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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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16 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

You don't think society is showing down a bit? That's exactly what is happening - and that's what the authorities want.

What do you want? It's an incremental thing, the less people interact, the less the virus is transmitted, and the more the NHS can cope and the less people who die. 

P.S. Sorry, you replied before I finished. The authorities want us to reduce our social interaction to the minimum, depending on our jobs and responsibilities. They're hoping we can do that without being ordered to. 

Edited by welshbairn
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1 minute ago, MixuFixit said:

Young folk are most likely to get it from work. Where possible a lot are working remotely or if their employers are c***s have been sacked.

Old folk are most likely to get it in pubs, cafes and restaurants. They should be closed and compensated for it exactly as Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway are doing.

It's the height of irresponsibility to go to a pub at the moment.

I cancelled a restaurant booking for this week. I cancelled an overnight stay at a hotel due this weekend. I have not been to a pub, a concert, a museum or anything, nor will I be going to one anytime soon. I haven’t been to a club since Cardinal Folly in 1982, so no hardship to avoid clubs these days... I did however go to the gym three days running, have done some shopping, yesterday nipped into a Calders Garden Centre for a coffee, and today at Bishopbriggs Retail Park, had a chicken wrap and a coffee.

I don’t know if this makes me a cnut who is brazenly ignoring the advice or not. I await P&Bs verdict with trepidation.

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That would be a reasoned argument if each of our actions effected only us.  There an excuse for ignorant and/or stupid folk not understanding this, there’s no argument for an educated and intelligent person.
There's still a general immunity issue though, and the vast majority of people will get this and suffer mild symptoms.

The experts are obviously not all of the opinion that lockdown is needed right now.
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Got a message from a nephew in Canada in which he says, amongst other things,


Our grocery stores are allowing the elderly an hour in the morning before they open to the general public. The toilet paper fiasco is over thank goodness.

WTF is it about bog roll? 

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I cancelled a restaurant booking for this week. I cancelled an overnight stay at a hotel due this weekend. I have not been to a pub, a concert, a museum or anything, nor will I be going to one anytime soon. I haven’t been to a club since Cardinal Folly in 1982, so no hardship to avoid clubs these days... I did however go to the gym three days running, have done some shopping, yesterday nipped into a Calders Garden Centre for a coffee, and today at Bishopbriggs Retail Park, had a chicken wrap and a coffee.
I don’t know if this makes me a cnut who is brazenly ignoring the advice or not. I await P&Bs verdict with trepidation.
The p&b virus police are on to you.

Verdict : ignorant c**t who obviously wants all our vulnerable people to die a horrible death.
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What do you want? It's an incremental thing, the less people interact, the less the virus is transmitted, and the more the NHS can cope and the less people who die. 
P.S. Sorry, you replied before I finished. The authorities want us to reduce our social interaction to the minimum, depending on our jobs and responsibilities. They're hoping we can do that without being ordered to. 
What i want is for those in charge to follow the directions of the best scientific advice available.

As far as i can see, that's exactly what's happening.

If they decide to lock-down then that's what happens. But until then people will take their precautions and try to cope with all of this as best as possible.

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3 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

Got a message from a nephew in Canada in which he says, amongst other things,

WTF is it about bog roll? 

I hope bog roll companies are sticking away their profits for the inevitable lull in purchases that will be coming at some point down the line. 

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2 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

Got a message from a nephew in Canada in which he says, amongst other things,

WTF is it about bog roll? 

Somebody sent a rumour around that it's all made in China and they were shutting down production, it all stemmed from that imo. Here it's all made in UK factories afaik. 

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3 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

I hope bog roll companies are sticking away their profits for the inevitable lull in purchases that will be coming at some point down the line. 

The next virus might give us the Tex Ritters. They'll never go out of business.

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11 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

I cancelled a restaurant booking for this week. I cancelled an overnight stay at a hotel due this weekend. I have not been to a pub, a concert, a museum or anything, nor will I be going to one anytime soon. 

Is this all because Dobbies wouldn't sell you those link sausages?

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8 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

The person who served you coffee touched the cup that you touched and brought to your lips. Maybe they're washing their hands for 20 seconds a time every 20 minutes, maybe they're not. Maybe they're feeling under pressure to turn up to work because they're not salaried. Maybe that conflicts with having a relative at home with a temperature. Maybe they took a bus to work with other folk in similar situations. Maybe the person who leaned their head on the window in the seat half an hour earlier wasn't feeling great.

Only one of these dice rolls needs to come up with a 1 and you are another vector & could become ill yourself. Each non essential thing you don't do, compounded across millions of people pushes down the average number of people infected per case. Just sit in yet hoose.

... and when I needed some cat food and milk, who knows who had picked up the basket I carried around the shop before I did. When I picked up a box of Felix, forgetting my fussy pussy doesn’t like Felix, and put it back on the shelf, who had touched it before me. When I keyed my PIN into the machine to pay, who had prodded those keys before me with their fat grubby coronavirus soaked fingers. When I filled up the car, how many clatty basturts’ had smeared their Covid 19 laced mitts all over it prior to me. When I withdrew some cash from the machine.....

We’re doomed. Doomed. There is no escape.

Edited by pozbaird
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Anyone at the point where they need to wipe their arse with a towel or a newspaper yet? (Or just shower)

Thankfully, I've still got 10 rolls but going for a drink tomorrow (In a house) and could decimate that supply with hangover shits.

I've yet to see any stock when in any supermarket.

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5 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

I cancelled a restaurant booking for this week. I cancelled an overnight stay at a hotel due this weekend. I have not been to a pub, a concert, a museum or anything, nor will I be going to one anytime soon. I haven’t been to a club since Cardinal Folly in 1982, so no hardship to avoid clubs these days... I did however go to the gym three days running, have done some shopping, yesterday nipped into a Calders Garden Centre for a coffee, and today at Bishopbriggs Retail Park, had a chicken wrap and a coffee.

I don’t know if this makes me a cnut who is brazenly ignoring the advice or not. I await P&Bs verdict with trepidation.

I went shopping this morning.  Queued to get in. Stayed clear of folk. Checkouts only had every second one open, you put shopping on belt, walked round via empty till and paid and collected at a distance. Checkout staff had big plastic screens in front and wore masks.. Wasn't perfect but obs trying. 

I later went to local hotel for pizza takeaway to give them some custom. Had hoped to get a beer while waiting but they wouldn't let me in. Went back later to pick up pizza.

I don't think it's possible to make the thing absolute. We can't stay indoors with no interaction for 4/5/6 weeks but I will certainly try. Maybe I'll get used to it.

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The bottom line is lockdown would stop the number of deaths climbing.

To me & most if not all on here they are just numbers on the news but they are actual people.

It's not going to magically get better. A lockdown will save lives.

I wouldn't see it as an order.

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10 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

I hope bog roll companies are sticking away their profits for the inevitable lull in purchases that will be coming at some point down the line. 

Nah, they're working on a gastroenteritis virus at this very time to release into the wild.


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