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27 minutes ago, Have some faith in Magic said:

I demand to know who these people are. 

Vaccine passport to go and try on a pair of fucking jeans. 


Its quite absurd but I don't see how it could be any inconvenience to anybody. If I had to carry a wee card or have a QR code or whatever to ensure I could get back to doing things I haven't done in 12 months then I'm more than happy to do it. 

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1 minute ago, latapythelegend said:

Its quite absurd but I don't see how it could be any inconvenience to anybody. If I had to carry a wee card or have a QR code or whatever to ensure I could get back to doing things I haven't done in 12 months then I'm more than happy to do it. 

It would be quite inconvenient if you didn't have a passport. 

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1 minute ago, latapythelegend said:

Its quite absurd but I don't see how it could be any inconvenience to anybody. If I had to carry a wee card or have a QR code or whatever to ensure I could get back to doing things I haven't done in 12 months then I'm more than happy to do it. 

A lot of people object to national ID cards as they think the government are spying on them (or various other bits of hysterical nonsense) by forcing you to carry one.  I can only imagine the reaction to this if it was proposed.

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9 hours ago, Michael W said:

" No vaccine programme is 100% effective". Jesus fucking Christ, man. 

Going to need Thomas Sankara to rise from his grave and hold some Popular Revolutionary Tribunals for anyone making a statement like this.

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A lot of people object to national ID cards as they think the government are spying on them (or various other bits of hysterical nonsense) by forcing you to carry one.  I can only imagine the reaction to this if it was proposed.
It's really about what the government have a right to compel you to do tbh, in the case of vaccine passports, what information about your health you are compelled to prove to be allowed into a cinema or such like, aswell as how associated date is gathered and used.
Many would see it as the thin end of the wedge and I would be inclined to agree, especially given the UK governments shenanigans around test and trace. 
The simple question is, can they be trusted to implement it in a fair end transparent way, only used for its sole stated purpose, and with bulletproof privacy. 
I fail to see how anyone could ever answer yes to that. 

Is it that hard to envisage a situation where covid is gone, but the govt decide that we all must still carry a wee geolocation enabled card or whatever it is. Honestly, I know how that sounds but think about it in context of the last year and the coming g year. Can you not envisage that idea being bled out to the media a few months after implementation?
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1 minute ago, Snafu said:

It's not that funny, it's not when you can read from what people are saying and how they are posting that some are struggling right now and you have to worry about mental health if this situation continues for much longer. This forum, this thread is a good outlet for people to get things off their chests.


Nobody is saying it's funny, are we not allowed to have an alternate opinion on here in case someone else is struggling. 

I appreciate I'm well in the minority but I don't believe in worrying about anything no matter how horrific it might be to my family or myself, just don't see the point as it just makes you feel shit. 


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16 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

BASTURT!  You beat me to it ! 

I can imagine them sitting in their meetings going "ocht bloody football and alcohol I tell ye if we just shut them down and keep them shut  we'd sort this mess of a country right oot! "

when I was 5 years old I fell of my bike and skint both my knees, my hysterical maw wanted there to be "nae mare bike!" until my dad thankfully stepped in and telt her to simmer the f**k doon

It's as though they're a bunch of control freaks who make knee jerk decisions without checking or fully understanding the science around covid and how it spreads and circumstances where it struggles to spread e.g. controlled outdoor activities e.g. football subject to the protocols which they (SFA/SP) agreed with at one time!

NP is more Thatcher than socialist but, at the same time, more wanting to be ruled and subsidised by the EU than the UK. An odd combination.

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This sounds interesting if you can get in to read it...

