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Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? Why the need to try to characterise people who don't adopt the same stance as yours in such stark terms? It was 'second wavers' previously (you were wrong about that incidentally just as you were completely wrong about the public health crisis being over) now people who don't follow your chosen narrative are 'cult members'. 
I don't know if right now we in Scotland are falling behind on the vaccine roll out or simply adopting a different approach to elsewhere. I do know that I'm down for my vaccine next week well ahead of when I was anticipating getting it. Don't know what that says about the roll out. Maybe nothing but until targets are being missed with no credible explanation then I'm keeping an open mind. 
I have to agree with this.

It's the actual targets that matter not day-to-day comparisons.

If they don't reach their 1 February target then it's fair game to question the reasons why.
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18 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

Once the vaccine is bedded in, the only reason you should test positive for Covid is because you are ill enough to be in hospital, or at least require medical assistance. Like we do with flu.

Post vaccine roll out we cannot continue to test, trace and isolate everyone with symptoms mild enough to be still out galavanting.

By all means stay home and off work if you are ill. But there will be no routine testing like there is now.

I'm not so sure. I was doing some work at one of the drive through test centres and its lease was until June or July but they're seemingly extending it to the end of 2021

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11 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I have to agree with this.

It's the actual targets that matter not day-to-day comparisons.

If they don't reach their 1 February target then it's fair game to question the reasons why.

Of 1m?

Or the revised 560k?

Given we will have over 1m doses available by then, why should we not be asking why we couldn't achieve close to the original 1m?

I don't understand the willingness to accept poor performance simply because the SG couldn't be arsed planning accordingly to do more.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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30 minutes ago, John MacLean said:

It was 'second wavers' previously (you were wrong about that incidentally

"Second wavers" was in reference to the Sturgeon Tears™️ types who proclaimed in May that all we had to do was "wait two weeks" because some people did a conga, went to the beach, or had the audacity to go to the pub.

They were spectacularly wrong. 

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There was a "fact check" in the national today about the vaccine stuff. Only skimmed it really, because it is the national after all, and they're hardly going to come out and say Ruth was right, but there are some figures in it I hadn't seen before so I'll post it if anyone hasn't seen it:


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13 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I have to agree with this.

It's the actual targets that matter not day-to-day comparisons.

If they don't reach their 1 February target then it's fair game to question the reasons why.

To an extent yes, but it is worrying that the numbers aren't even seeing a gradual increase over the course of the last week. There does appear to be issues with not enough vaccines getting to GP's to allow them to get on with doing all the over-80's as quickly as possible. Not sure what the problem is, there weren't huge quantities of the Oxford/AZ vaccine last week, but there should have been ample supplies for this week, but the numbers aren't showing that yet. Hopefully next week, otherwise they've no chance of meeting their target for the over-80's. There should be a good number done this weekend at the NHS Louisa Jordan, but need to see as high as possible numbers done via GP's next week.

The actual date given for the first groups was Feb 5th. Mid-Feb for over 70's.


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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
2 hours ago, Elixir said:
Pish. Freeman must walk.

Are you hiding here because Hearts lost again?

Mate, Hearts could get pumped rotten in every single game from now until the end of time if it meant getting our lives back.

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Of 1m?
Or the revised 560k?
Given we will have over 1m doses available by then, why should we not be asking why we couldn't achieve close to the original 1m?
I don't understand the willingness to accept poor performance simply because the SG couldn't be arsed planning accordingly to do more.
1 million was not a target but a capacity IF vaccine levels promised by UKGOV were delivered.

Given that they then backtracked from a promised 10 million doses from Pfizer to 2 million (the amount that they contracted by that point) I think its only right that the actual figure to be delivered had to be revised.

If they don't deliver the 560k figure - this is a target and not a capacity - then clearly questions should be asked - not just of the Scottish Government's role but if there are any issues at a UK level.
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7 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

If they don't deliver the 560k figure - this is a target and not a capacity - then clearly questions should be asked - not just of the Scottish Government's role but if there are any issues at a UK level.

