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6 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:

What can I say? That's as told direct to me by my stepson who's working there. Bear in mind her employers may not be aware of her attitude and possibly the night out. In which case all they officially know is a staff member took ill, self isolated and has returned to work. 

If your stepson is aware then he would be duty bound as a SSSC-registered worker to notify the Care home bosses about the night out, and to report that to SSSC if the employers don't. The situation in care homes has been horrific and reckless action like that has to be dealt with appropriately. If he knows, but doesn't do anything, then he's almost as bad.

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7 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:

Stepson works at a council care home in South Lanarkshire.  About a month ago, one of the care assistants came in clearly showing symptoms. She spent most of the day working before finally being sent home in the afternoon after staff complained to management. She tested positive and was told to self-isolate. To celebrate going into self-isolation, she had a night out at a pub with her pals - 3 of whom also work at the care centre. Pictures all over FB of them having a whale of a time. One of the girls from the care home who went out with her that night developed symptoms a week later. She ended up hospitalised for a week. 20 years old by the way. Half a dozen staff (including stepson) got told to self-isolate because they'd been in contact.


Meantime, Covid has ripped through the care home (again). Three dead, one still in ICU, others in various stages of suffering effects. 


The girl who started the whole thing off has now completed her self-isolation and is back at work. They can't sack her because they're short staffed. 


Stepson went back to work today and finished his shift in tears having seen the effect this one stupid girl has had. She couldn't give a shit, complaining that the pubs are shut. 

Thats culpable and reckless conduct, she should be getting the jail for that, get your stepson to report it. 

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1 hour ago, Steven W said:

Annoys me that on Mondays NS always offers up the caveat of the lower numbers owing to the weekend reporting levels. Yet doesn't offer up the same caveat on a Tuesday when they're therefore typically higher.

Also come to realise that that's probably half the reason that, of all the days of the week to choose for Tier Review, she chose a Tuesday.

I'd be more annoyed about the "tough decisions" represented as being discussed on the Monday night / Tuesday morning prior to the update on levels etc being leaked days before tbh, but that's just me.

By the time Friday comes round that decision will be almost one week old.

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1 hour ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Civil service, local government, banks, contact centres...any back office operation that had the foresight to invest in remote working technology before the pandemic and those that introduced it sharply afterwards.

I understand that, still seems a disproportionately high percentage of the workforce;  obviously not.

Edited by Granny Danger
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2 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

"The only people who can work from home is our accountants" might be the best take of a long and winding thread.

You distorting what others post is the least surprising thing on this thread.

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Staggered that the "reward" Nicola Sturgeon promised us off the back of the longer lockdown in summer has turned out to be a household visiting ban, which became a three week 'circuit breaker' lockdown, which then became a levels system with tight restrictions, and now a three week lockdown to maybe be able to eat a meal with our parents on one day, and people are happy with this.
She also took some time at the start of her briefing yesterday to remind everyone how Scotland had "lower prevalence" than the rest of the UK.

Then she fired nearly half the population into the tightest level of restrictions.
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4 minutes ago, Tutankhamen said:

Tories send Hindu to talk about saving Christmas.

Who cares if they sent a Hindu, a Muslim or a Klingon.   There handling of this whole debacle has been shambolic that's what should be remembered.  Now both them and the SG are desperate to save one day for the kudos at the expense of everything else. Embarrassing.

By the way religion is for absolute moon howlers.

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I’m astounded that people are desperately trying to link Christmas with religion.  The overwhelming number of people in the U.K. who celebrate Christmas don’t seethe inside of a church from one year to the next.

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3 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I’m astounded that people are desperately trying to link Christmas with religion.  The overwhelming number of people in the U.K. who celebrate Christmas don’t seethe inside of a church from one year to the next.

They seethe on here instead

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8 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:

Stepson works at a council care home in South Lanarkshire.  About a month ago, one of the care assistants came in clearly showing symptoms. She spent most of the day working before finally being sent home in the afternoon after staff complained to management. She tested positive and was told to self-isolate. To celebrate going into self-isolation, she had a night out at a pub with her pals - 3 of whom also work at the care centre. Pictures all over FB of them having a whale of a time. One of the girls from the care home who went out with her that night developed symptoms a week later. She ended up hospitalised for a week. 20 years old by the way. Half a dozen staff (including stepson) got told to self-isolate because they'd been in contact.


Meantime, Covid has ripped through the care home (again). Three dead, one still in ICU, others in various stages of suffering effects. 


The girl who started the whole thing off has now completed her self-isolation and is back at work. They can't sack her because they're short staffed. 


Stepson went back to work today and finished his shift in tears having seen the effect this one stupid girl has had. She couldn't give a shit, complaining that the pubs are shut. 


7 hours ago, Hauzen said:

I call BS on this. Care home would have had to notify the Care Inspectorate and SSSC of any staff member testing positive, if recklessness behaviour is determined on the part of the employee then SSSC would remove that worker's registration and they would no longer work in social care. Decision gets taken out of the hands of the care home in that instance, assuming due process is followed in terms of COVID notifications.


7 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:

What can I say? That's as told direct to me by my stepson who's working there. Bear in mind her employers may not be aware of her attitude and possibly the night out. In which case all they officially know is a staff member took ill, self isolated and has returned to work. 

Didn't realise that philpy was your stepson tbh.

What is it about a global pandemic anyway that compels so many people to make bullshit insider takes based on a place of work? The 'Falkirk's going into lockdown coz ma wife works at the hospital' exchange was even more ludicrous from start to finish. 

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I know they've had trouble with the English app but in some ways it's better, automatically lets you snap the QR code when you go into a pub without faffing about.
Not in my experience. In fact, its the other way round. The Scottish App lets you take a photo of the QR code and it launches the App to check you in. The English (Serco) App doesn't launch automatically if you simply open your camera and scan the QR code, you have to open the App first. I was also told in several places during our October break down south to use the restaurants/cafes/whatever own App rather than thr NHS (Serco) one because that only registered the phone user as checking in, while the company App (and the Scottish NHS one) allows you to enter the number of people in your party.
Only in senior classes. Our S1-3 go around without any. As do the staff when teaching those year groups.
EIS now saying Level 4 must move to blended learning. I don't hold out much hope that they carry enough political or media weight for this to have any impact.

It is my understanding of the regulations that staff should be wearing masks at all times too? The working we were sent was that S4, S5 and S6 pupils and Staff should wear masks at all times and that S1-3 pupils should be encouraged to wear masks although it wouldn't be compulsory.
The EIS is the most powerful union in Scotland - fair enough relatively speaking that may not be saying much but did they not win something mental like a 10% pay rise just last year when it looked like there was a real threat of a strike? If they can mobilise you well enough for blended learning you never know. 
They might be the most powerful teaching union (they have by far the biggest number of members but they have been losing a lot recently) but they did no such thing. In fact the EIS agreed to a lower pay settlement than the other 2 main teaching unions and pissed off one of them by saying that there was no need to continue discussing the increased workload caused by new qualifications and changing internal assessments (the EIS has more seats at the Negotiation Table since they have the most members and so have a de facto veto on any changes to terms and conditions from the Union side - a lot of the more militant members aren't happy that they've sided with COSLA on almost everything recently hence the leaching of members to other unions).
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