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4 minutes ago, madwullie said:

What do you think her motive is? 

I don't know. Like I say I find it peculiar.

These jags will end up in Scottish arms so I thought it would be worthy of comment.

There does seem to be an undercurrent of being more 'enthusiastic' about negative stories. But quite why, I haven't an earthly.

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There are people posting on here who are scientifically literate so you are going to encounter perspectives that differ from tabloid level fear porn. Viruses mutate. There were always going to be variants and a need over time to adjust the vaccines to reflect that. The real cause for concern would be something different enough from the Wuhan bat soup patient zero virus type to be referred to as a new strain.
Even then, wasnt the problem with Pfizer and Moderna that mRNA vaccines were experimental up until that point? Arent they themselves a game changer for vaccine development in the future?
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I don't know. Like I say I find it peculiar.
These jags will end up in Scottish arms so I thought it would be worthy of comment.
There does seem to be an undercurrent of being more 'enthusiastic' about negative stories. But quite why, I haven't an earthly.
I presume the fact that these are 3+ months away from being ready to use and not even approved yet would explain why she's not calling a special press conference about it. Vaccines 4 and 5 don't merit quite the same reaction as vaccine 1 or 2.
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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

Even then, wasnt the problem with Pfizer and Moderna that mRNA vaccines were experimental up until that point? Arent they themselves a game changer for vaccine development in the future?

...my understanding is that the new vaccine technology that is making it through the more streamlined emergency approval process is a lot easier to repurpose than traditional approaches would have been. That could have very positive consequences elsewhere in medical terms in the years ahead once the novel delivery system involved has been proven safe.

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I find it peculiar, troubling even, that the announcement of high efficacy in not one, but two vaccines in the last 24 hours, that will 'soon' (using some of Sturgeon's favourite open-ended language myself there) be available to the Scottish public, hasn't been deemed fit for comment by the First Minister. 

Sturgeon must CONDEMN!
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...my understanding is that the new vaccine technology that is making it through the more streamlined emergency approval process is a lot easier to repurpose than traditional approaches would have been. That could have very positive consequences elsewhere in medical terms in the years ahead once the novel delivery system involved has been proven safe.
Yeah, I'm certainly not among the scientifically literate but the stuff I have read about that technology seems to suggest to me that it will be much easier to create a vaccine for a given pathogen using it, and now that these two kicked the door open re them being used in the mainstream, it's going to be common in the future
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Interesting that the Irish government are distancing (no pun intended) themselves from the idea of zero covid, highlighting the impracticality of it when you have land borders and geographic proximity (sea or no sea) to other countries.

Also interesting was the comments there is no guarantee of success and to get even close would be unsustainable. The exact same limitations apply to Scotland, really.

Given that Varadkar is actually a doctor as well as the tanaiste (who I believe did some medical work last year in addition to being taoiseach at the time), I think his comments are well worth listening to.

It supports the sentiment amongst a few of us that zero covid is, on paper, a good way to eliminate the virus in lieu of vaccinations but not a necessary nor sustainable policy now we have said vaccinations. I'm not so sure Sturgeon would come out and make similar comments, but it would be nice to hear her asked in the briefings.

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39 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Are we starting to see herd immunity effects?


Once the numbers on new cases peak and start dipping it's inherently because the virus is no longer finding enough new hosts to keep exponential growth going because herd immunity effects are kicking in.

Lockdown measures suppress R0 so the more you lockdown the easier it will be for the virus to start spreading again when regulations are relaxed in the absence of a vaccine. There was always likely to be a "second wave" once pubs and schools were opened and people were flying to Shagaluf again in other words.

Until healthy under 50s also get vaccinated there will still be plenty of scope for community spread once society normalises but the vast majority of it will be mild or asymptomatic and no cause for alarm. The politicians need to start explaining this and it is worrying that they are not. Zero COVID is a fantasy in Scotland in the short to medium term.

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I find it peculiar, troubling even, that the announcement of high efficacy in not one, but two vaccines in the last 24 hours, that will 'soon' (using some of Sturgeon's favourite open-ended language myself there) be available to the Scottish public, hasn't been deemed fit for comment by the First Minister. 
Possibly because she hasn't appeared at the daily briefing since they were announced. Jeezo man lighten up just a little bit on the doom and gloom stuff.
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Got my letter to book a vaccine appointment, happy to get in early to get a claimed 100% protection against serious disease with the two currently on offer, rather than J&J's which is 86% for the most serious. Think it's 50/50 whether I get Pfizer or AZ, hoping for the former.

Edited by welshbairn
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I have seen a couple of times on SM this morning quotes attributed to Macron along the lines of AZ being next to useless for over 60s and totally useless for over 70s. I am assuming this is "fake news" given the current sensitivity surrounding the whole issue ?
On that basis, if it was true, it would be what I assume is good fortune rather than good judgement, that we absolutely scattergunned the orders meaning little pressure to vaccinate the vulnerable with AZ
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5 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

I have seen a couple of times on SM this morning quotes attributed to Macron along the lines of AZ being next to useless for over 60s and totally useless for over 70s. I am assuming this is "fake news" given the current sensitivity surrounding the whole issue ?

Yeah, when pressed he had nothing to back his assertion.

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It’s just a grievance looking for a home

I appreciate there are a few folk posting in here genuinely struggling with the current situation however surely trawling all media formats pulling out every little nugget and then applying a negative spin whether in exists or not is not going to help them one little bit. In a situation like we are in going searching for actual optimistic takes (I assume that's the point) is going to leave you wading through tons of negative stuff to find those nuggets. I personally can't see how that helps anyone struggling mentally with this. I know several people within my family and in my wider friends group who are struggling just like those on here and my over riding advice to them has been try to avoid the news and most definitely don't trawl social media as it's not going to help. You might think looking for positives is positive but you need to sift through a ton of negativity to find the odd genuinely positive piece of news. And having done all that you then need to weigh up whether the information you are finding is true or not and that applies whether it's good or bad news !
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33 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
1 hour ago, Steven W said:
I find it peculiar, troubling even, that the announcement of high efficacy in not one, but two vaccines in the last 24 hours, that will 'soon' (using some of Sturgeon's favourite open-ended language myself there) be available to the Scottish public, hasn't been deemed fit for comment by the First Minister. 

Possibly because she hasn't appeared at the daily briefing since they were announced. Jeezo man lighten up just a little bit on the doom and gloom stuff.

She has Twitter, and tweets fairly frequently.

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