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Just now, KnightswoodBear said:

TPM makes a strong claim purely because of the Darth Maul/Qui Gon/Obi Wan lightsabre battle.  And the Duel of the Fates music that goes along with it, but the rest of the film is so utterly awful that it doesn't quite make it. 

AOTC is awful in every single aspect.  I can't think of one redeeming feature.

ROTS, whilst still being shite has more bits that make it watchable for different reasons that it claims the position of midget gem in top of the steaming turd that is the prequels. 


ROTS is a spurting dick of a film. It's all over the place. Anakin is staggeringly shit and pathetic. He's an awful whiny wee dick.

"Hey mate, murder all these kids and your wife won't die!'. "Sounds legit, I'm on it!".

"You turned her against me!"

"I'm afraid that, in your anger, YOU killed Padme!" "Nooooooooooooooooo!"

"What have I done?!"

"The council are jealous of me!"

"No, it's because I'm so in love with YOU!"

It's like he's 10 years old. What a shite wee c**t. Palpatine barely has to try to manipulate him. He just goes for such thin, obvious lies that Anakin instantly accepts at face value. This guy become Darth Vader? Awesome bad ass of the Empire? Pish.


Then you have utter clunkers like "Hello there!" and "More training I have for you Obi Wan", with that seemingly being him to f**k off and live in a tent.

Then you have Padme losing the will to live. Then Yoda just gives in and fucks off, utterly abandoning his Jedi vows and leaving everyone to a horrible fate. In addition you have more Anakin stupidity when he tries to attack Obi Wan when Obi Wan has the high ground (Obi Wan even warns him!). That fight is bollocks as well with the stupid platforms. It's genuinely like a computer game boss battle.

General Grievious is a shit nobody who twirls lightsabers like he's in a circus before being easily dispatched, but not before a chase involving a hamster wheel and an annoying lizard. The Palpatine Yoda fight is all sorts of hideous awfulness. He throws the senate at Yoda (Robot Chicken reference) and they have the silly flippy twirly sort of lightsaber battle.

Oh and when the Jedi Council try to arrest Palpatine, 3 of them stand totally still whilst he kills them. One of them is supposed to be a lightsaber master as well.



TPM is far superior. The podrace is decent. The lightsaber battles are among the best of any Star Wars film. Qui Gonn is the best character in the prequels and the only guy who actually seems to be seeing shit that is going on in the galaxy. He really sells his first meeting with Darth Maul and makes his character all the better for it. Other lightsaber fights in the prequels see folk flip about and be fine after (although sometimes minus a head or hand). Darth Maul is the second best character of the prequels. He's awesome. 

Also it has the least annoying version of Anakin across the prequels. He's still annoying but not as much, and gets away with more because he's a kid.

TPM isn't a great movie at all, but it's easily the best of the prequels.

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What happens if a window cleaner is cleaning your windows, falls of his ladder and lands on your gardener?
Obviously you can’t go out and help them as you’re too busy trying to set your phone to video whilst pissing yourself laughing.

I would send my butler out to deal with it obviously! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
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Me and my mate went to see AOTC about ten times at the cinema. We were both single at the time, on a bit of a health kick so weren't spending a lot of time in the pub, so every other night we'd go to see it. At the time we both thought it was awesome, better than Empire.

When it came out on DVD, we drove around various Blockbuster / Global Videos trying to find it. Took it back to my flat, watched ten minutes, looked at each other and agreed it was absolutely atrocious.

I still love it, but only because it's Star Wars, and not because it's particularly good.

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Empire strikes back - dece

Star wars - good

return of the Jedi - remake of Star Wars with hairy midgets

all prequels are pretty rank, the first three were diabolical with one of the worst characters ever ja ja wanks

the force awakens - f**k sake you just remade Star Wars again! A big Death Star, with a weakness wow original.

Rogue one and solo were ok, noting special.

I love them as a kid but the prequels totally scunnered me, like the stone roses come back. Just leave it.

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