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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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He really is useless.To avoid them they need to close

We’ve to avoid pubs, restaurants, non-essential channel etc now. I can’t help but feel an official ban on them would’ve been better, given a large % of this country will still go.
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16 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

This should of course happen here and of course won't.

Norway dipping their toe into their oil fund to deal with a national emergency. Really glad we didn't waste our time with that stuff and forged ahead with austerity instead.

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14 minutes ago, charon said:

Siege mentality requires guns I'd have thought.


Anyone done the Corona-tion Street one yet?




Shouldn't you be getting your wee boat in prime condition for the work that lies ahead rather than dossing on Pie & Bovril? Early indications of cabin fever developing within the P & B community (WhiteRoseKillie can go stir-crazy). We'll end up like Chaplin and his room-mate in The Gold Rush; except you will hallucinate your nearest and dearest as multi-packs of de-luxe toilet rolls.

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Hearing mutterings that the fortnightly pen-jabs I have to take are being used to treat the virus in other countries. Nothing official that I can find, but Israel was mentioned.

Ironic that I'm a higher risk of catching it but might have a stock of a cure in my fridge.

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2 minutes ago, Thane of Cawdor said:

Shouldn't you be getting your wee boat in prime condition for the work that lies ahead rather than dossing on Pie & Bovril? Early indications of cabin fever developing within the P & B community (WhiteRoseKillie can go stir-crazy). We'll end up like Chaplin and his room-mate in The Gold Rush; except you will hallucinate your nearest and dearest as multi-packs of de-luxe toilet rolls.

Aye. The Yam needs a diaphragm for the oil injection 😬


Nevermind Chaplin, the second last remaining credited actor from the Laurel & Hardy films just died 🎩⤵️

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Johnson's advice has now changed from "we need to build herd immunity" to "avoid all but essential contact with everyone" in two days. And people ask why folk are panicking - mainly because the government are about as trustworthy as Jimmy Saville.

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1 minute ago, The Moonster said:

Johnson's advice has now changed from "we need to build herd immunity" to "avoid all but essential contact with everyone" in two days. And people ask why folk are panicking - mainly because the government are about as trustworthy as Jimmy Saville.




People are panicking cos they are idiots and the media are fuelling it.


If it hadn't been reported as a 'thing' , nobody, and I mean nobody, would have noticed.

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Johnson's advice has now changed from "we need to build herd immunity" to "avoid all but essential contact with everyone" in two days. And people ask why folk are panicking - mainly because the government are about as trustworthy as Jimmy Saville.

Pay attention to the medical guy, not the political guy. He answered why that was not five minutes ago.
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2 minutes ago, charon said:




People are panicking cos they are idiots and the media are fuelling it.


If it hadn't been reported as a 'thing' , nobody, and I mean nobody, would have noticed.

Friends and relatives of the dead  and sick would have noticed.

Hospital staff would have noticed.

Workplaces with fewer workers would have noticed.

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This should of course happen here and of course won't.That's because these two countries are fine examples of where (in some cases) extreme capitalism and socialism can co-exist. Something that will never, ever happen in the UK.

That's probably another argument for another thread, however.
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6 minutes ago, charon said:


If it hadn't been reported as a 'thing' , nobody, and I mean nobody, would have noticed.

Shut up.

5 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


Pay attention to the medical guy, not the political guy. He answered why that was not five minutes ago.


Which medical guy?

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5 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


Pay attention to the medical guy, not the political guy. He answered why that was not five minutes ago.

The 'medical guy' whose poindexter modelling approach runs against what is being done in just about every other European country?

Think I'll pass on that one thanks.


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3 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:


Yup. That's me in hibernation.

Yeah, my mum has it too. She only got diagnosed in December and has opted against the chemo route so her immune system hasn't been destroyed but I'm having to tell her not to open herself up to any risks by leaving the house for a bit.

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1 minute ago, cyderspaceman said:

Friends and relatives of the dead  and sick would have noticed.

Hospital staff would have noticed.

Workplaces with fewer workers would have noticed.

Would they? 


Doubt it. (Especially the health, lol, 'professionals' )


Not that somebody had died, but that they had the virus.

It's media driven shite.


This is the 4th of the virus since SARS.


There has been NO virus produced in all these years for any of the other 3 Corona viruses.


Keep buying bogroll and pasta.


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