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Not what I said at all. I didn't give any motive as to why the swedes behave differently to us. Since you (didn't) ask, imo it's nothing to do with freedom loving, everything to do with a culture of trying to dodge the rules, get one up on authority, and not trusting those in charge to be acting in the best interests of the people rather than themselves. 
Even [mention=80048]Chairman Mao[/mention], a vocal proponent of the Swedish model, on being asked nicely to give a name and address at a local pub, instead gave a false name (and jumped straight on here to brag about it) - yet here he is demanding that we follow the Swedish model where you are asked to follow the rules - meanwhile, the only rule he has been asked to follow he is quote happy to boast that he cocked a snook at it.
The only evidence we have of people in the UK being asked not told to follow the advice was iirc just before a sweltering weekend where the majority of the country decided to completely ignore the advice and do what the f**k they pleased. Then lashed out at do-gooder and grasses for spoiling their fun. One week (or so) later, the rules were to become enforceable by law. 

There’s just one problem with the evidence you’ve cited there. It quite simply didn’t happen.
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1 hour ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Can we please for the last time get away from this idea that Sweden carried on as if nothing was happening, they didn’t, brazil did and they were a disaster. In sweden there is already a much stronger idea of personal space than in the uk and another universe from the touchy feely kissing culture of Southern Europe. They closed down any high risk activity and banned large gatherings. They did not issue a stay at home order, that is the difference. Also Germany closed down more premises than Sweden but they too only advised to stay at home and did not issue an order to be enforced by the police, they too technically had “ no lockdown “ they also handled it better than Sweden, why not mention them more?

Germany shut pubs, restaurants, gyms and all schools. Sweden didn't. 

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1 hour ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Can we please for the last time get away from this idea that Sweden carried on as if nothing was happening, they didn’t, brazil did and they were a disaster...

Sweden may not have carried on completely as usual but they definitely did not have the same lockdown policies as western European countries but still had much the same outcome as many of them on cumulative per capita mortality rates. There are legitimate questions that need to be answered in a rational scientific manner as to why that is. Brazil is a federal system so the president doesn't call the shots on everything. Think you'll find many of the states there did have relatively strict lockdowns. That's certainly what I have been hearing from people I know in Sao Paulo and Belo Horizonte. What's interesting is that the one country in Europe that took a vodka and sauna approach and has recently had massive mass demonstrations, i.e. Belarus, hasn't been a special disaster zone in eastern European terms. There are legitimate questions that need to be answered in a rational scientific manner as to why that is.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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2 hours ago, Gaz said:

That's The National reporting that this proposed circuit-breaker is going to start from Friday. Pubs, restaurants etc. to close altogether.

The EIS have written to Swinney saying that while they're not opposed to the idea of a circuit-breaker they vehemently disagree with it being timed 'coincidentally' to happen at the same time most schools are off, on the grounds that education staff have worked solidly from March, many have booked staycations for the October Holidays, and are now finding out that nothing will be open and we'll be effectively stuck in the hoose for 24 hours a day with nothing to do.

Ah the Unions

Got everyones health at the top of their agenda.

Was there no holidays in April or July or August ?

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1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:

VT is right they should have closed down the smaller clubs and helped out the full time players with furlough.
Just keep the grounds ticking over with skeleton crew.
£17-£25 to watch a crashing website.
What other industry would punters put up with this shit?

Who would be paying the players come the end of October?

Who would be paying this skeleton staff? 

What other bills do clubs have to pay?

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From a friend of a friend yesterday so don't 100% know the accuracy. Suspect it's true though.
From Friday for 16 days pubs shut, restaurants open during the day without alcohol, places of worship shut, visitor attractions shut, no decision on travel restrictions yet. amateur contact sports stopped (5 a side etc.)

I have heard this exact same set of restrictions.

Restrictions to be lifted on the 26th for all areas apart from Greater Glasgow, Renfrewshire,Dunbartonshire, Lanarkshire, Lothians, Ayrshire, Falkirk, Edinburgh and Fife where they will be reviewed but not necessarily lifted on the same date.

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I know it's Guido and everyone hates him but he's reporting that all pubs and bars will shut, cafes and restaurants can't serv alcohol, all indoor attractions to shut (not sure what that means) and holiday accomodation will stay open.  From the 10th to the 26th - it will be lifted outside the Central Belt then but only reviewed in the Central Belt.

Why specifically exclude alcohol sales?  Are people getting smashed and licking each other to give them the 'Rona?

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Who would be paying the players come the end of October?
Who would be paying this skeleton staff? 
What other bills do clubs have to pay?
Cut the grass once a month. Basic heating bill to stop pipes freezing. Hardly a fortune plus most part time players have a job.
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Sweden may not have carried on completely as usual but they definitely did not have the same lockdown policies as western European countries but still had much the same outcome as many of them on cumulative per capita mortality rates. There are legitimate questions that need to be answered in a rational scientific manner as to why that is. Brazil is a federal system so the president doesn't call the shots on everything. Think you'll find many of the states there did have relatively strict lockdowns. That's certainly what I have been hearing from people I know in Sao Paulo and Belo Horizonte. What's interesting is that the one country in Europe that took a vodka and sauna approach and has recently had massive mass demonstrations, i.e. Belarus, hasn't been a special disaster zone in eastern European terms. There are legitimate questions that need to be answered in a rational scientific manner as to why that is.

