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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, Michael W said:

Why are students going to be allowed on campus if there's such worry about the return of universities? Absolutely no reason at all their lectures can't be delivered remotely. 

Because they can't carry on functioning without income from accommodation and other ancillary services they provide to students. At least, that's the claim.

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As a Lanarkshire resident additional restrictions being put in place are a obviously a kick in the teeth. The government seem insistent that the main cause of transmission is through people visiting one another's houses so it'll be interesting to see if this proves true and numbers start reducing again.

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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:
1 hour ago, virginton said:


Nice to see the toothless Tory moving onto the reversal of age discrimination laws now that he is done with targeting Scotlands families for unemployment and poverty.

You seem to have a problem distinguishing between 'temporary restrictions to deal with a global pandemic' with 'a permanent policy position'.  We've already chucked overboard plenty of 'rights' for the former so I don't think we'll be having special pleading on behalf of boomers. You also seem to be too thick understand what a 'Tory' is: no wonder you're shiting yourself about being replaced in your job.

Sit in the house and come spring we'll see what the situation is. If the government was genuinely interested in limiting the impact on the NHS instead of perceived fairness then this would already be done.

1 hour ago, Snafu said:

Plenty of untrained inexperienced young workers who could easily walk into a job that requires a significant amount of training for a likely short term fix. Aye right.

Don't forget you need to pull someone experienced away from their regular job within a company to spend time training that person for that job, leading to companies being even more unable to function to any reasonable standard.

All this just so yuppies can have the freedom to drink their coffees at Starbucks and eat at Pret.

^^^ Uses the word 'yuppies' in 2020.


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What's the rationale behind the lockdown. I'm sure last time it was to prevent the NHS becoming overwhelmed, well it wasn't was it ergo why are we locking down again.  There is always going to be cases until the vaccine appears if it ever does so let's all just get on with life.  Take precautions and stop shitting ourselves.  Honestly its project fear all over again.
This is pretty much what I was wondering as well. Like any other virus, it can infect as many people as it likes but if hardly anyone is dying or being admitted to hospital then is there any real need for additional restrictions to be imposed?

I understand there's an argument that more infections could lead to more hospital admissions but people have still been getting infected for months and deaths/hospital admissions have remained relatively low.
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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:


Inverclyde seems to be nowhere near a cause for concern at the moment, despite there being a huge amount of interaction with the rest of the western Central Belt. The local paper is quoting some model that had Glasgow at 90% chance of an outbreak last week, Renfrewshire over 50% but 5% here.

What's interesting about this (yes really) is that Inverclyde was of course hammered right at the start of the first outbreak, which began here at the end of February and with deaths peaking in the first week of April. It's possible that this is making an outbreak more difficult to take hold at the moment: not full herd immunity but with it being more likely that the virus encounters someone whose immune system empties it no bother and breaks the chain of infection. I wouldn't stick the entire public health response on that but it's worth keeping track of over time.

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56 minutes ago, Steven W said:

Decent (socially distant) crowd at the speedway in Poland tonight on BT. Meanwhile in Scotland were telling parents they can't watch their children play football...

Poland has far better infection rates to be fair.

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11 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Have to stay  safe m9, I mean me standing ten yards away from someone watching my son play football could spread Covid, I guess we better never have a crowd event ever again in case we spread any other viral upper respiratory tract infection.     

As long as it stops the FM from being in tears again as I'm convinced that women must be permanently attached to an IV the amount of tears she has shed.   Shambles an absolute shambles.

The first part of your argument I can go along with and I TOTALLY see your point, however the second paragraph appears completely political and seems to ignore the fact that the authorities in Scotland are merely following the same advice as most other countries in the world. 

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^^^ Uses the word 'yuppies' in 2020.
Why would I be scared of being replaced in my job? That's just you carrying on the theme of throwing in nonsense narrative. You dont have any idea what I do for a living or how at risk I am. You have already tried telling me what I want, you have also tried to throw in me claiming be some sort of "superparent" despite the fact that theres nothing to back that up because it's not something I have done. I would be able to recognise the importance of schools going back, and its place way above pubs and football for societal reasons whether I had kids or not. This seems to be something you are utterly hell bent on refusing to acknowledge, to the point that you are still questioning (without evidence to back it up) the SGs assertion that transmission is lower in children. You are literally arguing that we should shield the population most likely to die so that younger folks can get back to it, yet arguing against allowing folk who are not only the least likely to catch/spread it, but also the least likely to die from it, being allowed to be educated.

You just carry on ploughing the same furrow that has got brought you ridicule for weeks now.

FWIW, I said on this thread ages ago that shielding should come back, and age based restrictions were fine, but anyone claiming over 50 is appropriate for this is a fucking moron. Over 70 maybe. That would be more than enough to prevent overwhelming of the NHS IMO in conjunction with other mandatory measures for general day to day life.

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2 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

The first part of your argument I can go along with and I TOTALLY see your point, however the second paragraph appears completely political and seems to ignore the fact that the authorities in Scotland are merely following the same advice as most other countries in the world. 

Well actually I'm a big nationalist, voted Snp for years, party member,voted independence etc but that does not mean I have to support Sturgeon.

I think her handling of this has quite simply been pish and only the clown in Westminster has made her look vaguely competent though that means nothing.

Still waiting on that adult conversation we were promised.

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