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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Guest JTS98

Big day for Malaysia tomorrow. April 14th was predicted to be our peak for infection rates and a total of 6,300 at that stage was projected.

Malaysia is currently well below that and has a decent shot at getting to April 14th with fewer than 5,000 cases.

Our lockdown order was extended on Friday to go up to the 28th of April. It'll be interesting to see whether we see any relaxing of the restrictions after that if things continue to look good, or if they play it safe for another spell. 28th of April will be the end of six weeks of lockdown. You're only allowed out to go to the shop or for medical supplies.

Malaysia has only recorded 77 deaths so far.


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7 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

Big day for Malaysia tomorrow. April 14th was predicted to be our peak for infection rates and a total of 6,300 at that stage was projected.

Malaysia is currently well below that and has a decent shot at getting to April 14th with fewer than 5,000 cases.

Our lockdown order was extended on Friday to go up to the 28th of April. It'll be interesting to see whether we see any relaxing of the restrictions after that if things continue to look good, or if they play it safe for another spell. 28th of April will be the end of six weeks of lockdown. You're only allowed out to go to the shop or for medical supplies.

Malaysia has only recorded 77 deaths so far.


A sceptical voice.


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2 hours ago, Adders said:

Sorry what part melted your mind, n ill break it down for you, yeah there was a few big words, punctuation?  Stuck in the house? No I'm not stuck, I'm just making a conscious decision to stay in if i can, be at ease with my own mind and just like the majority of the other countries doing my best to get through a shite situation, you can rest easy and know that if God forbid u find yourself in that situation i probably did not contribute to it, stay at home, staysafe, wash your hands n brush your teeth use a anti bac mouthwash, especially if your tongue or mouth comes in contact with hard surfaces or pavements, stick to it then maybe we can talk about football. [4

You’re right mate. It was the “big words” that made your post difficult to understand, not the lack of full stops, commas, or any discernible point other than foamy-mouthed slavering pish. 

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Just now, MixuFixit said:

Individually it's no big deal but if millions of couples are doing this all over the country every day then there will inevitably be a few more deaths than if just one person went. So deciding not to both go is a big deal, if that makes sense.

No it doesn’t, but it’s certainly an improvement to your last contribution on the subject.

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Guest JTS98
2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Yeah, that went round Malaysia last week.

I don't think anybody doubts that there are more actual cases than the official number. That's going to be true everywhere.

Even government officials on tv haven't been denying that. The normal pneumonia point was addressed on Friday with an estimate of perhaps another 70 or so deaths so far unaccounted for. That would take us to approximately 150. And pneumonia aside, the country doesn't seem to be experiencing an avalanche of unexplained deaths.

I think everyone agrees the figure is more than 77.

Even so, considering Malaysia's exposure to this from an early stage, we certainly haven't seen the level of sickness or death (so far) that was anticipated.

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58 minutes ago, Crùbag said:

Fck the Union. This needs brought up once the new Indyref campaign starts.


You’re aware the health and social care is entirely devolved, aye? If the Scottish Government have failed to plan properly and procure the PPE needed that’s on them. And I say that as an independence supporter.

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32 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Individually it's no big deal but if millions of couples are doing this all over the country every day then there will inevitably be a few more deaths than if just one person out of each couple went. So deciding not to both go is a big deal, if that makes sense.



I would think the effect on Ro of a million couples doing what Granny is doing to be statistically insignificant.

Edited by welshbairn
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You’re aware the health and social care is entirely devolved, aye? If the Scottish Government have failed to plan properly and procure the PPE needed that’s on them. And I say that as an independence supporter.




On other matters, the journalist from, I think, ITV just asked about whether the death toll includes care homes, and whether ONS data is available to the public. Absolutely staggering.

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Just now, MixuFixit said:

Ok I'll say it as simplest as I can for you:

Behaviour which in isolation has a trivial chance of spreading more infections when repeated millions of times has a non trivial chance of spreading more infections.

Well done, that post is on a par with the nonsense one the last time around.  You should be very pleased with yourself.

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1 minute ago, Savage Henry said:




On other matters, the journalist from, I think, ITV just asked about whether the death toll includes care homes, and whether ONS data is available to the public. Absolutely staggering.

I thought Chris Whitty did very well not to call him an ignorant c**t.

They've now moved to a journalist who can't work her own microphone.

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3 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

I thought Chris Whitty did very well not to call him an ignorant c**t.

They've now moved to a journalist who can't work her own microphone.

Saw a reporter earlier on comment on the Sturgeon statement and press conference today.  He went to great lengths to explain that once a journalist had asked a question then their microphone was switched off so the could not follow up.  He also claimed that Sturgeon did not answer his question.

I have not seen a single journalist make the equivalent criticism after a UK statement despite them continually dodging questions.

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Yon Granny still maintaining his wife going along in the car for a wee jolly is essential travel. You have to admire the sheer gumption of the man.

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