I’m not arguing for or against that model thh, the effectivenes of lockdowns in Europe is debatable, spain had the most draconian yet it didn’t save them from disaster, germanys was relatively light yet they faired pretty well. The uk was weak and not strictly policed yet we were a clusterfuck . Tiny yet massively densely populated malta closed down practically everything but did not issue a stay in your home order - got through the first wave with little damage. There has to be more to this than meets the eye
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8 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I know it's Guido and everyone hates him but he's reporting that all pubs and bars will shut, cafes and restaurants can't serv alcohol, all indoor attractions to shut (not sure what that means) and holiday accomodation will stay open.  From the 10th to the 26th - it will be lifted outside the Central Belt then but only reviewed in the Central Belt.

If I was NS, I'd make huge last minute changes to any plans just to mess up Guido. 

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3 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Not seen any mention of gyms in the proposed restrictions but assume they'd be included.  FFS.

I'd really hope not - considering there was evidence that showed in England gyms were not super-spreaders of the virus that the SG were claiming.  That said, the SG will be happy to close them as it looks like they are doing something.  

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2 hours ago, Gaz said:

That's The National reporting that this proposed circuit-breaker is going to start from Friday. Pubs, restaurants etc. to close altogether.

The EIS have written to Swinney saying that while they're not opposed to the idea of a circuit-breaker they vehemently disagree with it being timed 'coincidentally' to happen at the same time most schools are off, on the grounds that education staff have worked solidly from March, many have booked staycations for the October Holidays, and are now finding out that nothing will be open and we'll be effectively stuck in the hoose for 24 hours a day with nothing to do.

I'm struggling to have sympathy for teachers who missed out on their usual summer holiday now missing out on an October week holiday, both holidays that they get every single year whilst every other work place continues on. You've been working solidly since March? Have a pat on the back. You'll be stuck in the hoose with nothing to do? That's a shame, the rest of us are still working. Perhaps I'm being harsh but my initial thought is "dry your eyes".

EDIT - I should add that I don't actually agree with this circuit breaker pish, but I find the crying about teachers having nothing to do whilst they're off a bit of a rid neck. 

Edited by The Moonster
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7 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I know it's Guido and everyone hates him but he's reporting that all pubs and bars will shut, cafes and restaurants can't serv alcohol, all indoor attractions to shut (not sure what that means) and holiday accomodation will stay open.  From the 10th to the 26th - it will be lifted outside the Central Belt then but only reviewed in the Central Belt.

Why specifically exclude alcohol sales?  Are people getting smashed and licking each other to give them the 'Rona?

The government are working to a puritanical list of what they consider "good" and "evil".

Pubs/football/gym = evil

Church/school/cafe = good


If you're a 45 year old mummy who is a church elder you live good life. Hench guys who like football and a jager are the personification of evil.

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8 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:
13 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:
Who would be paying the players come the end of October?
Who would be paying this skeleton staff? 
What other bills do clubs have to pay?

Cut the grass once a month. Basic heating bill to stop pipes freezing. Hardly a fortune plus most part time players have a job.

What about the likes of Dunfermline and Rovers? Smaller clubs who have full-time staff.

I’m assuming clubs will have other bills to pay than grass cutting and utilities but I could be wrong.

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1 minute ago, The Moonster said:

I'm struggling to have sympathy for teachers who missed out on their usual summer holiday now missing out on an October week holiday, both holidays that they get every single year whilst every other work place continues on. You've been working solidly since March? Have a pat on the back. You'll be stuck in the hoose with nothing to do? That's a shame, the rest of us are still working. Perhaps I'm being harsh but my initial thought is "dry your eyes".

Other people would have holidays at any point they decide to take them...


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16 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Ah the Unions

Got everyones health at the top of their agenda.

Was there no holidays in April or July or August ?

Well, I can only speak for myself and the colleagues I personall know, but I spent a massive chunk of my summer either helping out at the hubs or preparing for the blended learning model only to be told shortly before the schools went back to chuck it all in the bin for a 'business as usual' model.

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15 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I know it's Guido and everyone hates him but he's reporting that all pubs and bars will shut, cafes and restaurants can't serv alcohol, all indoor attractions to shut (not sure what that means) and holiday accomodation will stay open.  From the 10th to the 26th - it will be lifted outside the Central Belt then but only reviewed in the Central Belt.

Why specifically exclude alcohol sales?  Are people getting smashed and licking each other to give them the 'Rona?

At a guess, their justification would be that a bunch of steamers can't be trusted to maintain social distancing. 

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