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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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5 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

A French doctor has indicated he has found Covid-19 in a blood sample taken from a patient in December who had not travelled to China.

If that is true, the idea that it was in the UK around the same time, as touched upon briefly on this thread by a number of posters, is plausible.

If it was in the UK in December it is highly unlikely an event in March had much impact.

If it was in the UK in December then this would already be the second wave we are told to expect once lock down is lifted.

You’re getting worse.

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Just now, welshbairn said:

French doctors have been thoroughly discredited after the bollocks they came out with on ibuprofen and hydroxychloroquine. I'll be waiting for anything they come out with to be peer reviewed before taking anything they say seriously. 

True but he's not talking about effective treatment. Just that the virus is present.

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20 minutes ago, The OP said:

You’re saying that with an agenda and with no qualifications, that’s why I find it irritating to read constantly. I mean ultimately it makes no difference in and of itself but unqualified people deciding they know better than experts is a pretty common problem in various fields and you’re just currently the most obvious example on this thread.

I can't really see how someone saying that without data we can't make an evaluation of something is the same as an unqualified person saying they know better than experts. Are you saying people (as long as they are experts obvs) can make evaluations without data?

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22 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

A French doctor has indicated he has found Covid-19 in a blood sample taken from a patient in December who had not travelled to China.

If that is true, the idea that it was in the UK around the same time, as touched upon briefly on this thread by a number of posters, is plausible.

If it was in the UK in December it is highly unlikely an event in March had much impact.

If it was in the UK in December then this would already be the second wave we are told to expect once lock down is lifted.

That's a hell of a lot of "ifs" there. If this is the second wave, where was the first wave? The weekly mortality stats didnt start to show a significant increase until the end of March.

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1 minute ago, bendan said:

I can't really see how someone saying that without data we can't make an evaluation of something is the same as an unqualified person saying they know better than experts. Are you saying people (as long as they are experts obvs) can make evaluations without data?

He’s deciding the current modelling is wrong and will be proven to be wrong, without any real basis or relevant qualification, because it suits his opposition to lockdown. The rest was just pretending to be reasonable. 

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1 hour ago, The OP said:

He’s the only one I regularly see making lots of pronouncements about what will and will not limit the spread of the virus, whether lockdown is wise, when lockdown should end, etc which differ widely from those you read or hear from more qualified people.

I recall when Cheltenham was going on, Rangers were playing Leverkusen and event after event was taking place at the Hydro people questioning the wisdom given we were following Italy so closely, but Todd has today decreed it would not have made any difference and no-one was bothered at the time. I’ve pointed out his obsession with downplaying before but it was odd this morning to see the downplaying being applied retrospectively even after the predicted growth occurred.

I totally agree with you, particularly with the crazy decision to allow Cheltenham to go ahead.   However maybe you’re taking Todd too seriously.  I wouldn’t reflect on the Coronavirus past, present or future, based on anything said on here.

The only poster I’d pay attention to is me, and four-fifths of what I say (or 90% if you prefer metric) is bullshit.

Stay safe.

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32 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

A French doctor has indicated he has found Covid-19 in a blood sample taken from a patient in December who had not travelled to China.

If that is true, the idea that it was in the UK around the same time, as touched upon briefly on this thread by a number of posters, is plausible.

If it was in the UK in December it is highly unlikely an event in March had much impact.

If it was in the UK in December then this would already be the second wave we are told to expect once lock down is lifted.

You expect us to believe this?


Without a graph?


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I think you're right, in the sense that the biggest mistake the UK and devolved governments made was to sit on their hands and do nothing while other countries took immediate and decisive action to lockdown. 
That was the one overwhelming factor in the death rate and the amount of time we will live under restrictions. 
In slight fairness to the Scottish government though, it would have been very difficult for them to close Scotland down while in England and Wales kids were going to school, people were going to pubs, 200K were at Cheltenham etc. 
The Scottish government HAD to take their lead from Westminster on this, and sadly the UK government was well behind the curve in reacting to events. 
Not difficult more like impossible. Westminster didn't even have the power to enforce lockdown until the Tuesday never mind Holyrood.
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22 hours ago, Snafu said:

Our council up here in the Highlands have told the Inverness Courier that garden waste will be picked up in June.

That'll be to encourage the 35/40 pound payment in July for another year's collection, must be a serious amount of cash for the struggling Council coffers.

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15 minutes ago, Forest_Fifer said:

That's a hell of a lot of "ifs" there. If this is the second wave, where was the first wave? The weekly mortality stats didnt start to show a significant increase until the end of March.

For the ifs to have any chance of being plausible, the true mortality rate of Covid-19 would have to be much lower than thought.

The few early tests on trying to identify the true mortality rate have found it to be considerably less than 1%.

Were that true the first wave would have passed largely unnoticed, particularly at that time of year.

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2 hours ago, Paco said:

In Scotland? I’d suggest a complacency that ‘better than England’ was good enough was partially to blame, I’ve often argued that’s pretty much our general approach to healthcare to the ire of many on here.  



It's not just limited to healthcare although understandably that is dominating the discourse atm. I understand the impetus to do this given it's about arguing an indy Scotland can't be as bad as the current UK (which I agree with but it's also a pitiful basis for forming a new state) but these people overlap heavily with the "leave the difficult questions tae after indy!" crowd and I just know they're gonnae continue happy clapping years after independence because to do otherwise is undermining the cause. 

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5 hours ago, Snafu said:

:lol: You really need to get out in the fresh air for your walk.

Hopefully you get your wish soon enough.

That is me getting out for a walk around town every day 😂. Just scunnered that every ad break has the same “Corona” shit that we’ve heard for weeks 

5 hours ago, virginton said:


If the government is considering letting employers ditch social distancing guidelines in the workplace then they should be binned for everyone else as well.  

Of course they’ll have to ditch them at certain work places. How can a barber or beauty therapist work 2 metres away from their client? There’s no way chefs in a small takeaway kitchen could social distance at all times. You’re totally right that they should be binned for everyone else as well in that case 

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