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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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3 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

Tears in my eyes at the thought of an August away game at Montrose ending with me getting advised to leave The Shed at 1:30am after spilling three pints of venom

I'm in tears at the thought of going to an Ayr game. 

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19 minutes ago, Left Back said:

No-one of right mind should be compelled to undergo medical treatment.

Yes they should if them not doing so puts others at risk.

19 minutes ago, Left Back said:

the preservation of life argument doesn’t wash for me.  Women are  allowed to choose to terminate a life with no medical reason at all.

Foetuses aren't humans yet. They have no rights.

19 minutes ago, Left Back said:

How can we say this section of society has the right to absolutely terminate life but this other section isn’t allowed to potentially risk life?

For exactly the same reason we pass laws making it illegal to drive faster than given limits even if you never hit a pedestrian, cyclist or other road user.

19 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Mandatory vaccination is illegal under ECHR.  

That's not an argument against it. That's an argument for violating the ECHR.

19 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Blair's plan involves biometrics and digital IDs. If it's just paper all you have to do is borrow one to go to a gig.

Great, we can incorporate it into people's passports and driving licences. Everyone's a winner.

14 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Sadly not. 

Given that you have done a tour of duty as  electoral cannon fodder and apparently work in Westminster at the service of MPs and their staff it seems like a fair description.

I work for the House of Commons, not for MPs.

Thanks for playing.

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1 minute ago, Ad Lib said:

Yes they should if them not doing so puts others at risk.

Foetuses aren't humans yet. They have no rights.

For exactly the same reason we pass laws making it illegal to drive faster than given limits even if you never hit a pedestrian, cyclist or other road user.

That's not an argument against it. That's an argument for violating the ECHR.

Great, we can incorporate it into people's passports and driving licences. Everyone's a winner.

I work for the House of Commons, not for MPs.

Thanks for playing.

You’re still a fucking idiot.

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22 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

This seems wildly optimistic given the language everyone has been using so far, but would make sense if they are in possession of solid UK data about vaccine efficacy/impact so far.

Absolutely no one gives a f**k about tennis though and we already have golf, so just pop gyms in there please. Or even outdoor group exercise.

"Outdoor group exercise"

Dogging. You mean dogging.

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11 minutes ago, Scosha said:

Was there not something in the news this week that they’d done yet another u-turn and were going with dates? Im hoping they’ve finally been given hard evidence of the vaccines cutting transmission and have realised they can do away with the fear mongering. I’ll wait until Boris’ announcement tomorrow night before getting my hopes up though. 

How can anyone take anything these jokers say seriously. 

Might as well write their roadmap on a bit of bog roll and wipe your arse with it. 

Literally going back on the format of their roadmap - gives a good indication of how conscientiously they'll be sticking to that then

Edited by madwullie
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28 minutes ago, Ad Lib said:

Except as the replies to Balloux point out, his assumptions here (50% overlap and 90% reduction of transmission) aren't necessarily right.

You could, of course, have drawn attention to the rest of his thread, which points out that we won't know for a while yet how long vaccines provide immunity and that we're still learning about how seasonal COVID-19 is.

Funny you omitted those points.

It's almost as though South Africa implemented a stringent lockdown in December and that lockdowns have been imposed in the major population centres in India in recent months. Of course, the proper roll-out of vaccines in South Africa isn't even expected to start until April.

That's a pretty comprehensive tl;dr mewling for 'we can never be too sure.'

Meanwhile, back in the real world, within the next 12 months we are going to be at the stage where SARS-CoV-2 is de-risked to the level of seasonal influenza which will simply require similar levels of active monitoring. Indeed, as Andrew Pollard and many others have stated, the long-term future is it will likely become a fifth common cold strain. So, relatively soon we will get on with living normal lives without your Tony Blair inspired Black Mirror fantasies.

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4 minutes ago, Elixir said:

That's a pretty comprehensive tl;dr mewling for 'we can never be too sure.'

Meanwhile, back in the real world, within the next 12 months we are going to be at the stage where SARS-CoV-2 is de-risked to the level of seasonal influenza which will simply require similar levels of active monitoring. Indeed, as Andrew Pollard and many others have stated, the long-term future is it will likely become a fifth common cold strain. So, relatively soon we will get on with living normal lives without your Tony Blair inspired Black Mirror fantasies.

Don't worry we'll find another way to deny you your precious British liberties.

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26 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

So the way vaccination rates are going the choice of foreign holiday might be Serbia, Israel or Chile.

I might just take Serbia then. Chile is a bit far.

They’ve not had a good GIRUY yet from the Tartan Army so we should probably all head there when possible. 

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