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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Just now, Sergeant Wilson said:

I find the parents of young children to be worse than a man short when they're in. At least when they're not there you can make adjustments. Their fluctuating input just makes life more difficult.

I work in a department of 8. All bar one have kids. We communicate and balance the workload. We are also supporting an industry which works 24/7 and 365 days of the year. Maybe your working practices need looked at.

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20 minutes ago, virginton said:

That depends on how many employees are in the total team and how many parents actually need leave. If you have 4 or 5 parents in a team then the number who actually need full-time level leave is most likely going to be 3-3.5 to begin with. The idea that businesses are going to be cracking the whip to insist that people come in to exploit the great business environment of January 2021 instead of having them take unpaid leave in the wake of nationwide school closures is just dystopian nonsense. 

This isn’t about business trying to crack the whip, but even with the best intentions you still have to keep services going.

You also have to be fair to those who don’t have kids, other people may need leave as well, not just the parents and annual leave only goes so far - this could go well beyond January.

As an example, I’m in a team of 6 and 3 of them have kids. Two are single parents and one is married to a key worker so the chances are high they’d all need time off. We’d have normally two off at a time so not only can all those who need holidays for childcare not get off but nor could anyone else. There would be no allowance for sickness absence which would be ridiculous management in the midst of a pandemic. 

 You haven’t thought this through at all, it’s a terrible idea.

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1 minute ago, Futureboy said:

I work in a department of 8. All bar one have kids. We communicate and balance the workload. We are also supporting an industry which works 24/7 and 365 days of the year. Maybe your working practices need looked at.

^^^One big happy family.

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10 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

ETA: didn't process it initially. Are you saying that both parents keeping kids in school is prolonging a pandemic and  the SNP did this because it's a vote winner

The self-interested desire for parents to punt their kids into school pushed the government to making a politically convenient but badly flawed policy choice in the late summer, that has  hindered its overall approach to tackling the pandemic. Whether that short-term appeasement of that group delivers political success in the long run (May) is too soon to tell. 

I expect parents to act in their own self-interest: I expect a competent government tasked with dealing with a public health crisis to smack them down appropriately though for the greater good of society. The SNP as much as Johnson's government conspicuously failed that test which explains where we are right now. The limitations of technology have got nothing to do with it.  

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22 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

This isn’t about business trying to crack the whip, but even with the best intentions you still have to keep services going.

The only services that have to keep going are listed within the government's key industry/worker guidance. Anything else was shut down between March and June and can therefore operate on a reduced service/back to furlough for the period to come. Other businesses have been opening and closing multiple times due to government restrictions since the summer. 


You also have to be fair to those who don’t have kids, other people may need leave as well, not just the parents and annual leave only goes so far - this could go well beyond January.

Actually no you don't - businesses suspend 'normal' annual leave for seasonal peak times all the time. 


As an example, I’m in a team of 6 and 3 of them have kids. Two are single parents and one is married to a key worker so the chances are high they’d all need time off. We’d have normally two off at a time so not only can all those who need holidays for childcare not get off but nor could anyone else. There would be no allowance for sickness absence which would be ridiculous management in the midst of a pandemic. 

You haven’t thought this through at all, it’s a terrible idea.

What's telling about this is that if the SG had gone ahead with its blended learning model then you'd already have been facing this dilemma since August all the way through until now. The problem then is not 'my idea' - which oh btw seems to be coming down the chute going by Johnson's non-committal answer this evening - it is the fact that your team is not fit for purpose when it comes to addressing childcare needs. Either temporary cover is needed to cover this eventuality or you will simply have to run a skeleton service or none at all. The schools were off for three months earlier this year and get a further ten weeks off every so quite why you (collectively) didn't see this problem arising is a mystery. 

Edited by vikingTON
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11 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

You didn't answer my question about your own family members with kids. Has their conduct disappointed you?

No because it's not a period drama so I couldn't give a shit about the 'conduct' of family members with kids either way. 

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One in which a global pandemic shut down the UK for three months in the spring, basic human liberties have been clamped down on across the board, economic activity has collapsed, the government had been paying 80% of employees' wages for nine months on demand, the land border is currently closed between the UK and its biggest trading partner and everyone is now being set up for yet another wave in the New Year.
But apart from all of this, the most significant factor in predicting how 2021's policies will pan out is quite clearly your "ye don't get unpaid leave in January though" hot take. What an complete and utter imbecile you are.
Good luck if you can afford to give up 2 weeks wages immediately after Christmas. Again total Ivory Towers stuff for the huge majority. Your lack of awareness to real life continues to astound.
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8 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Good luck if you can afford to give up 2 weeks wages immediately after Christmas. Again total Ivory Towers stuff for the huge majority. Your lack of awareness to real life continues to astound.

If you've been fortunate enough to be employed over the past year then you will likely be much better off now than at any previous Christmas beforehand. The savings figures for the UK this year speak for themselves. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of people have already been chucked onto the necessity of food banks and £80 a week Universal Credit because of you beloved 'keep schools open, burn the rest down' policy so forgive me if I don't feel too much concern that full-time wage earners might have a dodgy month instead. 

Edited by vikingTON
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If you've been fortunate enough to be employed over the past year then you will likely be much better off now than at any previous Christmas beforehand. The savings figures for the UK this year speak for themselves. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of people have already been chucked onto the necessity of food banks and £80 a week Universal Credit so forgive me if I don't feel too much concern that full-time wage earners might have a dodgy month instead. 

So, have you lost your job, and are now on £80 a week UC?

If so, I will back the f*** away and apologise for winding you up. I know this has been hard on a lot of us, some more than others.
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