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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

This is, start to finish, an absolute howler of a post. Helen Lovejoy herself would dismiss it as a parody. Sorry m8 but youv had a shocker here.

If we go through the winter without and restrictions I'd be shocked. Everyone wants normality but there's hope and then there's blind faith.

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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
3 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:
Well the only footage I have to judge you on you are standing beside Jim Murphy so it probably doesn’t help you... but yes!

Possibly his suit made him look like a chubber.

I seem to recall there was a wooly pully involved - standard issue for Lie Dems, after all.

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If we go through the winter without and restrictions I'd be shocked. Everyone wants normality but there's hope and then there's blind faith.
Your position is that despite the frankly astonishing or, "spectacular" in the words of the BBC, success of the vaccines, normality is unachievable because it's the tories that have to give us it and the tories are c***s. There is absolutely no logic to the position you are taking. None whatsoever. In what way is the faith blind when we can all see the metrics that will herald a return to normality tumbling one after the other, in some cases faster than the optimistic projections?

I get it. You dont like Tories. I dont like tories either. But this is nothing to do with not liking tories, and your inability to partition it out is making you look silly. You arent the only one of course, but you are the one confidently telling us winter will be lockdowns again and we cant actually have normality until next summer with literally nothing to back these things up except that....... you dont like tories.
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1 hour ago, Gaz said:

Yep. The battered spouse analogy is one I've thought of as well. He's not lying to me this time, he promised!

As I've said, I am absolutely desperate to be proven wrong. I did note that yesterday the Education Secretary talked about all pupils in England returning to school "from" the 8th March, whereas before it had been "on" the 8th March.

If nothing else, this shitshow has led to the evolution of a new form of entertainment - listening to what they say, and then getting past what they want you to hear to what they are actually saying. Johnson's pep talk on Monday is a prime example. The entire country, almost, are ganting for Midsummer, because "Boris says it's going to be over". He absolutely fucking didn't, and you can watch the footage over and see him absolutely not saying it.

There's two groups of people  I am getting really pissed off with here:

1. The Public for (with thanks to previous posters) believing the Tories aren't going to fúck them up the arse again, and

2. The media for somehow getting on the bandwagon and believing it's better for people to hear good news than it is to hear the fucking truth for a change.

Still, at least this latest anticipation is keeping Brexit out of the news. Remember that? The shitstorm that isn't global, wasn't unforeseen and 100% belongs to Johnson's fucking circus troupe. Whether we can go for a pint, watch plays live again, get to the fitba, or have proper sized weddings, life is going to be shite for some time to come. Thanks to "BoJo". Cúnt.

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Winter will be hairy. Even optimistic estimates right now suggest a lot of Covid patients entering hospital, vaccines or not. Plenty will die.

Short of something major changing though, like a vaccine-resistant variant sweeping the country, life will go on as part of the ‘new normal’ - lateral-flow tests, possibly vaccine passports, face coverings, possible distancing from strangers.

The alternative is a repeat of the last year, and waiting for an even better vaccine. It isn’t sustainable. We were told by lockdown-sceptics last April that we should just learn to live with Covid. It’s here and won’t go away. With a vaccinated population and a slew of treatments, we have learned to live with it. We can do nothing else.

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2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Your position is that despite the frankly astonishing or, "spectacular" in the words of the BBC, success of the vaccines, normality is unachievable because it's the tories that have to give us it and the tories are c***s. There is absolutely no logic to the position you are taking. None whatsoever. In what way is the faith blind when we can all see the metrics that will herald a return to normality tumbling one after the other, in some cases faster than the optimistic projections?

I get it. You dont like Tories. I dont like tories either. But this is nothing to do with not liking tories, and your inability to partition it out is making you look silly. You arent the only one of course, but you are the one confidently telling us winter will be lockdowns again and we cant actually have normality until next summer with literally nothing to back these things up except that....... you dont like tories.

Effectiveness of vaccine long term, unproven 

Effectiveness of vaccine without a lockdown, unproven 

Low levels of vaccination

Ability to spread the virus despite being vaccinated

Other countries behind in vaccination meaning we can't visit

Virus changing, some vaccines can cope. As yet unproven to an extent

Return of winter flu

Nhs overstretched, could happen again

All these things are relevant, just my opinion. Also the scientists who are seemingly separate from the tories told us masks weren't needed along with testing and crowds were OK. Forgive me if I'm a bit cautious, I know people are desperate I'm not trolling just being honest.

