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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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22 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

The idea that you can go to work with someome in KFC but then not sit in the garden with them after work is absurd.

You can go meet them on Westminster Bridge, however, but only at 8pm on a Thursday.

The kiddy on lockdown is a joke now. Wear masks around people outwith your household and keep 2m away from them for now.

You're a grandma killer if you go to B&Q and keep a safe distance from others but standing on a busy bridge applauding the NHS is allowed.

Why? Because there's one thing that negates virtue signalers, and that is a more virtuous virtue signaler. 


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8 minutes ago, super_carson said:
21 minutes ago, virginton said:
On the positive side, yesterday's briefing from Sturgeon was the first case of the SG coming close to delivering on its 'adult conversation' pledge with the public. Setting out a range of potential choices being considered instead of presenting a fait accompli led by The Science was a distinct change of tone.
The public health advertising campaign has also been quite effective throughout, though with hindsight I don't see why they weren't hammering home the handwashing message from January instead of waiting for a national outbreak to develop first: it's a completely cost-free behaviour to emphasise.

Quite frankly I think it's absolutely rank that washing your hands isn't a given for so many clarty middens out there already.

I used to think of myself as mildly neurotic when it came to washing my hands but I never considered washing them when I got back from the shops or got off a train before all this kicked off.

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29 minutes ago, virginton said:

If hospital admissions and deaths climb after week 10/11 of a 'lockdown' then the failure quite clearly lies with the policy itself and not the people you see twitching at your window curtains. It's not as if both figures are at zero right now anyway.

Given that the UK government is currently preparing the ground to tell everyone to get back to work if they can keep to the hallowed 2m distance I don't see why people should be castigated for doing similar in their own free time right now. The reality here is that the measures have been followed to a significant degree by just about everyone to a degree that I suspect even the government themselves are surprised at.

It's not going to remain at that level indefinitely because the measures are massively restrictive and were quite clearly billed as temporary. The onus is now on the government to find better alternatives.

^^^ Verge of tears

There's nobody twitching at my window curtains, champ.

But thanks for playing.

Ainsley Bliss | Windows XP Bliss Wallpaper | Know Your Meme

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5 minutes ago, coprolite said:

I used to think of myself as mildly neurotic when it came to washing my hands but I never considered washing them when I got back from the shops or got off a train before all this kicked off.

Or after picking up the post.

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6 minutes ago, throbber said:

Do you really think that’s reckless behaviour though? They’re staying 2 meters apart and are outside, the risk of droplets being exchanged is very low and they’ve been in lockdown for 6 weeks so most likely don’t have the virus in any case. 

No, but it IS against the conditions of the lockdown so in terms of evaluating changes in behaviour, it's relevant. 

Iv already posted on here about breaking the terms due to childcare. I wouldnt have did that if I thought it was unsafe. I have observed it as best I could, and still am, but had a week where we were snookered so broke the rules I did. 

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Guest JTS98
13 minutes ago, throbber said:

Do you really think that’s reckless behaviour though? They’re staying 2 meters apart and are outside, the risk of droplets being exchanged is very low and they’ve been in lockdown for 6 weeks so most likely don’t have the virus in any case. 

The UK hasn't had a lockdown.

Anyway, any of those people who have been to a supermarket or a busy park in the last few weeks might have it.

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1 minute ago, Snafu said:

Joggers and cyclists on the pavement usually don't bother with the 2m rule, some joggers take the rule to another level though. But then the 2m rule in that circumstance is in reality stupid but occasionally it goes wrong for them.

Walking towards two people and seeing a cyclist on the pavement coming up behind them, they don't hear or see him. As they started to move to the outside of the pavement with me moving to the inside I shouted a warning to watch out from behind you. Cyclist who thought he could nip past them on the outside of the pavement is forced to take evasive action onto the road as two pedestrians suddenly turn round and stop walking, fortunately for the cyclist there was no car and no accident. Cyclist goes past me with out a word.

Then there's this woman when jogging past me overtaking, I gave her plenty of room and she ran out into the road and I mean right out into the road about six foot away from the curb right into the path of an oncoming car, car swerved, driver almost had a heart attack and the jogger didn't bat an eyelid, perfectly normal day to day occurrence for her I guess.

Has anyone on here had similar experiences of stupid?

I haven't seen this at all - in fact it is the opposite of my experience.  Any joggers (I'm one) and cyclists I've seen have given other people a really wide berth - I generally cross the road or move right out into the middle.

Only people I've seen that don't seem to get it are older couples in supermarkets.  Given they are most at risk, I generally think "hell mend them"

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5 hours ago, madmitch said:

Cases                    Scotland        12,437             NZ 1,488

Active Cases      Scotland            3,130             NZ 151

Deaths                 Scotland             1,620              NZ   21 (more than half of these from one dementia unit in Christchurch)

Government meeting on Monday to review. We could all be back at work on Wednesday. 

It wasn't rocket science, NZ went early and went hard.  Went into strict lockdown 3 days after the first case of community transmission.  Nae herd immunity pish here.

Almost as if you did it on purpose as Lord Foulkes would say.


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Guest Flash
8 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

"We'll move on quickly from the daily tests slide so you don't notice it's dropped again"

Been showing the international comparison graph every day as well. But now UK is highest in Europe, the comparisons are suddenly meaningless. So why have they been showing them every day? Now got a new chart showing the rate per million (I think) of population, which is fair enough, but they hadn’t shown that before. Also the scale looked weird, but it wasn’t on long enough to confirm. 

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Good point, it's not good to compare but we will show you the slide every day.

Been showing the international comparison graph every day as well. But now UK is highest in Europe, the comparisons are suddenly meaningless. So why have they been showing them every day? Now got a new chart showing the rate per million (I think) of population, which is fair enough, but they hadn’t shown that before. Also the scale looked weird, but it wasn’t on long enough to confirm. 
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