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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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14 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Obviously everyone would rather that (right up until a close friend or relative ends up in ICU).

I thought we should do shielding and leave it up people to assess their own risk initially but between people who treated it like the plague, folk who think it's fake and nihilist death wish pensioners it's clearly not possible in the UK to follow that strategy. 

Which is clearly the way rational and pragmatic people live their lives...

9 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Im all for locking down to get a grip on it, but in perspective my wee boy has now lived over a third of his life in lockdown, my wee niece her entire life. I do think we’re at the stage where its still reasonable to be locked down until the vaccines reach the most vulnerable.

We sorted and paid for childcare during the main lockdown to keep the wee man stimulated and learning, but I cant help but think for kids of loads of ages its not just schools and nurseries being shut that will be harmful, the development they get from their wee football clubs, interacting with other kids and going to museums etc that are all closed. But this argument that we need to absolutely shit ourselves forever more incase ‘mutations’ is unacceptable. There needs to come a point where the balance is tipped and its quickly approaching. 

Ever since this started happening in the west I was filled with a feeling of dread over the future long-term implications. Right now, with vaccines on the horizon, it is somewhat more palatable, although this is ultimately dependent on all of our civil liberties returning once the rollout is complete.

I just wish more populations were, or could be, trusted like the Swedes, rather than having to resort to state-sanctioned coercion.

7 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

The archetypal Child of Thatcher.

^^^ weighs about 25 stone

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^^^ weighs about 25 stone

Nope, but to take your point of view, if preventing you from travelling abroad for the next 12 months means that I can get to the pub with my mates 30 seconds quicker, I vote for that.

Every post you’ve made is “me, me me”.
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They're surpassing themselves with the idiotic "clutching at straws" questions today !!
100 year old "left behind", she was "promised" vaccine by "Friday" but isn't getting it until "Sunday".
Dear, oh dear, oh dear................
It's when they use examples that they really get shown up.

They used one last week who it turned out had not registered at her GP since the 1970s - no fucking wonder she didn't receive a jag letter.
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I had assumed that's why there was a 'stockpile' - to ensure a regular roll out of the vaccine over time as opposed to chucking it at folks and running out.
Douglas Ross especially seems to have a bit of difficulty in understanding that there is a need to ensure ongoing supply which is why you keep a reserve.
He was in full deflection mode today regards Freeman's discussions with Hancock over continued vaccine supplies.
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11 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

Nope, but to take your point of view, if preventing you from travelling abroad for the next 12 months means that I can get to the pub with my mates 30 seconds quicker, I vote for that.

Every post you’ve made is “me, me me”.


Every post I've made is aimed at the hope the very fabric of our society isn't irreparably damaged and all our civil liberties are returned once the acute crisis has passed, champ.

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Every post I've made is aimed at the hope the very fabric of our society isn't irreparably damaged and all our civil liberties are returned once the acute crisis has passed, champ.

Every post you’ve made is about you getting your hole again from your Polish burd. Nothing more.
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34 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

My grandad never talked about his wartime experience.

The only bit I've got was from my Mum who told me about him missing his Mum (my great gran) dying and her funeral. He was in Egypt at the time and got a telegram to say his Mum was seriously ill. So, as they did then, he made his own way back, hitching his way back by boat, train and lorry.

He got into Perth at the railway station, ready to get the bus to Blairgowrie, when he met someone he knew from Blair.

They told him his mum had died a week before and he'd missed her funeral - he was heartbroken.

I suppose a lot of that went on during the war.

I would have loved to have questioned my grandpa about his time in the army, 2 wars and volunteering at 15, I'm sure there would have been plenty of interesting stories. 

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11 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

Every post you’ve made is about you getting your hole again from your Polish burd. Nothing more.

Hole on tap since we... live in Edinburgh. N5NGPjW.png

Another swing and a miss.

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16 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
21 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:
This thread has outed the P&B Tories, selfish and self centred.  I’m looking forward to the tears and tantrums come 7th May.

This type of post is again, mission accomplished for the scaremongerers.

It's honestly frightening. I am a life long SNP voter and supporter of Scottish independence, as hundreds of posts from years ago on this very forum will attest to, but it is indisputable that the Scottish Government's handling of this pandemic has been appaling, and the lack of plan for a recovery and return to normality equally so . I used to doubt the claims of cult-like behaviour and mentality that were thrown about before, but this episode really has been an eye opening experience.

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28 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Every post I've made is aimed at the hope the very fabric of our society isn't irreparably damaged and all our civil liberties are returned once the acute crisis has passed, champ.

We've been asked to give up a few things for a few months ffs. 

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