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51 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Vaccines are not about  protecting the individual though. It is about protecting all of us. 

So the risk for and  against an individual being vaccinated should also take into account how many people the unvaccinated could kill.

Absolute;ly correct. A fact (and general sentiment) that bears repeating again and again with the preponderance of self-interest evident with many of the posters on this thread. 

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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1 hour ago, 8MileBU said:

I’m only a couple of months over 40 and got my first dose of Oxford AZ a couple of weeks ago. Should I be feart o’ the reaper?

Could you leave me your green dots please? 

Edited by Glen Sannox
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13 minutes ago, Distant Doonhamer said:


Be interesting to know the age ranges of the current hospital patients and if they are largely of an unvaccinated demographic. 

Hopefully you are correct re increased discharges coming up.

Obviously this is no bearing on everyone else or anything other than 1 of 192 but a relative of my partners is currently in hospital, elderly and on the shielding list and bizarrely has had covid twice, the first time completely symptomless but the second time hospitalised despite having already had a first vaccine dose a while ago.

More stable now and likely to get out soon which is great news but I’m honestly incredibly confused about how it all unfolded tbh.

I suppose the way we should look at it is that the vaccine saved his life.

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23 hours ago, superbigal said:


Daily Cases Update:  Another terrific 24 hours with a near 4% drop in infections and infectivity down to 2.1%.   Lanarkshire the days winners. 

Sauchie, Tullibody & Glenochil  in Clachs have more cases combined than Aberdeen City. My work colleague from Dollar does describe them as a strange breed.

Wales and Northern Ireland now have only 1,659 infections in total. Slovakia and Italy surge past the UK in deaths per million population as the UK drops to 11th place in Europe.

Scotland peaked at 301.9 for figures 29th Dec to 4th Jan, (UK was 642.1)    Cases that day were 16,496 and test positivity rate was 11.9%  

Total Cases 7 days from 29th March to 4th April  were  2680 now 2575 down 3.92%. Positivity was 2.2% now 2.1%.   Cases per 100k were 49.1 now 47.1

Home Nations Daily update:  UK Average 44.0 to 41.4 down 6.5%, England  43.9 to 41.0,  Wales  28.7 to 25.5, Northern Ireland 49.4 to 45.1

NHS Progress  Forth Valley 95.9 to 86.4, Lanarkshire  70.0 to 64.1, Greater Glasgow  62.9 to 62.3, Fife 50.3  the rest all under Scottish average.

European (Above 2 Million Population) Shockers: Serbia  515, Hungary 499, Poland 470, France 415, 

Council progress in last 24 Hours as follows.

Click cases by neighbourhood to see the spread on the geographical map. 

Area that even the rat catchers avoid club

Clackmannanshire  240.6 to 211.5  Hopefully the residents of Sauchie, Tullibody North & Glenochil have stopped partying 

Under 100 Club could do better club

Renfrewshire 94.9 to 88.2  Down another 7% excellent

West Lothian 89.6 to 86.8   

North Lanarkshire  89.1 to 82.0  Brilliant 8% drop

Glasgow City   72.8 to 73.8 Hopefully good work not stalled

Falkirk   70.2 to 61.5  Another great 12% drop

East Ayrshire  68.0 to 65.6  

Stirling  60.5 to 60.5 

Fife  47.7 to 50.3  Really disappointing the mutants in Methil 

Midlothian  47.6 to 49.8

Under Scottish Average club 47.1

Dundee City 48.2 to 46.9 

South Lanarkshire 49.6 to 44.9  Joins the under average club down near 10%

Angus 42.2 to 41.3 

Perth & Kinross  38.8 to 36.9

East Lothian 37.4 to 36.4

East Dunbartonshire   34.1 to 35.0 

North Ayrshire  43.0 to 34.9  Down close to 20%

West Dunbartonshire  37.1 to 33.7 

East Renfrewshire   31.4 to 33.5 

City Of Edinburgh  34.1 to 31.6   

Moray 34.4 to 30.3  

Havana & Malt Whisky club Sub 30.0

Aberdeen City  30.2 to 29.7

Aberdeenshire   26.8 to 27.6

Highlands   18.2 to 19.5

South Ayrshire  17.8 to 16.0

Inverclyde  15.4 to 14.1

Argyll & Bute  9.3 to 8.2

Shetland Islands  4.4 to 4.4

Scottish  Borders  3.5 to 3.5   4 people with covid !!!

Dumfries & Galloway 1.3 to 1.3  2 people with covid !!!

Western Isles   0.0 to 0.0

Orkney Island  0.0 to 0.0  

Edited by superbigal
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48 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

That is exactly what I was saying. The surgeon/doctor/nurse thing is nothing more than a distraction

WRK seems more interested in blowing his fuse than engaging properly on the issue so I'll leave it there.

