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45 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

How do you measure headaches?

Mines was a bit of discomfort so I’d say mild,my wife had to go to her bed a few times because of the pain,I’d say hers was bordering severe.

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36 minutes ago, Gaz said:

I'm well aware yon Jeremiah is a troll but there are an insane amount of people who don't realise we haven't shut down the country because of the mortality rate, but because of the infection rate.

It's partly the Government's fault, STAY HOME, PROTECT THE NHS, SAVE LIVES is snappier than STAY HOME, PROTECT THE NHS, GET THE Ro RATE BELOW ONE. Lives will be saved as well though, but as you say it's more of a positive side benefit than the primary objective.

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3 minutes ago, Jeremiah Cole said:

Latest deaths released by the ONS

So far this year, excess mortality is down 

So far in England & Wales this year there have been 138,916 deaths

This is 4,822 LESS than the average


Who's to say what the actual number would have been. 

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Just watching Nicola fielding a press conference, confidently fielding questions from all comers with her customary aplomb.

Comparing her performance with Boris the Balloon in similar situations is like comparing night with day.

I just cannot for the life of me understand how the good people of England still think the sun shines out his big fat arse but they do. In fact they are pretty confident that he will single-handedly defeat this nasty virus thanks to our "fantastic NHS".

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34 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:


Dougie Alexander; a guy who focuses on the real issues.

If he had any relevance or credibility and was even thought about by those naming a hospital, his ideal choice would probably be Nightingale Hospital, North Britain.

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I've actually managed to lose respect for Unionist Twitter throughout this, which I didn't think was humanly possible.
Any shared approach between UK and Scottish Governments - 'haha wee Nippy taking orders, Boris running the show, loser'
Any remote divergence in approach - 'What?! Why is she using this to make Scotland seem different, disgusting!1!1!'
Bunch of absolute freaks, man.

To be fair there are mentalists on both sides.
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6 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Probably sounding selfish here but I'm more concerned about the "Scotland" figures as opposed to UK, which of course are heavily skewed by London. We're also taking a slightly different approach up here and while the Scottish Government have made mistakes and are far from perfect, they do seem much more competent and aware of the situation in comparison to their English / British counterparts.

I agree but it won't be as easy to compare due to disparity in populations, I'd also imagine it's easier to manoeuvre quicker when you're smaller. 

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9 minutes ago, Lurkst said:

Nice to see absolutely every reply disagreeing with him.


It's quite amusing as the Unionists and their press keep pushing this narrative about the SNP "keeping going on about Independence", "Sturgeon can't help herself", "all they care about is independence" etc, etc, however the reality is exactly the opposite as you rarely hear anyone in the SNP mention independence nowadays, especially not in the middle of both a Health and Economic crisis.

Yes, Alexander's tweet is rather ironic and thankfully most can now see right through him and his kind.

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5 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Just watching Nicola fielding a press conference, confidently fielding questions from all comers with her customary aplomb.

Comparing her performance with Boris the Balloon in similar situations is like comparing night with day.

I just cannot for the life of me understand how the good people of England still think the sun shines out his big fat arse but they do. In fact they are pretty confident that he will single-handedly defeat this nasty virus thanks to our "fantastic NHS".

Was disappointed with one of the questioners trying to imply we were incompetent and just lost 40 deaths. 

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2 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

I agree but it won't be as easy to compare due to disparity in populations, I'd also imagine it's easier to manoeuvre quicker when you're smaller. 

Germany seem to be doing very well / better than most in this crisis, maybe their Federal model could be the one to follow in the future ???

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1 minute ago, WATTOO said:

Germany seem to be doing very well / better than most in this crisis, maybe their Federal model could be the one to follow in the future ???

Germany have been more efficient and all that entails for a long while. 

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Just in Tesco there and they've introduced a one way system, which IMO is a great idea. Of course the whole idea and massive fucking arrows on the floor are still too much for the idiots of the area to comprehend who are continuing to walk wherever they please. Combine this with the fuckwits who have no sense of what 2 metres is I think that will be my last trip to the shop until this is over or I'm seriously going to lose it with someone.

I fucking despise humans at times.

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2 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Just in Tesco there and they've introduced a one way system, which IMO is a great idea. Of course the whole idea and massive fucking arrows on the floor are still too much for the idiots of the area to comprehend who are continuing to walk wherever they please. Combine this with the fuckwits who have no sense of what 2 metres is I think that will be my last trip to the shop until this is over or I'm seriously going to lose it with someone.

I fucking despise humans at times.

We got our messages delivered again today. Also stepdaughter and granddaughter get us odds and ends as and when, but basically what we got today should last us until next week. (Might have to raid the freezer/cupboards for one meal but we're fairly well covered.)

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10 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

To be fair there are mentalists on both sides.

100%. There are total roasters on both sides at the best of times but I think the cyber Unionists have exceeded themselves in the last few weeks. Maybe the constant reminder that Scotland has different (better) political leadership is getting to them. 

On a more important note, props to the minority of P&B pervs out there who have a preference for good looking women. 

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Just now, Alan Stubbs said:

100%. There are total roasters on both sides at the best of times but I think the cyber Unionists have exceeded themselves in the last few weeks. Maybe the constant reminder that Scotland has different (better) political leadership is getting to them. 

On a more important note, props to the minority of P&B pervs out there who have a preference for good looking women. 

Wait until you get to my age, it doesn't really matter what they look like.

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What would folk like to see as the first realistic loosening of restrictions?

Forget football or the pubs opening. Have to think smaller at first.... But what do folk think is making the biggest odds to their lives?

Personally IDGAF about the way the shops are, queuing etc. I can live with that. Probably for a long time if need be. Would like to be able to take the kids to see family though.

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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

What would folk like to see as the first realistic loosening of restrictions?

Forget football or the pubs opening. Have to think smaller at first.... But what do folk think is making the biggest odds to their lives?

Personally IDGAF about the way the shops are, queuing etc. I can live with that. Probably for a long time if need be. Would like to be able to take the kids to see family though.

The family visiting thing for sure. The shops can stay like this forever as far as I'm concerned it's fucking brilliant.,

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