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Two of the minor league baseball teams I like went back to full crowds, complete sell outs, 12,000 in the ballpark, absolutely rammed and vaccine rates similar to our own in the states they are located. 
The government are genuinely now ruining people’s lives over nothing. Feel sorry for every pub that re-stocked, cinema that brought staff back from furlough and person who’d followed every rule and done everything that was asked of them and got shafted. 

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11 hours ago, Snafu said:

Here we go,

how to hug by Jason Leitch

“We have decided, with advice, that on Monday the rest of the country is safe to move to the next stage.

Prof Leitch said it “may well be” the case that Glasgow stays in level three for longer than a week


Point 1 by Leitch - sorry you do not decide you are here to advise

Point 2 that is a certainty and will be followed by the rest of the country if there are any more cases.

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I see Union Berlin are hopeful of being allowed to have fans in the ground on Saturday, not sure how many.

The position of the SG on spectators at outdoor events is bizarre, and fast becoming an outlier. 

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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

I see Union Berlin are hopeful of being allowed to have fans in the ground on Saturday, not sure how many.

The position of the SG on spectators at outdoor events is bizarre, and fast becoming an outlier. 

Who are the Nazis now, eh?

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14 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

I wonder for how long the SG will drag their heels on the Euro’s Glasgow Green fanzone. Probably find out the week before 50 can attend, no alcohol allowed. Everyone sat at individual tables. 

25 can attend. 

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26 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

I wonder for how long the SG will drag their heels on the Euro’s Glasgow Green fanzone. Probably find out the week before 50 can attend, no alcohol allowed. Everyone sat at individual tables. 


12 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

25 can attend. 

We joke but you know it'll be another boot in the baws for the big, bad football fans who just can't behave themselves. 

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15 hours ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

The thing with this blue envelope pish is that it provides a link to a perfectly functional website where you can change your appointment online, not sure why they couldn't have just skipped the envelope bit and just told folk to do it online, most likely would have meant more doses in arms instead of fridges and saved a few quid as well.

The online system isn't great. Took me 5 days of constant checking to even find an appointment for me.

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You just know that the events on Saturday will be used to batter football fans as well, even though they took place outside of a stadium and were not organised in conjunction with the police or Local Authority with various control measures put in place.


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12 minutes ago, Michael W said:

You just know that the events on Saturday will be used to batter football fans as well, even though they took place outside of a stadium and were not organised in conjunction with the police or Local Authority with various control measures put in place.


100% agree. Now I am not saying the Rangers fans were well behaved, and in a normal year we'd have the folk on radio call ins and the like complaining about the language, fighting, urinating and so on. But now the moral high horse is even higher because Glasgow is still in level 3 and these people have caused it. Like a superspreader event even though it really wasn't. 

Radio Scotland this morning was full of calls like that. 

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15 hours ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

The thing with this blue envelope pish is that it provides a link to a perfectly functional website where you can change your appointment online, not sure why they couldn't have just skipped the envelope bit and just told folk to do it online, most likely would have meant more doses in arms instead of fridges and saved a few quid as well.

I read recently that the ONS have reported vaccine hesitancy as fairly similar across the whole of the UK, but it appears take-up is generally higher in Scotland than elsewhere (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-56858763). Maybe this means the blue envelope pish is working better, or is it just a coincidence? 


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7 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

100% agree. Now I am not saying the Rangers fans were well behaved, and in a normal year we'd have the folk on radio call ins and the like complaining about the language, fighting, urinating and so on. But now the moral high horse is even higher because Glasgow is still in level 3 and these people have caused it. Like a superspreader event even though it really wasn't. 

Radio Scotland this morning was full of calls like that. 

Football fans often over estimate how important the game is to the wider population.  The average person doesn’t give a shit and certainly doesn’t care about going to games etc.

I do think people clamouring for Rangers to be fined over it all are jumping the gun and bringing in something like strict liability would end up causing significant problems. Perhaps it could be worked out but I’m sceptical about it.

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9 minutes ago, s_dog said:

I read recently that the ONS have reported vaccine hesitancy as fairly similar across the whole of the UK, but it appears take-up is generally higher in Scotland than elsewhere (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-56858763). Maybe this means the blue envelope pish is working better, or is it just a coincidence? 

If you're a simpering moron, sure. 

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The early indications are definitely in favour of vaccines doing a good job with the Indian variant.

This was from an article over a week ago, so it may not look as good, but this is in a care home, and it was apparently only a week after their second dose (so not enough time for vaccine to its work fully).

"In London clusters of this mutation have been located in care homes. One care home in particular saw 15 cases of the variant, despite residents having their second dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine in the week prior. Four of the cases were hospitalised with non-severe illness, and there were no deaths."

And today, although there is no age details of the vaccinated people, this is promising too.

"18 people in hospital with Covid in Bolton.  13 unvaccinated, and of the 5 vaccinated, only one had both doses, the other 4 just one dose."

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