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5 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

It's the same with the media. Ask anyone what had happened to infections in Germany since restrictions were first lifted on April 20th and they'd tell you they'd tripled.

They haven't, they have continued to fall.

Germany being forced to reimplement lockdown measures. It hasn't. In fact it plans to ease more.

R apparantly was back over 1. It isn't.

I can't get my head around this type of reporting. People are obviously glued to news reports to see what's happening elsewhere. Why the need to be sketchy or dishonest with it?

Similar when announcing deaths. They still announce x number have "died in the last 24 hours" rather than mentioning a good chunk were from previous days. Absolutely fine to announce the total being recorded, of course, but why not be open and honest about when the deaths actually occurred?

It's no wonder people are as scared as they are.

It's not just the media, I wouldn't trust the SAGE experts and similar as far as I can throw them after watching them misleading the public on a daily basis during the briefings. 

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14 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I think that is absolutely spot on

Even now Johnston is taking decsions based on the outcome of focus groups. Seemingly that is where he's got this message of British Common sense from

Makes me pretty angry actually, country is fucked and they're still trying to politick their way out of it to make themselves look good, rathe rthan deal with the many pressing issues were facing. What a c**t 

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The figures from France and Spain of low infections are obviously down to lots of areas locking down totally when they didn't actually have many infections. Come the winter flu season they are definitely going to be locked down again for a long time unless they can eradicate it and secure their borders before November.

The British and Swedish idea of letting it out in the population will be judged upon the death totals at the end of this but to me it makes more sense. The UK government have made an arse of the messaging but sadly we have a population who aren't able to handle the basic truth that the only way this ends without a vaccine is a large proportion of the population becoming immune so we need to shield the most vulnerable and expose the strongest. The recent hysteria about returning to work another is shit show from people who seemingly have zero curiosity about the experiences of the millions of people who have worked right through the crisis in public settings. 

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15 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

It's the same with the media. Ask anyone what had happened to infections in Germany since restrictions were first lifted on April 20th and they'd tell you they'd tripled.

They haven't, they have continued to fall.

Germany being forced to reimplement lockdown measures. It hasn't. In fact it plans to ease more.

R apparantly was back over 1. It isn't.

I can't get my head around this type of reporting. People are obviously glued to news reports to see what's happening elsewhere. Why the need to be sketchy or dishonest with it?

Similar when announcing deaths. They still announce x number have "died in the last 24 hours" rather than mentioning a good chunk were from previous days. Absolutely fine to announce the total being recorded, of course, but why not be open and honest about when the deaths actually occurred?

It's no wonder people are as scared as they are.

Indeed. A week ago Nicola Sturgeon said that she'd need to see the weekly NRS numbers falling for another week before even looking at lifting lockdown measures.

So yesterday's numbers was possibly a pivotal moment in all this.

BBC Scotland's website announced about 11:45am that the NRS numbers would be released at 12:00 noon. The number was then announced as 415 (might be a bit out with that) but it didn't give any context versus the week's previous. I had to do my own research to find out what the number was the week before.

Eventually later in the day they ran the story that the numbers had dropped for the second week in a row, but even at that I don't remember it being their top story.

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3 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The figures from France and Spain of low infections are obviously down to lots of areas locking down totally when they didn't actually have many infections. Come the winter flu season they are definitely going to be locked down again for a long time unless they can eradicate it and secure their borders before November.

The British and Swedish idea of letting it out in the population will be judged upon the death totals at the end of this but to me it makes more sense. The UK government have made an arse of the messaging but sadly we have a population who aren't able to handle the basic truth that the only way this ends without a vaccine is a large proportion of the population becoming immune so we need to shield the most vulnerable and expose the strongest. The recent hysteria about returning to work another is shit show from people who seemingly have zero curiosity about the experiences of the millions of people who have worked right through the crisis in public settings. 

Sweden look to be down to minimal daily deaths now. 

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9 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Sweden look to be down to minimal daily deaths now. 

Yes and no. They bounce around a bit.

They just don't have to find an exit plan, as they have nothing really to exit.

Im time people will do the things they want to do when they personally are ready to do so.

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11 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

It's the same with the media. Ask anyone what had happened to infections in Germany since restrictions were first lifted on April 20th and they'd tell you they'd tripled.

They haven't, they have continued to fall.

Germany being forced to reimplement lockdown measures. It hasn't. In fact it plans to ease more.

R apparantly was back over 1. It isn't.

I can't get my head around this type of reporting. People are obviously glued to news reports to see what's happening elsewhere. Why the need to be sketchy or dishonest with it?

Similar when announcing deaths. They still announce x number have "died in the last 24 hours" rather than mentioning a good chunk were from previous days. Absolutely fine to announce the total being recorded, of course, but why not be open and honest about when the deaths actually occurred?

It's no wonder people are as scared as they are.

The reporting has been shockingly poor, and it now gets amplified by social media. Like you say, most people seem to think Germany is going back to lockdown with rising numbers. 

The Scottish Government has been playing catch up the whole time. There's not an inkling of any proactive strategy. 

I'm not sure the population at large are at any point going to grasp the relative risk they face. The very old don't seem to get how incredibly dangerous it is for them and younger adults grossly exaggerate the risk. I've got someone on Facebook who posted a photo of people going to work in London who looked mostly in their twenties and thirties, and he said 'many of these people will die'. 

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22 minutes ago, Steven W said:

Indeed. A week ago Nicola Sturgeon said that she'd need to see the weekly NRS numbers falling for another week before even looking at lifting lockdown measures.

They fell pretty sharply actually. Further than the previous week.

NS said quite clearly that she would not keep measures in place any longer than need be.

Infections are tumbling. Positive test percentages are tumbling. And now deaths are tumbling. As was pointed out the other day the death drop is on a lag of just under 3 weeks.

If now isn't the time to look at easing restrictions I don't know what is.

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1 minute ago, bendan said:

I'm not sure the population at large are at any point going to grasp the relative risk they face.

I've got someone on Facebook who posted a photo of people going to work in London who looked mostly in their twenties and thirties, and he said 'many of these people will die'. 

Probably because they are innundated with comparisons to Spanish Flu. Seemingly purely on the basis it was almost exactly 100 years ago and we seem to be anniversary daft atm.

The current virus isn't Spanish Flu. It's nothing like it.

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I've just read an article about germany's r number rising to above 1.

Is that not the case?
The bbc and the ny times reported this yesterday - that germany's r number has risen over 1 for 3 straight days, but they're not worried.
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Apparently only 5% of the French population have antibodies? Might have read that wrong. Anyway, if it is the case, long term immunity either not looking great, or pretty brutal to acquire

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3 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Apparently only 5% of the French population have antibodies? Might have read that wrong. Anyway, if it is the case, long term immunity either not looking great, or pretty brutal to acquire

Yes, would mean the 500,000 deaths figure for UK was not far off reality.

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