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4 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Worth pointing out that these countries did lock down properly and thats the reason its safe to open up further. UK did a half arsed too late version and now crayon munchers are seeing these countries open and think its safe for us to do the same.

BOOM !  On the money, sir.


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14 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Worth pointing out that these countries did lock down properly and thats the reason its safe to open up further. UK did a half arsed too late version and now crayon munchers are seeing these countries open and think its safe for us to do the same.

UK cases have continued to fall since easing restrictions. Based on that being consistent over the last two weeks despite the killer VE Day celebrations and people who were told they were allowed to go to the beach having the cheek to go to the beach, coupled with the fact that the UK is ready to enter Stage 2 suggests it's not unsafe...

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12 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

The problem you have with this argument is that my point of view appears to fit quite well with the current trend across Europe.

If that suddenly changes i'm absolutely certain you will pop up again to remind me I was wrong.

If it doesn't, you'll say nothing.

I live in Madrid. The lockdown has been lifted so little as to be negligible in the most impacted areas until yesterday. Even then, it's still very strict. Infections and deaths are coming down after two months of a really strict lockdown, the impact of loosening this is not even close to being felt yet.

And the media is covering this widely. Like, you could not be more wrong if you tried. You have a preconceived idea of something and try to fit everything into that. You've been like this all the way through this thread. 

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5 minutes ago, JMDP said:

I live in Madrid. The lockdown has been lifted so little as to be negligible in the most impacted areas until yesterday. Even then, it's still very strict. Infections and deaths are coming down after two months of a really strict lockdown, the impact of loosening this is not even close to being felt yet.

And the media is covering this widely. Like, you could not be more wrong if you tried. You have a preconceived idea of something and try to fit everything into that. You've been like this all the way through this thread. 

Are the beaches open or hotels? I was reading in one part of Italy that 80% of hotels will not open. 

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Looking at the construction phases return plan in Scotland, it doesn’t really give enough information on to what extent indoor renovation work is within the rules within each phase. I might be missing it, if anyone can guide me to any relevant information. 

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UK cases have continued to fall since easing restrictions. Based on that being consistent over the last two weeks despite the killer VE Day celebrations and people who were told they were allowed to go to the beach having the cheek to go to the beach, coupled with the fact that the UK is ready to enter Stage 2 suggests it's not unsafe...


£100 bet to the charity of your choice that the covid infection increase over the next two weeks. I nominate the MS Society




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27 minutes ago, JMDP said:

I live in Madrid. The lockdown has been lifted so little as to be negligible in the most impacted areas until yesterday. Even then, it's still very strict. Infections and deaths are coming down after two months of a really strict lockdown, the impact of loosening this is not even close to being felt yet.

And the media is covering this widely. Like, you could not be more wrong if you tried. You have a preconceived idea of something and try to fit everything into that. You've been like this all the way through this thread. 

I don't understand. I'm wrong to comment about new cases continuing to decrease all across Europe, even after lock downs are eased because you live in Spain which, apart from Madrid and Barcelona, have already eased some measures, however small, continued to see decreases, and are ready to ease more?

ETA Spain's Phase 1 easing is much more extensive than in the UK.


Forgive me for seeing the same pattern absolutely everywhere and coming to the conclusion that nowhere has easing any lockdown restrictions resulted in an increase in cases, never mind a spike.


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Cometh the hour, cometh the man. There was a brief moment after Matt Hancock recovered from coronavirus when he appeared to be a man of principle. That proved to be nothing more than a chimera. Now he has revealed himself to be the most abject of career politicians, who will literally do and say anything to save his job.

So there was no one Boris Johnson could have trusted more than Matt to have taken the Downing Street press conference on the day after Dominic Cummings had been granted the freedom of the No 10 rose garden – there’s a code for special advisers specifically saying they should not make public statements – to annihilate what was left of his credibility. Needy Matt is the health secretary with the perfect grasp of the public good.

When it came to a straight choice between sticking to government health guidelines or protecting the career of Boris’s boss, it was a no-brainer. Who cared if thousands more might die because they couldn’t see the point of sticking to the rules if Dom didn’t, providing Downing Street’s very own Prince Andrew was still in post? Long live the People’s Government! Oddly, we haven’t heard that slogan much lately. Can’t think why.

How did Matt let it come to this? What makes the tragedy so riddled with pathos is that Hancock deep down knows he is so busted. That he has traded what passed for his self-respect for loyalty to two men who think morality is for suckers. You can see it in the terror in his eyes and the increasing shirtiness in his responses. He is now so brittle, he could shatter into a thousand tiny fragments at any moment. I give it five days at most.

Because not only has his track-and-trace app proved to be totally useless, but he’s also only got five days to meet the arbitrary target of 200,000 tests a day that Boris set when under pressure from Keir Starmer at prime minister’s questions. So far, we’re on under 110,000. It’s just not going to happen, Matt. And the public won’t get fooled twice with fake testing targets. As it is, Laughing Boy Dom has already as good as turned the country feral.

