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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Guest JTS98

Monacle 24 released a podcast yesterday about the British and American responses to covid-19 which some might find interesting. It's on Spotify and lots of other platforms I'd imagine.

I can't say I agree with the thrust of it, but it'd be interesting to see what others make of it.

Basically, it attempts to blame the problems in the UK and US on British and American attitudes of exceptionalism. 'Foreigners might need to do this, but we can do THAT etc'.

My problem with it is that I think it is a classic example of white liberal racism that, in its eagerness to pin racism on the west, fails to recognise that plenty of other countries around the world have their own myths of exceptionalism and master-race complexes.

For example, I lived in Korea for a few years, and there is simply no country I have ever encountered with a bigger sense of its own exceptionalism. Yet Korea has coped ably with covid-19.

So, I wasn't convinced by the idea, but found it interesting. Anyone else listened?

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4 minutes ago, virginton said:

This is the sort of conduct that you now consider to be 'thinking their mask is like Iron Man's suit' and 'acting like they are invincible' being within two metres of another human being? It's an arbitrary distance that is only being advised because the clowncar government of the day still believes that wearing face masks goes against the UK's long standing tradishuns and 'culture'.

In reality the person who is doing far more to spread the virus in the scenario above is you by not wearing a mask but shrieking about social distancing as if it is your personal force field against infection.

If you don't like being told why your gormless observations are wrong then an Internet forum really isn't for you.


Keeping some distance is obviously advisable. The WHO says 1m I believe. 

Obviously masks don't protect your eyes, stop you touching a contaminated surface, stop you contaminating a surface or fully protect against droplets. 

Don't worry about whether the forum is for me or not, sanctimonious condescending wee fannies don't really bother me. 

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8 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Keeping some distance is obviously advisable. The WHO says 1m I believe. 

It's almost as if the 2 metre distance advised by the UK government then is just a back of a fag packet advisory and not an ironclad scientific guarantee of your personal safety. So there's no need for melodramatic shrieking whenever someone comes closer to you for about five seconds of your entire day then.


Obviously masks don't protect your eyes, stop you touching a contaminated surface, stop you contaminating a surface or fully protect against droplets. 

You and a healthy number of idiots seem to think that wearing a mask is meant to protect yourself from infection. The actual purpose is to minimise the chances of you spraying it out to other people, which it does very effectively indeed. Thus making your eye protection and droplets claims redundant.

The other two are covered by basic handwashing practices that absolutely nobody has suggested be replaced with 'just wear a mask' as public health advice. So another swing and a miss there.


Don't worry about whether the forum is for me or not, sanctimonious condescending wee fannies don't really bother me. 

Your increasingly salty tears suggest otherwise champ.

Edited by vikingTON
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3 minutes ago, yoda said:

The attitude of British exceptionalism is absolutely part of why we've got the highest death toll in Europe. It has always been there but, since 2016, it has really taken off.

*Insert "This is why Aliens wont talk to us Gif"* You are correct, we have more mouth breathers than any other Country,  it is particularly prevalent down here in Englandshire because Two World Wars and One World Cup & even more so round here in calm down land because r Derek in Militant Tendencies. This may well point to the fact that extremist arseholes are arseholes no matter if they are left or right.

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11 minutes ago, yoda said:

The attitude of British exceptionalism is absolutely part of why we've got the highest death toll in Europe. It has always been there but, since 2016, it has really taken off.

It's more likely to be because we are the least healthy people in Europe. 

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9 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

At the moment yes.

I'm talking about solving this problem in the short term future.

They weigh a fucking ton, far less infrastructure required for more charging points, especially with the charging time required reducing rapidly. Having to stop every 200 odd miles for half an hour wouldn't trouble me at the moment, and that's likely to reduce to 15 minutes every 400 miles the way it's going.

Edited by welshbairn
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Guest JTS98
2 minutes ago, Perkin Flump said:

*Insert "This is why Aliens wont talk to us Gif"* You are correct, we have more mouth breathers than any other Country,  it is particularly prevalent down here in Englandshire because Two World Wars and One World Cup & even more so round here in calm down land because r Derek in Militant Tendencies. This may well point to the fact that extremist arseholes are arseholes no matter if they are left or right.

That's definitely not the case.

Go and live somewhere else. You'll see every country has its gammons.

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7 minutes ago, virginton said:

It's almost as if the 2 metre distance advised by the UK government then is just a back of a fag packet advisory and not an ironclad scientific guarantee of your personal safety. So there's no need for melodramatic shrieking whenever someone comes closer to you for about five seconds of your entire day then.

You and a healthy number of idiots seem to think that wearing a mask is meant to protect yourself from infection. The actual purpose is to minimise the chances of you spraying it out to other people, which it does very effectively indeed. Thus making your eye protection and droplets claims redundant.

The other two are covered by basic handwashing practices that absolutely nobody has suggested be replaced with 'just wear a mask' as public health advice. So another swing and a miss there.

Your increasingly salty tears suggest otherwise champ.

Nice implicit admission of your status as a condescending sanctimonious wee fanny there. 

That's all from me. 

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26 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

What's really behind this message and logo is that it means that employers can tell workers to come back in.
Its vague and open to manipulative and greedy employers.

That's about 99.9% of them then.

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5 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I must admit, I thought research into new battery types was a lot further along than that.

Fair enough, I changed my post above to point out the development has been in range and charging time. I doubt the weight will be reduced much until we get cold fusion. :1eye

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Just now, BillyAnchor said:

That's about 99.9% of them then.

I’m an employer.  I agree we are all bad bàstards; every single one of us.  Including the ones who aren’t.

I’m astounded that the SNP has so many supporters in here yet the Communist Party has so few.

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6 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

I'm amazed anyone still bothers engaging with virginton on here.

He makes more sense than most, much of the time. It's just that he's a bit tourettic in his emphasis which people find hard to accept. Or tone trolling as he calls it.

Edited by welshbairn
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