It's pish like this that result in people getting called out.  Are you suggesting for one minute that the problem lies outside of Scotland?  How come Wales and Ireland are managing to vaccinate more than Scotland?

There is absolutely no evidence that this is anything other than our own incompetence.

Edited by strichener
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2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

It's amazing. Even when confronted with black and white facts, cult members just cannot bring themselves to acknowlege SG failings.

Beyond the setting up and logistics of storing the vaccines what is the SGs role? NHS are jabbing folk and the UK are procuring the supply. If the ground work is there then Freeman has done her job I think the issue now lies with the different NHS boards are seem to be doing their own thing. Fife seem to be well organised which is good to see after their poor handling of the flu vaccine roll out. I agree Freeman should have the CE of the NHS boards on a short leash she has to take action before the numbers slip any more.

My neighbour had his first on Wednesday he's 83 and was done at the local GP surgery which is said was efficient but the woman jabbing him said they were running low. If it's a problem getting them from Scottish hubs to their destination then that needs sorted ASAP if England are re-prioritising other areas of England, as they have form for, then it will be the end of the union.

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It's pish like this that result in people getting called out.  Are you suggesting for one minute that the problem lies outside of Scotland?  How come Wales and Ireland are managing to vaccinate more than Scotland?
There is absolutely no evidence that this is anything other than our own incompetence.

I am saying that if the deadline is not met it will either be down to the Scottish Government not administering the 560,000 vaccines given or that they haven't been given 560,000 in time. The same would be true for later deadlines.

However, I am somewhat suspicious when I see news stories in England where vaccines allocated for one area have been diverted to another area.

We've seen enough bullshit from Hancock et al to know that they don't always tell the truth - remember when they told us they'd meet their testing target - only to discover that they had included mailed tests that hadn't been returned. Then they told us we would have 10 million Pfizer vaccines by the end of January - only for it to be put down to 2 million.

We then see the Scottish Government being told to pull their vaccine schedule on the spurious pretext of business confidentiality - personally I think that's bullshit - it's everything about vaccine targets not being met if UK government does not deliver those doses.

The cynical in me trusts no-one here. I can't remember who said it here regards this being a political football - but they are right.

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1 minute ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

The cynical in me trusts no-one here.

Except that you've already fallen hook, line and sinker for the SG's 'we meant that we would have jabbed 1 million people but supplies!!!11!!' crock of shit excuse, so that's not actually true though. 

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6 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

England is going for low hanging fruit and vaccinating easy targets for the numbers while not giving a single f**k about deaths.

Scotland is taking care and vaccinating care homes to save lives.

Only total bams think otherwise.

I'll just about buy it for now. But still expect big increases over the next week or so, if that's the truth in the lag.

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Except that you've already fallen hook, line and sinker for the SG's 'we meant that we would have jabbed 1 million people but supplies!!!11!!' crock of shit excuse, so that's not actually true though. 
Out of interest - do you have the actual document that quotes a 1 million target?

I looked and couldn't find it - the only reference to a 1 million was in terms of capacity to deliver - in Freeman's original statement.

I'm no fan of Freeman - I think she is out of her depth - but in this instance I can understand if I don't agree with what was done. Personally I wouldn't have put a capacity figure out based on dogshit vaccine figures from Hancock. It just leaves you a hostage to fortune.

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6 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

England is going for low hanging fruit and vaccinating easy targets for the numbers while not giving a single f**k about deaths.

Scotland is taking care and vaccinating care homes to save lives.

Only total bams think otherwise.

Rather than comparing what we are doing to what England is doing, we should be asking why we cannot be doing what we are doing as well as doing more.

The vaccines are there, so its either a lack of desire, or a lack of planning to ensure an adequate number of vaccinators were in place. Neither is acceptable tbh.

The total bams are those willing to overlook this purely because they like what NS stands for.

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