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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 minute ago, Savage Henry said:


Are they? What numbers suggest Italy and Spain have handled this any better than the UK? Whatever the Tories are doing, the SNP is doing too. They’re both acting in response to medical advice.

There is certainly not a laissez faire approach, which would imply that the government is content to allow the public to police themselves. We’ve seen government influence our daily lives in a way unseen since the Second World War.


I think that Sturgeon has not wanted to disagree with the UK position in case it is seen as political opportunism at a very sensitive time.  In that respect she’s got it wrong.

She has got it right on some detail, like saying that all but essential construction should be halted.

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That doesn’t say Herd Immunity was the policy in and of itself. It says it was an aim. It still is an aim, maybe even a necessity.

Just because the government changed tack doesn’t mean it was never doing anything at first. This has always been about reducing the number of cases to a point that the NHS is not overcome with cases - reducing the curve, in other words.

As I said before, and it does suck for those identified as at risk, it has always been about finding an acceptable level of damage before herd immunity starts to kick in, if it ever does.
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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

Hancock doling out the threats over the exercise outdoors thing now.

Anyway, this taps aff weather is yet to materialise here. Am fuckin baltic

It’s a heatwave in Dundee.  I’m nude sunbathing in the garden.

So if anyone thought that COVID-19 was the worst thing to happen this week...

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3 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

It’s a heatwave in Dundee.  I’m nude sunbathing in the garden.

So if anyone thought that COVID-19 was the worst thing to happen this week...

Part of me would enjoy the good weather not to materialise and Hancock, Bojo and co to have already prepared the "too many people sunabthing" excuse for further restrictions


A bigger part of me wants to drink lager in the garden though. 

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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

Part of me would enjoy the good weather not to materialise and Hancock, Bojo and co to have already prepared the "too many people sunabthing" excuse for further restrictions


A bigger part of me wants to drink lager in the garden though. 

1. It’s “cuntface Johnson” not “BoJo”.

2. If you have a garden you can goi in to it.

3.  Do you have a bigger part?

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1 hour ago, Alert Mongoose said:

If this is a world where you can be lambasted for going for a walk while avoiding others then I’m not really sure I want to be in it.


Point taken but where are you going to go? We're stuck whatever they decide.    

Unless you're contemplating shuffling off your mortal coil.   Don't do that. We need you and your pics. (well, some of them)

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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Part of me would enjoy the good weather not to materialise and Hancock, Bojo and co to have already prepared the "too many people sunabthing" excuse for further restrictions


A bigger part of me wants to drink lager in the garden though. 

aye theyv been priming this line since Thursday or Friday before the good weather had started in England. it was the same a fortnight ago, I would be at all surprised to see it announced on Monday, these c***s are anything but subtle

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1 minute ago, Paco said:

Boris Johnson said in his ‘Ministerial Address’ announcing our lockdown, viewed live by 27m people, that ‘parks remain open for exercise’. And you have people on here slating the public for going to the park.

This is what we’re meant to do. Have a pop at Londoners in their small one-bed flat for going a walk round the park, rather than focussing on the government’s dreadful strategy. We are three months into this and we have a load of clinical staff without PPE, NHS England has tested barely 3000 frontline staff for the virus with tens of thousands isolating and we’re now into dozens of clinical deaths, we’re on a steeper curve for deaths than Italy and Spain with a significant head start when the virus landed in Europe, existing UK ventilator manufacturers punt them out to the rest of the world while we sit waiting on the PMs pals to come up with them, testing is essentially stagnant with a ridiculous target that’ll never be hit released to appease the media, the much trailed antibody test is still nowhere near ready and there’s different advice and answers on an almost daily basis from the Carabao Cup reserves that are punted out to do the daily updates while the PM hides, virus or no virus if he’s well enough to allegedly chair meetings he could manage some updates or at least allow his chancellor/Home Sec/Foreign Sec out on a regular basis - too scared that the big hitters (such as they are with this government) might fill the void of leadership that he sends no marks that 99% of people would walk past in the street and the reviled Gove out to do it instead.

People are idiots. Obviously. That’s not up for debate and it never will be. There are of course a few cases of morons sitting about in public for a barbecue or a few cans. It’s stupid and they shouldn’t be doing it. But the vast majority are doing what they’re asked to within the guidelines. I’d far sooner chase the government for their failings than Archie from Govan for getting out his flat and sitting on his arse for ten minutes in the park.

Too long a post but I still read it and many good points.


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12 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


That doesn’t say Herd Immunity was the policy in and of itself. It says it was an aim. It still is an aim, maybe even a necessity.

Just because the government changed tack doesn’t mean it was never doing anything at first. This has always been about reducing the number of cases to a point that the NHS is not overcome with cases - reducing the curve, in other words.

As I said before, and it does suck for those identified as at risk, it has always been about finding an acceptable level of damage before herd immunity starts to kick in, if it ever does.


Pretty sure they thought a light touch would do, keeping the economy functioning more or less normally, until the Imperial College do nothing figures came out, then they panicked having done nothing about securing tests, ventilators  and PPE supplies. 

Edited by welshbairn
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1. It’s “cuntface Johnson” not “BoJo”.
2. If you have a garden you can goi in to it.
3.  Do you have a bigger part?
Point 1. I will unreservedly apologise.

Point 2. I know but I dont want to be fucking Baltic in doing so.

Point 3. Ask yer maw
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41 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

Agreed. The early part of March (when cases were low)  could quite easily have been used to prepare folk for lockdown, before enforcing a week or two before they eventually did. 

We are starting to see the effects of the lockdown now as numbers of new cases are falling every day. Pity this couldn't have been done earlier. 

How the f**k are numbers falling everyday.

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Pretty sure they thought a light touch would do, keeping the economy functioning more or less normally, until the Imperial College do nothing figures came out, then they panicked having done nothing about securing tests, ventilators  and PPE supplies. 

Well indeed. They’ve definitely upped the seriousness rating of the situation, and they were quite clearly underprepared. My guess is they won’t be for the next one, which will require long term increased investment in the NHS.

If there’s any good to come from this at all, it’ll be the fact that the NHS will be put to the top of all the public spending priorities, and that any attempts to privatise parts of it are now non starters.

I don’t think the timing of any of the measures, such as closing schools, was simply down to unwillingness to act. There was some kind of medical reasoning behind it.
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