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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Even if folk don’t agree that there would be no lockdown without social media, they must agree that social media creates mass hysteria over a lot of issues. I think when Todd_is_God says there wouldn’t be a lockdown, he doesn’t mean that everyone would just keep going as normal but we would use the Swedish approach as I think he has already advocated using.

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22 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:

One way system got chucked.

Surprised with social distancing as still an issue where I work. People wear masks so majority don't care too much about social distancing.

Lanyards seem to be quite a lot of now.

25% is quite bad. At least 80% of customers wear them where I work, hardest bit seems to be to wearing them properly. 

Tunnocks tea cakes should of got no bother now since they are out of furlough 

It's a big improvement on 10%, which was my previous experience. (Granted much smaller shops.) And it being practically non existent in Tesco Magherafelt, 10 days ago, which was my wife's experience. Until it's compulsory it won't be done.

Thanks, might try ordering them this week then, the supermarket wasn't getting any as "the factory was shut".

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Just now, Jacksgranda said:

It's a big improvement on 10%, which was my previous experience. (Granted much smaller shops.) And it being practically non existent in Tesco Magherafelt, 10 days ago, which was my wife's experience. Until it's compulsory it won't be done.

Thanks, might try ordering them this week then, the supermarket wasn't getting any as "the factory was shut".

We have been getting them in for a good few weeks. Strange one 

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21 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Not particularly. It’s just my personal opinion that I’d rather not have a vaccine that’s been rushed into production and won’t have been tested for years to see it’s safe. I’d rather take my risk and be mildly unconvinced at worst if I got covid 

But your level of risk will be greatly diminished if we're all taking the vaccine.

You're going to let everyone else take vaccine , but still enjoy the benefits yourself of a mass vaccination programme, despite having played no part.

However, I'd add you're perfectly entitled to your own viewpoint

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1 minute ago, G_Man1985 said:

We have been getting them in for a good few weeks. Strange one 

Well, I haven't tried getting them for nearly a month/6 weeks, maybe the big supermarkets were getting them first after production restarted, while the independents (although most of them are in consortia) had to wait.

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19 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The risk is already close to zero for healthy people under 40.

Correct, covid-19 has been listed on just nine death certificates of people under 40.

In fact, going by NRS records, a total of 573 (out of 4201) people under the age of 70 have died of confirmed or suspected Covid-19.

That is without taking in to consideration what percentage of those were otherwise healthy.

I can't get my head around the mass refusal to acknowledge this.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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23 minutes ago, Gaz said:

I think I've only seen about half a dozen folk not wearing a face covering over the last week or two. All middle-aged men.

They aren't mandatory in Wales. Apart from that Wales is similar to Scotland in the steps taken to come out of lockdown. Should be a reasonable control should anyone be interested in the stats. 

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3 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

I cba to find direct quotes by VT but he has gone full circle from 'your job is bullshit and kids don't need education' to 'you're all just putting your feet up and want to keep doing that at the expense of our kids education' back to 'you morons rushed our kids back into school now look what you've done'.

I'm hardly surprised that you've completely failed to grasp a nuanced argument tbh. Try running your finger under the really hard words next time to see if that helps you out.

3 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

"It's not good to force teachers to work in the current situation. When it's better, make them work 24/7 to make up for it"

If by '24/7' you mean '7/6 when they'd otherwise be swanning off for a February ski break to the Alps' then absolutely. As taxpayer-paid public servants they should be obliged to show the required flexibility to make good that educational shortfall but only in a legitimately safe working environment rather than the current back of a fag packet setup.

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36 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Well, I haven't tried getting them for nearly a month/6 weeks, maybe the big supermarkets were getting them first after production restarted, while the independents (although most of them are in consortia) had to wait.

I had similar issues with caramel logs. Ended up having to buy in bulk from China during lockdown, but they're back in stock here now too which I can only assume means the factory is pumping them out again 

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38 minutes ago, Gaz said:

I think I've only seen about half a dozen folk not wearing a face covering over the last week or two. All middle-aged men.

Yeah similar for me. Had a kids out the back nerf war/party for my eldest so went to morrisons for party food. Having been shielding this was my first proper trip to a supermarket. Everyone calmly going about their business with masks on, politely respecting distance etc, apart from a red faced, fat angry couple, growling at everyone obviously desperate for someone to suggest they put a mask on. I mean, if not wearing one is going to do damage like that to your blood pressure it's probably healthier to stick a sheet of cloth over your mouth and nose for 15 minutes.  Unless of course your "asthma" is so bad you can't even handle that - in which case you should be prostrate at our feet for protecting you from a dose of the virus that would no doubt kill you as your airways as so fragile. Definite **** Ah forgot **** was censored. Snowflakes. 

Edited by madwullie
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19 minutes ago, Gaz said:

I think I've only seen about half a dozen folk not wearing a face covering over the last week or two. All middle-aged men.

I seen two women about 50-ish (may or may not have been MILFs 10 year ago) openly greet each other with a hug and that two cheek kiss thing in Linlithgow yesterday before one of them launched into a tirade of sheer ignorance and arrogance toward some poor council worker who said “Social distancing ladies!” in a light-hearted tone. 

I’ve no shame in admitting that her opening response of “Do we look like corona spreaders to you?!” made the horrible b*****d in me feel that if they’d got hit by a bus crossing the road, it mightn’t have been such a bad thing.

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1 hour ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Mind you if this had happened in 2000 everyone would have been following guidance and wearing masks. There would have been no mass uprising of anti-maskers I would imagine.

There probably wouldn't have been such a conspiratorial angle to anti-mask sentiment but just as many people would have been shrieking nonsense about 'being suffocated' and citing utter bullshit exemptions to get round wearing them. 


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18 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

The risk to your own health, but you can still pass it on.

Then keep the most at risk isolated.

We already did that for 4½ months. We just forgot to allow the crucial bit of advising distancing where possible, but otherwise letting it go round those at miniscule risk, meaning it was a longer than necessary, less effective exercise.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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