^^^ realises he's made an arse of it post.

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56 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Vaccines are not about  protecting the individual though. It is about protecting all of us. 

So the risk for and  against an individual being vaccinated should also take into account how many people the unvaccinated could kill.

Relatively very few.  the cohorts that make up 99% of deaths will have all been done (regardless of age as the vulnerable younger people have already been completed).  The vaccines claim 100% efficacy against hospitalisation so you would have to deduce that's 100% against death as well.  This leaves a very small percentage vulnerable.  I'd suspect probably more than the potential number of deaths due to blood clots though so the lesser of two evils is probably to bash on with the vaccines.

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29 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Nobody needs to be thanking anyone TBH.

What is missing is a bit of mutual respect for the different challenges all ages groups have had to endure over the last year.

Careers have been ruined, lives have been lost, social lives have been destroyed, businesses have been lost, people have lost their houses, marriages have ended, relationships have broken down, mental health has been decimated, exams have been cancelled resulting in places lost at unversity, university life has essentially stopped. This last year has been a total shitshow and all age groups have been affected in different ways.

Those twitter responses are why I don't use the tool. Old people having a go at the young, young people having a go at the old. It seems that absolutely nothing has changed.

There's a first time for everything - I wholeheartedly agree with this.

No-one on here has had an identical experience over the last year, and we've all dealt with the challenges thrown at us in different ways. There's been days when I've been jealous of those furloughed (mostly when the sun was shining, tbf), but if I hadn't been working throughout I'd quite possibly have suffered psychologically. Two weeks of isolation when I had the virus had meclimbing the walls, so god knows how I would have coped with a year of it. I doubt if my marriage would have come through unscathed, for instance - Mrs WRK and I have rubbed along nicely (insert KW gif here) for over thirty years, but for most of those we could spend time apart doing stuff the other wasn't interested in. 

Overall, I have to be honest and say that, outside of Mrs WRK havin to suspend operations with her cleaning business fo a bit andgigs being cancelled, we've gone along much as normal. No holidays, mind, but that's been the case in years where we've wanted a new kitchen/bathroom/conservatory anayway. 

Oh, and twitter is for those too unstable to get along with Facebook. That's twice I've agreed with you, so I'd better go for a lie down. 

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26 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Oaksoft has responded and I wasn’t misunderstanding, his point is that the wearing of masks (of any type) by the general public does little to minimise the spread of Covid. I am in agreement with that, but if I’ve understood correctly you think the opposite based on the above.

Apology retracted!

Fair do's, poke yer apology!;)

With a decent buy-in, FRSM wearing in public would have had a positive effect. We've not seen that, so it comes down to opinions, where we obviously differ. That happens..

I maintain, however, that full compliance with such a policy would not have had a negative effect. There have been times in the last year when that would have been seen as a win. 

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6 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

You did notice the comparison drawn between general use and high-risk environment, yeah?

It doesn't matter what the environment is, the characteristics of the product don't change.   FRSMs are not going to prevent the spread of Covid nor do the manufacturers make such baseless claims.  So your post "Popping out to Asda or the Garden Centre? Wear a FRSM in order to ensure that you don't spread the virus." is just shite.

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2 hours ago, Michael W said:

Glad to see the oldies are grateful for us burning our economy and ruining the lives of millions of people to ensure that that they don't die.

Tbf it was going to happen anyway.

It's now happening to us rather than our kids. Enjoy it, soon you'll be able to watch as bits of the world become uninhabitable and we go back to a "migrant" crisis.

Might even get a wee war to kick things off big style. The world is going to shit and this is just the warm up act.

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3 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Yep. Exactly. And those large droplets account for very little of the airborne covid particles.

There's academic papers out there which explain this if WRK could calm himself down a bit, stop reading his Health and Safety User Manual as though it was the bible and have a wee look himself.

Ah, the joys of academia. I work in the real world, where dreaming spires are rare. 

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Just now, Rugster said:

Benefits of AZ outweigh risks says EMA. Blood clot is possible side effect. 

Yeah, clots in patients with low platelets should be listed in very rare side effects. Hardly seems s how stopper to my untrained eye

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Just now, Rugster said:

Benefits of AZ outweigh risks says EMA. Blood clot is possible side effect. 

EMA open up with a big thumbs up.  Go on to say list them as side effects.  doesn't sound like they're pulling it.  Doubt the MHRA will either.


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Just now, Rugster said:


If this is just putting the big guns in the room to present the data and kill the speculation, perhaps lessons will have been learned in doing this approach in future, rather than letting folk chat shit unchecked for weeks on end...........

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