Having basically admitted he had nothing to say about anything, Needy Matt first took a question from a vicar in Brighton. That won’t be allowed to happen again, because Martin asked if everyone who had been done for travelling with children could have their fixed penalty notices rescinded. Matt’s eyes widened and darted about in panic. “Er…” he said. Perhaps that might not be such a bad idea. He’d have a word with the chancellor.

It was now clear that there was no law Classic Dom might have broken over the past 20 years that the government wouldn’t be willing to review, just to keep the de facto prime minister in his job. That dope Dom might have smoked at university? Maybe it was time to have drugs legalised after all. That time Dom had driven at 35mph in a 30mph zone? Maybe it was time to up the speed limit so that kids could learn to keep their wits about them in urban areas. That blogpost on pandemics Dom had said he wrote a year ago which it has now emerged had been updated a few weeks back? Actually, scrub that: duplicity has already become an accepted practice in the current administration.

Having rewritten half the penal code, Matt got down to the real business of defending Dom’s moonlight flit to Durham. Classic Dom had absolutely followed the guidelines to the letter. The instructions couldn’t have been more clear. In the event of your partner getting coronavirus and you finding yourself in exceptional danger of having to be responsible for childcare on your own – just imagine! – you were expected to go into work the next day to pass on the infection before driving 260 miles north to your father’s estate. It had been so sad Dom had only been able to stay in a concrete outhouse – so that you could overload the NHS services somewhere else when your son got ill.

It would also be now mandatory for everyone to drive to Barnard Castle as part of the DVLA eyesight test for a nice family day out by the river. And there was no question of his wife being allowed to drive the car at any point even though she had frequently written about having done so. The Cummingses’ car was a manual. Which meant it had to be driven by a man. There was also no need for Dom to have at any time told anyone where he was, because he was the nation’s leader and he could do what he liked.

Needy Matt was adamant, however, that the little people should continue to obey the government’s instructions on self-isolation and freedom of movement because they were both too stupid and not important enough to be allowed to use their own judgment. “People must keep their resolve,” he pleaded tetchily. All other questions were basically dismissed. Robert Peston was sawn off at the knees before he had even completed his question and other journalists were given brief non-answers and no follow-ups.

The 71% of the country – including the ever-so-brave Jeremy Hunt, who had written to constituents explaining that though Classic Dom had broken the guidelines on three occasions he was basically too timid to raise it with the prime minister – who thought Cummings was an establishment elite chancer were basically just wrong. And that was an end to the matter.

The important thing was that he and Dom should remain in their jobs. It was just that Matt’s job description had changed over the course of the brief 30-minute presser. Needy Matt had become Door Matt. A useful idiot to be walked all over, because there’s no way the Dom story is going away. There is no happy ending. The government is hopelessly compromised. As is Matt. The hollowed-out health secretary without qualities. No integrity. No competence. No anything. Sans eyes, sans teeth, sans everything.

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They hit 170,000 randomly a few weeks ago.

We are due an update on the two week estimate thing. The guy today mentioned that we often see an increase in tests as they conduct those samples, something which I hadn't heard them say before. Guessing that is where that 170k appeared from.

Absolute NAP at some point later this week that sample is conducted to be part of around 200,000 test conducted in a day. Probably Thursday or Friday

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2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

Context is everything

Sounds more like the increase in infections came from within the hospital than from outwith.

There's also this but no context of how those numbers compare to other hospitals


The media are desperate for a spike it seems.

If they are having to close A&E, that tells you that most of the infections are coming from without the hospital. 




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32 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I don't understand. I'm wrong to comment about new cases continuing to decrease all across Europe, even after lock downs are eased because you live in Spain which, apart from Madrid and Barcelona, have already eased some measures, however small, continued to see decreases, and are ready to ease more?

ETA Spain's Phase 1 easing is much more extensive than in the UK.


Forgive me for seeing the same pattern absolutely everywhere and coming to the conclusion that nowhere has easing any lockdown restrictions resulted in an increase in cases, never mind a spike.


Madrid and Barca are the two main areas and two of three biggest areas impacted. The easing cant be quarified yet as these areas make up the overwhelming majority of cases. 

This isnt difficult. You've bleated from the start about positivity and only see what you want. I cant help it if you're not able to understand figures. I honestly feel that using finger puppets would be too advanced for you. 

Madrid and Barca went to phase 1 yesterday. Valencia hasn't yet. How can this easing have any impact on figures? Or, has it been that a very strict lockdown had that impact? 

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1 hour ago, MixuFixit said:

Is it that you want say, Austria's progress to be headline news in the UK? These things are covered but just not in a major way, you are always going to have to look for it.

The likes of the BBC/ITV were quite “happy” to show images from Italy as their headline when the number of deaths there was so high, same with their reporting of Spain’s high numbers. Yet they're strangely quiet now the numbers have decreased dramatically. 

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19 minutes ago, SoapMactavish said:

If they are having to close A&E, that tells you that most of the infections are coming from without the hospital. 

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Swing and a miss




"Sources at Weston General have told Bristol Live most of its Covid-19 patients contracted the virus after entering the hospital."


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