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Our absences have fallen by 80% whilst WFH. Stats like that our bound to influence thinking around future working practice.

How much of that is because no one would bother phoning the boss to advise of a sickie while WFH? They’d simply lie in bed watching Netflix while technically still logged in to the VPN.
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Effectiveness of vaccine long term, unproven 
Effectiveness of vaccine without a lockdown, unproven 
Low levels of vaccination
Ability to spread the virus despite being vaccinated
Other countries behind in vaccination meaning we can't visit
Virus changing, some vaccines can cope. As yet unproven to an extent
Return of winter flu
Nhs overstretched, could happen again
All these things are relevant, just my opinion. Also the scientists who are seemingly separate from the tories told us masks weren't needed along with testing and crowds were OK. Forgive me if I'm a bit cautious, I know people are desperate I'm not trolling just being honest.
You might think you are just being honest but what you are actually doing is making stuff up and peddling it as fact. It doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things of course, but that's what you are doing
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2 minutes ago, Paco said:

life will go on as part of the ‘new normal’ - lateral-flow tests, possibly vaccine passports, face coverings, possible distancing from strangers.

What you have described here...

2 minutes ago, Paco said:

The alternative is a repeat of the last year.

...is in fact a repeat of the last year?

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5 minutes ago, Donathan said:

How much of that is because no one would bother phoning the boss to advise of a sickie while WFH? They’d simply lie in bed watching Netflix while technically still logged in to the VPN.

You won't get away with that in a well run company which monitors productivity etc via their systems.

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We also have a Prime Minister who insisted in December that schools were safe and allowed them to go back for a whole ONE DAY before deciding that they weren't safe after all and shutting them down.
We're now in a position where apparently they're safe again despite no pupils and barely any staff having received a vaccination.

Schools weren’t unsafe because of any risk to non-vulnerable staff and children.

They were unsafe because they contributed to the overall spread which would inevitably lead to more cases in the elderly and vulnerable.

That is no longer an issue as these people have been immunised.
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5 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
8 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:
Effectiveness of vaccine long term, unproven 
Effectiveness of vaccine without a lockdown, unproven 
Low levels of vaccination
Ability to spread the virus despite being vaccinated
Other countries behind in vaccination meaning we can't visit
Virus changing, some vaccines can cope. As yet unproven to an extent
Return of winter flu
Nhs overstretched, could happen again
All these things are relevant, just my opinion. Also the scientists who are seemingly separate from the tories told us masks weren't needed along with testing and crowds were OK. Forgive me if I'm a bit cautious, I know people are desperate I'm not trolling just being honest.

You might think you are just being honest but what you are actually doing is making stuff up and peddling it as fact. It doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things of course, but that's what you are doing

If there is major restrictions in the winter would you be willing to give £50 to an NHS charity?

I will do it if there isn't.


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Just now, Donathan said:

Do you work for the Chinese government?

I can only speak for myself and my industry, but if I was sat binge watching RuPaul's Drag Race instead of working then it would be very evident, very quickly. I'm guessing in most industries it's very easy to see who is doing what.

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58 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Precisely. And it's been mapped out over a period of months. It's a long way from telling folk they can visit other folks houses. Businesses all over the country and quite rightly taking this and using it to plan, because they need to use something to plan. 

I dont have faith in Boris Johnson, I have faith in the vaccines putting us in a place where any fucking idiot can see that the cost benefit balance of restrictions on daily life has swung to wildly towards cost and away from benefit that only a fucking moron would see the need to keep them. 

Like you, I have faith in the vaccination program (even if my arm is hurting like a bástard two days after jab #1).  I have absolutely no faith in this government to do anything in a measured and defensible fashion. The vaccination success really is a prime example of even a blind squirrel finding the occasional nut. And let's not forget - if this pandemic had hit five years later, that vaccination programme would be in the hands of the same parasites who have spent ten times as much fucking up Track & Trace as the yanks did getting Perseverance to Mars.

As for "only a fúcking moron", Johnson is the man who explained the benefits of cheap whisky to a Sikh gurdwara, and believed that Libyan business would experience a boost "once they clear the bodies off the beaches". His Foreign Secretary was unaware of the importance of the trade route between Dover and Calais. Oh, and my personal favourite- the treasonous witch of a Home secretary who trumpeted her success at reducing vehicle crime (when non-emergency travel was banned), shoplifting (when all the shops were shut) and burglary (when, y'know, everybody was staying at home). Only a fucking moron, indeed.

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