No paywall for me anyway.
TL;DR A mixture of too slow on research into mRNA pre-covid, focused on old technology, mistakes in trials and possibly getting "distracted" from their core business (i.e. manufacturing drugs and vaccines for other diseases).
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Nobody is saying it's funny, are we not allowed to have an alternate opinion on here in case someone else is struggling. 
I appreciate I'm well in the minority but I don't believe in worrying about anything no matter how horrific it might be to my family or myself, just don't see the point as it just makes you feel shit. 
f**k me
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3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
4 minutes ago, ayrmad said:
Nobody is saying it's funny, are we not allowed to have an alternate opinion on here in case someone else is struggling. 
I appreciate I'm well in the minority but I don't believe in worrying about anything no matter how horrific it might be to my family or myself, just don't see the point as it just makes you feel shit. 

f**k me

Which part do you not like. 

Edited by ayrmad
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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

It's really about what the government have a right to compel you to do tbh, in the case of vaccine passports, what information about your health you are compelled to prove to be allowed into a cinema or such like, aswell as how associated date is gathered and used.

Many would see it as the thin end of the wedge and I would be inclined to agree, especially given the UK governments shenanigans around test and trace. 

The simple question is, can they be trusted to implement it in a fair end transparent way, only used for its sole stated purpose, and with bulletproof privacy. 

I fail to see how anyone could ever answer yes to that. 

Wasn't one of the big objections to the national ID card that the government/police wanted to be able to use it to track locations of suspected/known criminals to aid in apprehension?  While on the face of it that may seem a reasonable thing but there were plenty other areas for scope creep.  It absolutely would not be implemented in a manner you describe above.

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3 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Wasn't one of the big objections to the national ID card that the government/police wanted to be able to use it to track locations of suspected/known criminals to aid in apprehension?  While on the face of it that may seem a reasonable thing but there were plenty other areas for scope creep.  It absolutely would not be implemented in a manner you describe above.

Sorry m8 I thought you were sort of arguing against objections to ID cards. Once upon a time I wouldnt have objected because I would have foolishly bought the "if your doing nothing wrong theres nothing to worry about" line but now, f**k that. 

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So fly via Dublin to Scotland and you avoid the blanket hotel quarantine?
We knew that before yesterday. That guy's story is "odd" to say the least (one for the watching going by his bizarre behaviouron TV interviews last night). He had been "delayed" in Dublin due to a longer than usual immigration check. It looks like a case of those at the airport not knowing the rules as Dublin has the same status as English airports ie the common travel area.
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5 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Nobody is saying it's funny, are we not allowed to have an alternate opinion on here in case someone else is struggling. 

I appreciate I'm well in the minority but I don't believe in worrying about anything no matter how horrific it might be to my family or myself, just don't see the point as it just makes you feel shit. 

You can look forward to the various scenarios here without doing your wellbeing damage.


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9 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Nobody is saying it's funny, are we not allowed to have an alternate opinion on here in case someone else is struggling. 

I appreciate I'm well in the minority but I don't believe in worrying about anything no matter how horrific it might be to my family or myself, just don't see the point as it just makes you feel shit. 


That is quite possibly the most half-witted outlook on life I've ever heard.

Jesus Christ.

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2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Sorry m8 I thought you were sort of arguing against objections to ID cards. Once upon a time I wouldnt have objected because I would have foolishly bought the "if your doing nothing wrong theres nothing to worry about" line but now, f**k that. 

I'm not pro them as I failed to see what they realistically achieved in a positive sense for an ordinary citizen but some of the objections seemed a bit hysterical to me.

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3 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

That is quite possibly the most half-witted outlook on life I've ever heard.

Jesus Christ.

'My wife wants a divorce, I've lost my job and I cant afford my mortgage, ach could be worse.'

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I'm not pro them as I failed to see what they realistically achieved in a positive sense for an ordinary citizen but some of the objections seemed a bit hysterical to me.
The Cambridge Analytica thing kind of let the cat out of the bag in terms of giving real life context to age old and easy to dismiss "THEY WANT TO SPY ON US" conspiracies. Smart phones already do a decent job, but we are talking about being told you HAVE to carry something. Not on IMO.
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3 minutes ago, Snafu said:

As I said this is a good place as any to get stuff of your chest.

I don't think you are in the minority btw, it just seemed like you were having a go at people for expressing their frustrations.


I never had a go, I said hospitality would adapt, which it will if it needs to. 

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