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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Good they are starting to look to end or reduce the joke that is the furlough scheme. I know quite a number of people ripping the piss out of it and boasting so it's time it ended tbh.  know people who are managing to take home more than their usual pay for doing nothing.
Also work with someone who moaned about not getting furlough so he then told his boss he has no work to do so got himself furloughed leaving me with all the work while he sits at home and i pick up the slack on his project.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

If there’s hypocrisy it has to be called out.  More importantly, if the policy is being revised prematurely it has to be challenged.

Yeah I accept there has to be room for criticism but the article you quote says 3 Sage members are worried when the committee is over 20 strong so it's far from being a majority and indeed how often will a group this size have unanimity on any issue - when decisions are finally made they have to be made by politicians having said that it does worry me that our present lot are mediocre led by a charlatan who have a mediocre track record during the pandemic so far.

Edit - From what I could find one meeting in  April consisted of 22 scientists plus the myopically challenged Dominic Cummings! :lol:

Edited by btb
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23 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:


I have no idea what this means or how it could be a good or bad thing, but some here may find this interesting and understand it better.

I think they're saying it's good, as iff you can target and identify the superspreaders it becomes easier to contain the virus. 

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23 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

This shows how badly we have done, how badly we are doing and suggests lockdown is maybe being eased too early.


I think it just highlights that our population haven't been as conscientious and thus following Sweden would have been a disaster. 

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A full card finally returns for curtain twitchers everywhere today, with joggers and sunbathers kicking things off followed by barbecues and garden swallies in the big evening kick-offs. And if they're bored of that then they can always traipse back to their local supermarket again and harrumph at all the other people for being there as well.


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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

This shows how badly we have done, how badly we are doing and suggests lockdown is maybe being eased too early.


Eased too early in England, or Scotland?

Edited by pozbaird
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Am i right in saying Scotland had 55 new cases yesterday, and a similar double figure number the day before?


This is surely a positive sign for the success of our test and isolate policy. That's the key right there. If we can keep the outbreaks locked down in a community sense and keep control then we'll be out of this in a few months.


The death rate at the moment means nothing as it's weeks behind with the lag. It's all about number of cases and whether we can get control of them, and stop things getting out of control.



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35 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

Eased too early in England, or Scotland?

Maybe England, we'll see, any later for us and more folk would probably stop listening. 

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Am i right in saying Scotland had 55 new cases yesterday, and a similar double figure number the day before?
This is surely a positive sign for the success of our test and isolate policy. That's the key right there. If we can keep the outbreaks locked down in a community sense and keep control then we'll be out of this in a few months.
The death rate at the moment means nothing as it's weeks behind with the lag. It's all about number of cases and whether we can get control of them, and stop things getting out of control.
Certainly when you get down to those levels of cases then it's the most relevant number. From this point onwards, any return to exponential growth will be a failure of the procedures implemented by governemnt (UK or Scottish) IMO.
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53 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Am i right in saying Scotland had 55 new cases yesterday, and a similar double figure number the day before?


This is surely a positive sign for the success of our test and isolate policy. That's the key right there. If we can keep the outbreaks locked down in a community sense and keep control then we'll be out of this in a few months.

The 7 day average for us has been crashing fairly steadily for the last month.

Our last 3 figure day (both individual and average) was 8 days ago now.

For comparison the 7 day average as of today is 51.

It's unlikely to keep nosediving going forward but hopefully it keeps decreasing.



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Most of the contact tracers up and running on the wifes facebook group. (All tracers)

Many sat through their 1st full shift without having to make a call. Constantly worried they were doing something wrong and f5 refreshing their Amazon workplace.

Turns out there was literally f**k all for them to do as opposed to having done something wrong.

Many who got 1 case just spent whole shift listening to the customers answerphone. Clearly dodging taking the call.

Wife herself still going through training.

Btw it's around a minimum of £17 an hour.

Think someone earlier suggested it was minimum wage stuff.

£27 on a Sunday.

All shifts taken theres a suprise.


Also I believe a huge amount of the tracers are the dental staff who are currently workless.

Govt just sprung back to work on them in England so tracers staff will be decimated.



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4 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Many who got 1 case just spent whole shift listening to the customers answerphone. Clearly dodging taking the call.

This is an interesting point. Don't know about anyone else but unless I know the number or am expecting a call I rarely answer the phone. If it's important they will leave a message.

Answering a random call to get annoyed by a cold caller is one thing. Answering one to then get told you need to isolate for 14 days is another level altogether.

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This is an interesting point. Don't know about anyone else but unless I know the number or am expecting a call I rarely answer the phone. If it's important they will leave a message.
Answering a random call to get annoyed by a cold caller is one thing. Answering one to then get told you need to isolate for 14 days is another level altogether.
You dont follow.
This is the call to the positive test.
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This is going to be a problem isnt it....
You would assume when notified of the positive test they are in effect ordered to look out for the imminent calls.
Wonder if physical visits to those positive who ignore calls will take place.
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