge problem, and they apparently already have far more per head in Lombardy than in the UK.

Penny only seems to have dropped now with the UK Government that buying a few more ventilators may be a good idea - these orders should have been in weeks ago.

How hard can it be to make a ventilator? You would think they could set up a production line in the UK.

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4 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

Selfish wankers. Panic merchants. Idiots. Tosspots of the highest order. Probably all head out tomorrow and start snapping up fifty Pot Noodles each.

Adds 50 pot noodles to list...

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2 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

Selfish wankers. Panic merchants. Idiots. Tosspots of the highest order. Probably all head out tomorrow and start snapping up fifty Pot Noodles each.

Thanks. I sort of get that but why toilet paper? Canned , bottled, dried food, booze I could understand. 

There are other perfectly acceptable ways of wiping your arse.

I say 'stupid' but maybe they are just inexperienced in the panic buying arena,

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Huge jump in deaths in Italy puts their death toll at 7% of infected. SARS level stuff now.

7% of known cases. Still hellish but the actual mortality must be lower than that. UK mortality of known cases is about 2.5% accepting much lower numbers so far.

There are striking differences between countries. For example in UK of 1319 currently infected cases only 2% rated as serious or critical




In Italy 20603 currently infected cases with 8% rated as serious or critical. Even when Italy had similar number of active cases to current UK level (about 2 weeks ago)the % rated as serious or critical was quite a bit higher than the current 2% UK figure (relying on memory plus info from a friend living in Bologna for the 2 week ago figure)

No idea what the significance is or if it’s even significant at all.


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1 minute ago, cyderspaceman said:

Thanks. I sort of get that but why toilet paper? Canned , bottled, dried food, booze I could understand. 

There are other perfectly acceptable ways of wiping your arse.

I say 'stupid' but maybe they are just inexperienced in the panic buying arena,

They'll get plenty practice before this is all over.

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21 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

Decided not putting kids to nursery now. Too much of a risk for me. The statistics for those that have cancer are not enjoyable reading. I'm not currently on treatment (chemo) but as I have blood cancer I'm at a much higher risk.

I also have hospital treatment (not chemo) this week but I'm going to ask for it to be cancelled. It's in the oncology ward so it's always very clean but it's not life saving treatment so hopefully they'll agree to patch it.

It's still very low in the Highlands, if it's important treatment I'd think about getting in there now, even if it's not life critical. Could be much more risky later. Kind of hoping they keep a clear path to chemo for my next appointment a week on Friday.

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Decided not putting kids to nursery now. Too much of a risk for me. The statistics for those that have cancer are not enjoyable reading. I'm not currently on treatment (chemo) but as I have blood cancer I'm at a much higher risk.
I also have hospital treatment (not chemo) this week but I'm going to ask for it to be cancelled. It's in the oncology ward so it's always very clean but it's not life saving treatment so hopefully they'll agree to patch it.

Best of luck with all that. Keep well.
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3 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

Thanks. I sort of get that but why toilet paper? Canned , bottled, dried food, booze I could understand. 

There are other perfectly acceptable ways of wiping your arse.

I say 'stupid' but maybe they are just inexperienced in the panic buying arena,

With muppets buying up all the bog roll, I agree there are other ways to wipe your arse, but those five embroidered stars can chafe.

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