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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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7 minutes ago, virginton said:

You were giving it the exact same shite back in April 2020 and yet in July I was on the beer in Poland. No treatments available, no vaccines, straight out of lockdown. While chumps like yourself foolishly predicted that international travel would be a goner all year long and were proved spectacularly wrong.

Here's gunning for 2/2!


My three-and-a-half weeks in Poland last summer kept my faith going that not everyone in the world is a shitebag wanting to Spud their bed sheets forevermore. pond.png

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

... but it's obviously possible that a newer vaccine resistant variant being introduced in the autumn could lead to a third wave of mortality. 

Lots of things are possible. That doesn't mean public policy has to be driven by every worst case scenario somebody can dream up.

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12 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The Tory government will decide who travels where and given that former health secretary, current chairman of the health select committee and probable lizard Jeremy Hunt today asked the Vaccine minister about a worse case scenario variant it is obviously on the government's agenda.

What else, exactly, would you expect the vaccine minister to answer to that question btw?

The worst case scenario for Rangers right now, for example, is that they lose their next 6 league games whilst Celtic win their next 7. Doesn't mean it's likely, though.

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5 minutes ago, madwullie said:

I said coronavirus isn't particularly seasonal. It has a seasonal aspect to it, but given south Africa and Brazil are bawdeep in a second wave now, and for eg Mexico City peaked in May 20, avg daily temp 27 degrees, there's obvs more to it than that. 

I've read people who know more what they're talking about than me say that seasonality is a secondary or even tertiary factor in transmission. (in fact here's the thread where he says that, which is where I got one of the images below


Yellow is summer in the second image, purple arrow is summer in the third (ie no incidence of influenza in that region). I can provide links to more zoomed in versions if you like. 




Poorer countries in the tropics with largely unmitigated epidemics are not comparable with what has been observed across the northern hemisphere. Yes, in an epidemic where there is an entire population with no prior immunity, it will impact on seasonality, but there is no denying it exists, as it does for all other human coronaviruses.


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And going from what is happening in India there could also be a variant that causes less serious illness and transmits a bit less. 
Its in the virus interest not to become more deadly. 

You’re attributing a brain to a virus here.
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29 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Are you seriously suggesting it should be government policy that we stop vaccinations and proceed at the same pace as countries like Australia who aren’t even starting vaccinations this year?  Genuinely just hand over all our vaccines to South America, Africa etc and we’ll sit indoors with a further tanking economy, rising unemployment and mental health issues.

you’re unhinged.

Aye. Global pandemic, global solution. It will be great to get back to normal. But the poorest countries will suffer the most for it. This was in response to not being selfish to the people of Mexico by not going on holiday. But sharing the vaccine is mental.

Russia and China have given away a fair few.

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19 minutes ago, virginton said:

You're evidently not interested in medical science if you're thick enough to portray three months for a new vaccine as some great disaster for humanity. 

Three months of lockdown is a disaster for me personally. That's the main thing I'm bothered about. 

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8 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

You’re attributing a brain to a virus here.

This. Phrases similar to:

"The virus looks for every opportunity" and

"it will take advantage if we let our guard down" annoy me.

It's not some sort of mastermind.

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10 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Poorer countries in the tropics with largely unmitigated epidemics are not comparable with what has been observed across the northern hemisphere. Yes, in an epidemic where there is an entire population with no prior immunity, it will impact on seasonality, but there is no denying it exists, as it does for all other human coronaviruses.


So yeah, we can't rely on variants arising neatly in winter so need to be good to go with the tweaked vaccines at any time of the year

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5 minutes ago, Detournement said:


Pour one out for Poland!

And despite the cretinous PiS government, they've still managed to behave like adults in comparison to our plague island.

2 minutes ago, madwullie said:

So yeah, we can't rely on variants arising neatly in winter so need to be good to go with the tweaked vaccines at any time of the year

Which, like the flu, will be more likely observed in whichever hemisphere is currently in winter.

Seriously, even the people making the vaccines and updating them acknowledge that this is an issue, but it's not something that can't or won't be handled. Then of course there's the real and likely possibility that eventually SARS-CoV-2 will essentially become another strain of common cold, by which point there would largely be no need for ongoing vaccination.

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5 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

No, but the best comparisons are the countries immediately around them.

Are they the best comparisons, though? Or are people so entrenched in maintaining they are the best (for best read "only") comparisons because the outcome is the one they want?

It also pays no notice to the fact the death rate in 2019 in Sweden was massively under the 5 year average, much more so than Denmark and Finland.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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