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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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6 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Ultimately it's the virus which is driving the restrictions and not politics, hence we have had local lockdowns in Wales (Labour Gov) and local lockdowns in England (Conservative Gov).

But of course people don't want to acknowledge this as they see it as an opportunity to "SNP bash", hopefully the majority of our electorate can see through all the lies and insinuations.....

You can only criticise those implementing the decisions. 

I can't speak for Wales, but the Tories are getting more then enough criticism for their bungling, alongside the  never-present buffoon allegedly in charge. 

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5 minutes ago, itzdrk said:

Jesus f**k how have shopping centres survived this. 

I'll allow schools while disagreeing as it's obviously a line not to be crossed but fucking hell this is a bad decision. 

Please see below

3 hours ago, Marshmallo said:

The government are working to a puritanical list of what they consider "good" and "evil".

Pubs/football/gym = evil

Church/school/cafe = good


If you're a 45 year old mummy who is a church elder you live good life. Hench guys who like football and a jager are the personification of evil.


If you like Janey Godley then these policies are essentially for you. "Football accounts" such as this Bear have been fucked over.

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Guest bernardblack

The seethe from Facebook idiots who had been tagging themselves and their 4/5 mates (from different households) in at the boozer recently is just quite simply, delicious.

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21 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Please present evidence of this. 

There's plenty of evidence if you look for it. I posted the Chair of Irelands NPHET earlier, here's Dr Michael Head of Southampton University:



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16 minutes ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

Does anyone who is watching this think these new restrictions are going to make any significant difference? 

Who Cares

Are the teachers on strike yet.  

EIS demand Pubs open for Teachers on their holibobs

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5 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

Please see below


If you like Janey Godley then these policies are essentially for you. "Football accounts" such as this Bear have been fucked over.

Respect from also a football account. 

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2 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Lol wut.  Destroying businesses for no practical reason other than to kid on your doing something is ludicrous.

Its like giving someone who requires surgery two paracetamol and telling them to crack on.

So GP's running as normal then?

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Maybe this is living with the virus.  Bimble along for a few weeks and months until the case numbers get too high, shut down everything for 2-3 weeks to buy sometime, get back to bimbling along.

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Just now, ICTChris said:

Maybe this is living with the virus.  Bimble along for a few weeks and months until the case numbers get too high, shut down everything for 2-3 weeks to coincide with school holidays, get back to bimbling along.

Fixed that for you ma man

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1 minute ago, trainspotter said:

In a strange reversal of fortune, Old Firm supporters buses will now be heading out of the Central Belt on October 17th in order to find a pub to watch the game.

Fruit Shoots with the lads in Perth. 🇬🇧🍀

charlie hunnam fight GIF

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There will be no travel ban in any of the areas, but people in the central belt have been urged to avoid public transport unless it is "absolutely necessary".

And they have also been advised not to travel outside of the health board area they live in if they do not need to.

I think they need to cease with the "advisory" stuff. Half hearted "restrictions" will only end up with some people staying put whilst others will surely just carry on as normal and we won't make serious inroads into curbing the increase in infections.

Some of the first responses to Philip Sim's Tweets were "WATP" types saying they were off for a piss up in Dundee so you can see how seriously some people are taking these latest statements by the FM.

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2 minutes ago, Paco said:


I suspect the £40m announced will be hoovered up by the pubs forced to fully close. I feel more for the ones in Dundee than Edinburgh and Glasgow.


This is absolutely shite. It isn’t unique to Scotland, there’ll be similar measures in the north of England and quite possibly Wales by the end of the week, it’s already happened in Paris and Marseille and Ireland/Spain are heading down a similar route for the hospitality sector.


However quite how Western Europe have landed here is ridiculous. Genuinely ridiculous.


Bang on the money.

It appears there's broadly 4 options available,

1. live life as normal and go for herd immunity, the risks here are that many die and the economy still ends up screwed due to workers sickness and general uncertainty / fear among the population, not to mention the health service being overwhelmed. Also this would need to be coordinated with rest of UK and EU partners to make it worthwhile.

2. A mixture of suppression, stop / start lockdowns, face masks, work from home where possible. Risks here are a hit to the Economy, especially hospitality and tourism not to mention a direct effect on mental health and wellbeing of the population plus deterioration of other NHS services.

3. Full lockdown of whole country, travel ban and borders being closed. Risks here are a massive hit to the economy the fallout of subsequent job losses, loan defaults and further erosion of public services. There's also the mental health issues and indirect deaths through lack of NHS services etc.

4. Identify those most at risk within the population and attempt to shield them as much as possible while the rest of the country carries on as normal. Not without Risks as splitting up families, treating one portion of the population as lepers and generally creating a horrible society where the weak are thrown to the dogs.

Not an easy choice for anyone to make.

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So I can't go to my grans house but I can meet her in the pub ? But we can't have a pint ? Unless we go to Dundee ? But we can't share a car ? But we could go on the train ? Can I serve my gran a pint in my garden after she's been here on the bus, or can she only have food ?

I am one seriously confused covidiot. Thanks a lot Wee Nippy.

When do we start the clapping again  ?


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